Why hasn't he called me yet?


3rd Big Chop on 7/18/2016
Okay, we went on a "semi-date" last Friday. I thought it turned out great, he didn't even want me to leave his house. So 13 hours later he called to say "Hey u, thanks for not letting me know you got home" I wrote oh, my bad I will next time. Then I texted him asking what are you are you doing, it took him an hour to text me back saying "I'm going to my friend's house to hangout"

Sunday I texted him saying "Hey, I was just thinking about you, whatcha doing?" He said about to go out, then he called me about an hour later saying asking for me to tell the name of the bar that we went to, and how to get there because him and his friends are going there tonight (side eye).

He hasn't called or text me since, and the mess up thing is that we work together, so when I saw him yesterday, he gonna act all too comforable and grab things he wants on my desk, and act like nothing.

What should I do?
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What's with all the texting:look:...red flag.

Along with the 'semi-date' at his house that he didn't want her to leave (I'm assuming because no panties had yet fallen off) - and ya'll work together? :nono:

I think he's looking for a convenient coloring book. Now, if that's all you want, too - it's all good - holla back at him some late night. :lachen:

If you want more - move on to a man willing & interested in offering more. :yep:
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Oh don't be so quick to throw the towel in,learn to have fun don't be so serious/emotional.
I agree with the ladies that are saying move on.......Don't continue to call or text him. You don't want to look desperate. If he really wants you he needs to man up and show some interest. Let him pursue you.......
Along with the 'semi-date' at his house that he didn't want her to leave (I'm assuming because no panties had yet fallen off) - and ya'll work together? :nono:

I think he's looking for some a convenient coloring book. Now, if that's all you want, too - it's all good - holla back at him some late night. :lachen:

If you want more - move on to a man willing & interested in offering more. :yep:

Hmmm..."CONVENIENT COLORING BOOK" :grin: I'm going to have to use that JK.
Since you work with him, I think it will give him power if you behave salty toward him. You are going to have to cut him lose in your heart and mind and then be okay with that so you don't come off bitter. BUT...don't give him the benefit of too much interaction at work either. He sounds like quite a ponk if you ask me. Who has time for that? He couldn't have googled the bar? WTH? I don't like him. I hope you don't either anymore.
That's one of the cons when you date at the work place, and we wouldnt have been chilling at his house either... heck naw
....and you know what else? OP, I'm just using your situation as an example because it's a good example of something that we women have ALL been guilty of in the past and/or currently and that is...we read WAY to much into stuff the guy does. For instance, the evening went great and he didn't want OP to leave...we know this means he wanted OP to stay/spend the night which translates into what?..."COLORING". That's what he wanted...not companionship and to stare into her eyes and drink in her beauty and spend the evening contemplating her spirit, etc.

But the next thing...he texts 12 hours later to say "thanks for calling to tell me you made it safe". HMPF!!!!!!!! OP, I am not mad at you...but his little message, really should have earned him a slap because WHY didn't he CALL YOU BACK that night while he was WAITING UP to be sure you made it home safely? I have gone out with men who would stay on the phone with me until I got home and got in safely....others who would CALL ME if they don't hear from me to be sure I made it. And, this dude is checkin' on you 12 hours later? *********!!!!!! :nono: Y'all we give these fools too much CREDICK! :ohwell::lachen:
he hasnt texted cause its EASIER, when a guy who was seemignly interested in you ceases all communication its cause he is no longer into you/ isnt working out for him and it is easier, cleaner, lazier whatever to just stop communication. Simple as that...men are not as complicated to figure out as some women try to make them
I wouldn't try and contact him anymore. Although he could very well have other things going on. He would have to pursue me! If you want to continue to try and get to know him. Fine. But you can't get to know someone that isn't making themselves available to get to know you. BTW. The whole texting thing...is not ok. Whatever happended to picking up the phone and saying hello?
Ya know what's the weird thing, I thought he was different because at work he plays that shy, quite role. Comes all GQ, and getting his PhD.
Ya know what's the weird thing, I thought he was different because at work he plays that shy, quite role. Comes all GQ, and getting his PhD.

no, this doesn't make him different...there are plenty of Phd playas and shy/quiet types who actually have quite good game. don't be fooled. he's not showing you enough interest to be in your life in that way.
He sounds likes a turd! Don't give him another millisecond of ur time. And just cus u knew him from work doesn't mean u need to be in his crib either!
Time to send him back on the NEXT bus
...To The Left...To The Left.... move on girl and tell him "Don't touch ANYTHING eles on my desk" if he want paper,staple,pencil,etc tell him to get it from someone eles desk and not yours, but tell him in a nice way.

He is probly one of them type of guys that wants you to play phone tag with him and chase him down.:yep: