Why I Can't Stand Salons! (rant)


Active Member
After 5 years of taking care of my own hair, I decided to go to a dominican salon and HATED it!

I went into this salon with 1 1/2 inches new growth and hair pass my brastrap. After asking for a "trim" I walked out with a layered cut, with only the bottom layer reaching the top of my brastrap. :mad: Keep in mind my hair was stretched to its limit, so I know once I wash it again it will probably be a little bit pass armpit level. I'm so not looking forward to seeing that! I've been having a pretty good week and was trying to prepare for a good weekend but this has put me in the slumps. I can't do anything with my hair besides wrap it till I wash it and it looks so flat. It's like my hair went from a 4a to 1b in 2 hours. My hair isn't even that bone straight when I relax it. I just got home tied a scarf over this "stuff" and I'm sitting here feeling ready to :cry2:
Aw man , even in a ponytail this mess depresses me it feels so thin.:mad: OK, I'm off to do some damage control, I can't take this anymore!
I don't want to sound harsh, but after all the reviews on here about Dominican salons, did you not know what they do? Are you upset about the trim or how/the way your hair is so straight? That's why most women rave about blowouts because they can get the same results of relaxers without the chemicals.

ETA: I am very sorry for your disappointment though- it can be pretty thin. Maybe you can ask them to just blowout the roots and not the whole hair strand. Seems like you've been doing a pretty good job after all these years, though. Keep up the good work.
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I know how you feel, I went to get my ends dusted today and I told the stylist to turn me toward the mirror so I could see what she was doing. She acted like she had an attitude and I gave her my "raised eyebrows" look meaning, I will beat a ***** down about my hair. After that, we got along just fine and she slightly dusted my hair. Girl you have to let them know you aren't playing about your hair or they will take advantage of you and give you any ole thing. Some stylist are just jealous that your hair may look better than theirs and cut it just to be vendictive. The industry is so cut throat now a days, I can't hardly stand it.:mad:
blueabyss333 said:
I don't want to sound harsh, but after all the reviews on here about Dominican salons, did you not know what they do? Are you upset about the trim or how/the way your hair is so straight? That's why most women rave about blowouts because they can get the same results of relaxers without the chemicals.

ETA: I am very sorry for your disappointment though- it can be pretty thin. Maybe you can ask them to just blowout the roots and not the whole hair strand. Seems like you've been doing a pretty good job after all these years, though. Keep up the good work.

My main issue is with the cut. If you ask for a trim that's what it should be a trim of the length that you suggested. If I walked out with a layered "cut" than that is not a trim. If I'm mistaken someone please correct me. I haven't been to a salon in a while but all the ones I used to go to knew the difference. In terms of my hair texture I guess I really got what I asked for but I'm not too concerned with that because I know it'll be back to normal after a wash. However, I disagree with you in that I have seen some people leave the salon with some body in their hair!
I know how you feel. When I was a senior in high school (2001) I went to the salon (one that was my fav at the time) to get a trim. My hair was midback about Macherie's length. I asked for a trim and when she was done my hair was APL. Whenever I go to the salon I act like I don't speak english and only speak spanish so they can't talk about me like they tend to do to others when they come in sometimes. I ended up going off on the lady and telling her she was the worst stylist I'd ever seen in my life. When I left the salon all I wanted to do was cry. Turns out a couple of months later the salon ended up going out of business...good riddance! To top it off when I went to school the next day a girl that I knew looked at my hair and said "did you do that on purpose?" I got so discouraged after that I rarely wore my hair down again and it never seemed to grow back until 2004 when I started having faith in my hair again. Mind you that was the last time scissors ever touched my hair...I guess I'm traumatized:ohwell: But I will get that much needed trim December 29, after 5 yrs:)
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MissFallon said:
I know how you feel. When I was a senior in high school I went to the salon (one that was my fav at the time) to get a trim. My hair was midback about Macherie's length. I asked for a trim and when she was done my hair was APL. I wanted to cry. And to top it off when I went to school the next day a girl that I knew looked at my hair and said "did you do that on purpose?" I got so discouraged after that I rarely wore my hair down again and it never seemed to grow back until a whole year and a half later.

Back into a bun I go. :lol:
I am so sorry this happened to you.

I remember having a similar experience. That was the last time I let any Dominican salon "trim" my hair. After all of my years of going to them I found that they only know how to cut layers. I've never once seen them "dust". Well my hair was really healthy and did not even look like it needed to be trimmed in the first place.

Let's just say that people thought that I cut bangs when I got out of the salon. That's how much cutting and layering she did. I could hardly get a decent pony tail...ok I'm having flashbacks.

Girl I understand exactly where you are coming from. Just learn from your mistake and never go to that salon again! Or never let them come near you with scissors. Try another salon and observe how they "trim" hair there and then maybe you will be able to trust someone else.

Browse through the salon review section to see if someone in your area has recommended a salon that does good trims. Good luck girl...and it will grow back even better than before.
I thought fropm previous threads about the dominican, that they are the best ones to go to for a trim, because they don't cut an inch to 2 inches off. I only go to the dominicans for a blowout, am scared for anyone to trim my ends but me. I guess things change.
By the way which dominican salon did you go too?
wish4longlocs said:
I thought fropm previous threads about the dominican, that they are the best ones to go to for a trim, because they don't cut an inch to 2 inches off. I only go to the dominicans for a blowout, am scared for anyone to trim my ends but me. I guess things change.
By the way which dominican salon did you go too?

I generally never got trims, sometimes I would get one like once a year if that when my mother told me to. I wasn't/am not the type to be like "hey, I think I should let a stranger put scissors to my hair today"
I'm sorry that happened to you! I know how angry and hurt you must be, to lose so much length due to a scissor-happy stylist. :(

I only go to the Dominicans..... and on the rare occasions that I do get trims, I make certain to indicate with my fingers just how much I want dusted. There is already a language barrier with most of the stylists there.... so I dont want ANY miscommunication at all. So I stress that I only want the very ends dusted off, and I watch them like a hawk, making them show me what they are about to cut before they do so. I know they probably are clowning me in Spanish after Im gone..... but it gets the job done.

Better luck next time, sis! I hope it grows back really fast!!!
Well I'm pissed becauses I got turned away from the dominican salon today. They refused to rollerset my hair because they said "it has such a tight curl." I guess I'll have to learn to rollerset my own hair =(
Thanx KiniKakes, I hope it grows back soon too. I feel like I have to find new ways to style my hair just because of the new length. It's bit more difficult putting these layers on rollers too. I guess I was really used to my hair length, ends and all. :lol: If, and that's a big IF, I go next time I'll know how to deal with them. Right now, I'm just trying real hard to embrace this new look!

KiniKakes said:
I'm sorry that happened to you! I know how angry and hurt you must be, to lose so much length due to a scissor-happy stylist. :(

I only go to the Dominicans..... and on the rare occasions that I do get trims, I make certain to indicate with my fingers just how much I want dusted. There is already a language barrier with most of the stylists there.... so I dont want ANY miscommunication at all. So I stress that I only want the very ends dusted off, and I watch them like a hawk, making them show me what they are about to cut before they do so. I know they probably are clowning me in Spanish after Im gone..... but it gets the job done.

Better luck next time, sis! I hope it grows back really fast!!!
Sorry that happened. I have never gone to a Dominican salon, but I have been in the chair of a scissor happy stylist. I know how you feel. The only thing we can do it try to live with the style until is grows out. Good luck to you!
caligirl said:
Well I'm pissed becauses I got turned away from the dominican salon today. They refused to rollerset my hair because they said "it has such a tight curl." I guess I'll have to learn to rollerset my own hair =(

This is surprising considering that even after you sit under that dryer they straighten it to almost an inch of its life. I was amazed at how straight they got my roots. It looks straighter or as straight than any relaxer I've ever had! What's funny is I told the beautician to straighten my roots and she told me not to worry because the products they use will take care of it. As far as I'm concered it's all that heat. :ohwell: However, I do believe the products they use really protects the hair from all that heat.
didirose said:
Thanx KiniKakes, I hope it grows back soon too. I feel like I have to find new ways to style my hair just because of the new length. It's bit more difficult putting these layers on rollers too. I guess I was really used to my hair length, ends and all. :lol: If, and that's a big IF, I go next time I'll know how to deal with them. Right now, I'm just trying real hard to embrace this new look!

Aww, dont worry about it girl! :( Just take advantage of this last month of summer and hot weather to protect and moisturize that hair, and grow it back. If you wear buns every day and just forgot about it (except for moisturizing), by the time you wear it down again and get the next touch-up..... it will have probably regained that original length. :)
ladybug71 said:
Sorry that happened. I have never gone to a Dominican salon, but I have been in the chair of a scissor happy stylist. I know how you feel. The only thing we can do it try to live with the style until is grows out. Good luck to you!

I hear ya ladybug and thanx. I'm not really knocking Dominicans salons specifically because I've been to other stylist before and I've had the same problem. This is why I'm choosing not to give the name of the salon or its location. I really just needed to rant because anyone outside of this forum would probably just think I'm crazy. I'm just thankful that I can let off some steam in here.
KiniKakes said:
Aww, dont worry about it girl! :( Just take advantage of this last month of summer and hot weather to protect and moisturize that hair, and grow it back. If you wear buns every day and just forgot about it (except for moisturizing), by the time you wear it down again and get the next touch-up..... it will have probably regained that original length. :)

Kinikakes, you're great! You all are making me feel so much better. After I go to this function this weekend you better believe I'm going write back to my protective styles. My new motto will be:

"Fix and forget it!"
If you do decide to go to another stylist, always get a recommendation from someone who has long hair. Then go to the salon to watch how this potential stylist handles each customer’s hair. If most of the customers have long, healthy hair, then this is the one you want to consider. Talk to these customers and ask questions.

Watch what tools and products the stylist uses . . . how she uses them. Now when it comes to the ends, some ends are badly damaged that just cutting off one inch will not do. I’ve seen damaged ends and sometimes in order to eliminate the damage, the stylist has to cut off two or three inches--but the customer may not see the damage, which is normally the case if the hair is not worn in protective styles, over relaxed, pressed too hard too often, over colored, dry shampoo that strips, braids, weaves, and handled roughly, etc. Most stylist do not like to do long hair, because its more work and they aren’t suppose to charge more, but some do.

To play it safe, you should do your own hair; then you will have peace of mind. That’s what I plan on doing when my stylist retires.
The same thing happened to me, on sat. I went to a Dominican salon for the very first time, and she blew out my hair, and THEN flat ironed it. She got it so straight that its thinner than water.

Im so upset. And embarrassed. Its really soft, but I could have gotten soft hair without it being so damn thin. I prefer body and softness... Im so sad. I just want to wash my hair and get it to go back to normal SO badly. I cried the first night I had it in.

Ill never go back.
I am sorry this happened to you. The first day is always the hardest. It will get better. I do not suggest you go back to that same stylist. She will think what she did is okay and the next time could be worse. I don't think it matters if the salon is Dominican or non-Dominican. I have been hacked at many non-Dominican salons Even if you go to someone who has long hair clients it doesn't matter if you are not firm with the stylist they will be more than happy to get their scissor time in.
I have finally learned my lesson and will do what was suggested on another thread by a stylist: 1) Tell them they will not be getting paid if they do not do what you ask. If they think you need more taken off it doesn't matter b/c it's your hair and your money. 2) Take your hair and show them how much you want taken off 3) stop and ask to see how much they are cutting.
Aww...I'm sorry. :nono: But don't worry, my fine hair finally recovered from 3 bad Dominican blow-outs, so I'm sure yours will recover in time. Plus, your hair can always grow back. Just keep babying it, and it will grow back in no time.

See...that's why I STOPPED going to Dominican salons long time ago! I know not all of them are bad, but I went to like 3 different ones in my area, and all of them did the same thing. It's like...they have this fascination with straight hair or something! They would look at me crazy if I didn't want a blow-out on my roots after I JUST had a rollerset! :confused:

Anytime I got a blow-out my hair looked so fine and thin. Ugh...whispy...fly-away...you name it! So I swore them off 2 years ago. NEVER AGAIN! My fine-hair can't take it. :nono:

But my hair grew back long and thick after not going to them. So...don't worry, it will grow back. :)
Im tryna tell yall man, them dom salons aint for everybody. if you want your hair blowfried with body or rollerset to keep it up between relaxers, thats fine. but DO NOT GET A TRIM and DO NOT GET A RELAXER. yuo can see my journal for the reason why lol.

op-its ok though. just think of it as a minor setback . your hair will get its length back in no time because you dont have split ends now. and layers arent really bad at all, especially when you want to wear curls.you just have to find the look thats best for you