Why Guys Dump Girls They Dig

I think that, despite what this article infers, if a guy has a good, solid thing that he really cares for, he's going to bypass all his "generic guy tendencies" or battle solidly with them, to keep what he truly desires- you.

It's nice to try and soften the "blow" to our egos, but the truth is, if he doesn't think you're the one, you won't be enough to keep him from acting how he wants.

I'm so glad you said this. I especially don't buy the "too into you" thing. I think that's some bull. :yep:
An ex later gave me reason #5 for the reason he acted in certain ways he did. I ended up breaking up with him though. I can't handle inconsistent behavior. He realized he messed up but it was too late. I was outta there with the quickness!

Girl yes!....Boi bye lol
See, I see the opposite ALL the time. Think about all the stories you hear of, "Oh, John is such a DOG! He was with Betty for eight years and never would marry her, but then when he met Suzie, they married in one year! Poor Betty!"

Yep! This is the type of story I always hear. I know nothing of the other scenario (where the guy ends up with the devoted stand by), except in movies. :lol: