Why Guys Dump Girls They Dig


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Nothing is more upsetting than when a guy you darn well know is into you pulls the plug. One man gets to the bottom of out-of-the-blue breakups.

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Chances are, you've had at least one breakup that left you wondering, "What the heck just happened?" The guy dug you, you dug him, and the whole thing felt destined for a fabulous future — at least the foreseeable one. Then, out of nowhere, he bailed on the relationship.
So what went wrong? The sad truth is, maybe nothing. Here are five completely ridiculous reasons guys kick you to the curb. Warning: For the most part, it ain't pretty.

1. The Timing Is Off
Women get serious when they meet the right man. Men get serious with whomever we happen to be dating when we're finally ready to settle down. That means after every other aspect of our life is in order — whether it's finishing grad school, finally pulling down a good-size paycheck, owning a car outright — or when our friends start dropping like flies (that's guyspeak for getting married).

But if you catch a guy before he hits that magical stage of his life, then he's liable to bolt — like Patrick,* 28, who dumped Bridgett after two years, then got engaged to the next girl he dated after only 10 months. "When I was with Bridgett, all of my friends were single and I was still an intern with nothing going on in my career. So every time she'd bring up our future together, it felt like she was jumping the gun," he says. "I didn't break up with her because she was wrong for me. I ended it because I didn't want to commit to anyone right then. But by the time I met Elizabeth, I was in a settling-down frame of mind."

2. We're Not Finished Playing the Field
Men are natural-born one-uppers. If there's a possibility of upgrading what we already have for something better (that'll make our friends drool), we say, bring it on! So we wind up always wondering if you're really as good as it gets. (I know, scumbag mentality.) "Whenever I meet a new hot chick, I consider what it would be like to date her, even if I have a girlfriend at the time," says Andy, 30. "The grass is always greener. No matter how great his current girl is, a guy doesn't want to feel like he's missing out."

In addition to our opportunistic tendencies, most guys feel compelled to put as many sexual conquests under their belts as possible. "I admit it — I know the exact number of girls I've slept with, no mental calculation required," says Dan, 29. "That's how aware I am of how many notches I have. And I'd never commit until I felt like I'd experienced enough different women."
Every guy's definition of enough is different, so there's a chance he wrote you off just because you didn't come late enough on his own personal hit list. The moral of the story: Until we grow up, mark everything off our sexual checklists or have too many friends convince us that we can't do better than you, the flight risk is real.

3. We're Fixated on the Worst-Case Scenario
From the times you chastise us for leaving a wet towel on the bed to those nights you rip through a pint of fudge ripple without stopping to breathe, we file each incident in a mental folder labeled "Evidence She'll Change for the Worse." We flip through that file whenever we're trying to decide if we want to hang on to the relationship. Blame our married friends who took the plunge before us, but many single guys are hyperaware of what could go wrong down the road.
Even if we're crazy about you now, we panic that you'll pack on the pounds, want sex only once a month and nag us day and night. So we secretly flag certain things we're scared might be a harbinger of bad things to come. "I've seen it happen to too many of my friends," says Elliot, 29. "All they do is complain about how the sex takes a total nosedive after they get serious with a girl. So sometimes, even if the woman I'm dating is a saucy little minx, I freak out and bail."
The first two points are dead on. I was dating a guy and he was not ready to settle down. If a man is not ready to settle down than he will waste your time, if you are ready.
Continuing on :(
{ a longstanding female member of this club}

We're in Like, Not in Love

It's harsh but true. In fact, it's probably the most common reason we bolt. Just because a guy likes you a lot isn't a guarantee that it will evolve into love. And we're surprisingly intuitive when it comes to figuring out a girl's potential on this front. "I stayed with one woman for two years because the sex was great and she never pushed the issue, but I knew the minute I met her that she wasn't The One," says David, 30.

So why do we invest any time in a relationship that we know will ultimately end? Because we're able to live in the moment for a while and chalk it up to a good experience. But once you show that you're way more into us than we are into you, we'll dump you out of guilt. "I dated this girl for about a year, but as soon as she started using the L word, I had to end it," recalls Jay, 29. "It was hard. I cared about her and didn't want to hurt her. But I knew that if I stuck around, she'd have been happier at first but miserable later on. After all, she deserved to be with someone who loved her as much as she loved me."

5. We're Too into You
Just when you thought it was all bad news, here's a hard-to-fess-up admission: Guys are protective of their emotions. Translation: We're scared spitless of being hurt. So, if we start to feel like we're getting into a situation where we'll be destroyed if you dump us, we might launch a preemptive strike and yank the plug first.

For Gary, 27, showing his girlfriend of two years the exit felt like the only choice. "She was the first girl I was serious with, and I didn't like letting someone have that much power over me. I was starting to feel emotionally needy, and that was uncomfortable for me," he recalls. "So I ditched her to save myself!"

Sounds crazy, but cut us some slack. Think about how vulnerable and paranoid you feel when you're nuts about a guy, and realize that we go through the same thing with girls we really like. But our friends aren't as good at helping us get over an ex as yours are, plus being openly heartbroken makes us look like wusses. Nope, it's better to act like a winner before you turn us into a loser, which is when our natural self-preservation may come into play. Before the real humiliation and pain assail us like a plague, ending the relationship seems like a good option.
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#1 is the damn truth!!! With women feelings are everything, with men timing is everything.

Very true. I had a lady tell me if a man wants to marry you than go marry him, don't waste time. When a man is ready to marry, he goes and gets married.
Signs that your man's getting ready to bail:

His cell phone is always off. He might be spending time with someone he doesn't want you to know about ... or he just doesn't want to make himself available.

He's reluctant to make plans. If he hems and haws about committing to anything — even if it's in the semi-near future — he's thinking about making a break for it.

He's meaner. The passive-aggressive breakup is a guy standby. Some men intentionally turn into a-holes to make sure you break up with them.

He's not into sex. He doesn't want to feel connected to you — or he's getting his needs filled somewhere else.
An ex later gave me reason #5 for the reason he acted in certain ways he did. I ended up breaking up with him though. I can't handle inconsistent behavior. He realized he messed up but it was too late. I was outta there with the quickness!
1. The Timing Is Off
Women get serious when they meet the right man. Men get serious with whomever we happen to be dating when we're finally ready to settle down. That means after every other aspect of our life is in order — whether it's finishing grad school, finally pulling down a good-size paycheck, owning a car outright — or when our friends start dropping like flies (that's guyspeak for getting married).

But if you catch a guy before he hits that magical stage of his life, then he's liable to bolt — like Patrick,* 28, who dumped Bridgett after two years, then got engaged to the next girl he dated after only 10 months. "When I was with Bridgett, all of my friends were single and I was still an intern with nothing going on in my career. So every time she'd bring up our future together, it felt like she was jumping the gun," he says. "I didn't break up with her because she was wrong for me. I ended it because I didn't want to commit to anyone right then. But by the time I met Elizabeth, I was in a settling-down frame of mind."

This is true. It's like, they can't do more than one thing at a time. :nono: However, I don't think they necessarily pop the question to whomever they are dating at the time. I think that when they decide to get married, they go looking for that special person.
Good grief! Reading these kinds of threads makes me realize that if anything ever happened between me and my dh, I'd be single for life! I'm too old and set in my ways to put up with any crap these men are dishing out nowadays.
Even if we're crazy about you now, we panic that you'll pack on the pounds, want sex only once a month and nag us day and night. So we secretly flag certain things we're scared might be a harbinger of bad things to come. "I've seen it happen to too many of my friends," says Elliot, 29. "All they do is complain about how the sex takes a total nosedive after they get serious with a girl. So sometimes, even if the woman I'm dating is a saucy little minx, I freak out and bail."

Good grief!!! Thank G-d there is such a thing as a man who follows the precepts laid out by G-d.:nono: I don't want that type of guy...ever!!! I'm not a free-for-all public garden for you to come and sow your little seeds. But if we are allowing them to sex us up...they don't feel any need to commit, not ever. Giving them cake and icecream and getting nothing in return? And what kind of person is that anyway?
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The first two points are dead on. I was dating a guy and he was not ready to settle down. If a man is not ready to settle down than he will waste your time, if you are ready.

BINGO!!! This is SO true! I've read about this many times, and have also witnessed this from other people's relationships! I've seen it happen so many times. A guy can date a girl for 2+ years, but if he's not ready for marriage, he's not ready! Plain and simple! But yet, you'll see him dump the 2+ years girl and go marry the next chick he's only been with for 8 months. It's crazy!

That's why it's best to observe a guy and see if he's in a point in his life where HE feels fulfilled, where HE feels like he could take care of (not only himself but) another person, and where he seems to want more than just the "single life".

I've noticed too that if a guy's guy friends are still single and living the "single life", it's less likely that he will settle down and get married. I'm not saying it's not possible, I"m just saying that guys tend to get married in packs. Once one takes the plunge, the others aren't too far behind. :giggle: But if the majority of his friends are still young and single, and living the "high life", it's less likely he'll want to be the "odd man out" and be strapped down with a wife and kids before his buddies. :ohwell:

Continuing on :(
{ a longstanding female member of this club}

We're in Like, Not in Love

It's harsh but true. In fact, it's probably the most common reason we bolt. Just because a guy likes you a lot isn't a guarantee that it will evolve into love. And we're surprisingly intuitive when it comes to figuring out a girl's potential on this front. "I stayed with one woman for two years because the sex was great and she never pushed the issue, but I knew the minute I met her that she wasn't The One," says David, 30.

I agree with this one whole-heartedly. It really is scary, because guys are actually very high-maintenance when you think about it. They can really REALLY like you, but not want to marry you or take that extra step to a deeper commitment with you. And what they say is really true... A man usually knows when he first meets you whether or not he views you as his future wife. It's so crazy...but I believe it!

Yet, ANOTHER reason to do "The Rules"!! Keep one step (or two!) behind guys. Because if they see that you're TOO into them, and they aren't as into you, then they won't want to hurt you. They will break things off before they hurt you. That's why it's best to act like you're not all that "impressed" with the dude. :rolleyes: Then they don't have anything to worry about.

5. We're Too into You

Now this one I'm not too sure I buy. I can't see a guy dumping a girl just because he's TOO into you. Unless you're doing something that kind of shows him that you're not that into him, I don't see why a guy would dump YOU before you dump him just to beat you into getting dumped.

NOt sure if I buy this one... :nono:

You know, when I read articles like this, and read how complicated men are, it really makes me wonder how anyone ever gets together and ends up married at all!!! :look:

It also just fortifies my resolve to continue doing "The Rules" (in moderation of course ;) ), and it stresses the importance of letting a guy pursue YOU. If he wants you, you'll know. Plain and simple.
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Nothing is more upsetting than when a guy you darn well know is into you pulls the plug. One man gets to the bottom of out-of-the-blue breakups.

More from Cosmopolitan

Chances are, you've had at least one breakup that left you wondering, "What the heck just happened?" The guy dug you, you dug him, and the whole thing felt destined for a fabulous future — at least the foreseeable one. Then, out of nowhere, he bailed on the relationship.
So what went wrong? The sad truth is, maybe nothing. Here are five completely ridiculous reasons guys kick you to the curb. Warning: For the most part, it ain't pretty.

1. The Timing Is Off
Women get serious when they meet the right man. Men get serious with whomever we happen to be dating when we're finally ready to settle down. That means after every other aspect of our life is in order — whether it's finishing grad school, finally pulling down a good-size paycheck, owning a car outright — or when our friends start dropping like flies (that's guyspeak for getting married).

But if you catch a guy before he hits that magical stage of his life, then he's liable to bolt — like Patrick,* 28, who dumped Bridgett after two years, then got engaged to the next girl he dated after only 10 months. "When I was with Bridgett, all of my friends were single and I was still an intern with nothing going on in my career. So every time she'd bring up our future together, it felt like she was jumping the gun," he says. "I didn't break up with her because she was wrong for me. I ended it because I didn't want to commit to anyone right then. But by the time I met Elizabeth, I was in a settling-down frame of mind."

2. We're Not Finished Playing the Field
Men are natural-born one-uppers. If there's a possibility of upgrading what we already have for something better (that'll make our friends drool), we say, bring it on! So we wind up always wondering if you're really as good as it gets. (I know, scumbag mentality.) "Whenever I meet a new hot chick, I consider what it would be like to date her, even if I have a girlfriend at the time," says Andy, 30. "The grass is always greener. No matter how great his current girl is, a guy doesn't want to feel like he's missing out."

In addition to our opportunistic tendencies, most guys feel compelled to put as many sexual conquests under their belts as possible. "I admit it — I know the exact number of girls I've slept with, no mental calculation required," says Dan, 29. "That's how aware I am of how many notches I have. And I'd never commit until I felt like I'd experienced enough different women."
Every guy's definition of enough is different, so there's a chance he wrote you off just because you didn't come late enough on his own personal hit list. The moral of the story: Until we grow up, mark everything off our sexual checklists or have too many friends convince us that we can't do better than you, the flight risk is real.

3. We're Fixated on the Worst-Case Scenario
From the times you chastise us for leaving a wet towel on the bed to those nights you rip through a pint of fudge ripple without stopping to breathe, we file each incident in a mental folder labeled "Evidence She'll Change for the Worse." We flip through that file whenever we're trying to decide if we want to hang on to the relationship. Blame our married friends who took the plunge before us, but many single guys are hyperaware of what could go wrong down the road.
Even if we're crazy about you now, we panic that you'll pack on the pounds, want sex only once a month and nag us day and night. So we secretly flag certain things we're scared might be a harbinger of bad things to come. "I've seen it happen to too many of my friends," says Elliot, 29. "All they do is complain about how the sex takes a total nosedive after they get serious with a girl. So sometimes, even if the woman I'm dating is a saucy little minx, I freak out and bail."
These are my solutions to the "problems" that these ignorant men go through and then try to blame women
1. Men...by now you should know that most women like commitment. They like feeling secure, loved, and protected. They don't appreciate by used for a long period of time. If you are not ready to married or be in a committed relationship a) don't date the commitment type b) tell the women beforehand that you are not looking for marriage. Don't tell her that you guys will be together forever, that you are falling in love with her, sleep with her. Simple solution.
2. Once again if you are not finished "playing the field" stop giving signs that you are ready to settle. Just stay in dating relationships, don't become someone's finance or boyfriend.
3. Instead of just looking at a girl in a grocery store, based on appearance and decide to declare your love for her, instead observe a girl you like for a while ( before she even knows you like her). Take it slowly so that you can see her faults, everything about her. See how she treats other people. Then you can determine the worst case scenario and if you can deal with it.
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Continuing on :(
{ a longstanding female member of this club}

We're in Like, Not in Love

It's harsh but true. In fact, it's probably the most common reason we bolt. Just because a guy likes you a lot isn't a guarantee that it will evolve into love. And we're surprisingly intuitive when it comes to figuring out a girl's potential on this front. "I stayed with one woman for two years because the sex was great and she never pushed the issue, but I knew the minute I met her that she wasn't The One," says David, 30.

So why do we invest any time in a relationship that we know will ultimately end? Because we're able to live in the moment for a while and chalk it up to a good experience. But once you show that you're way more into us than we are into you, we'll dump you out of guilt. "I dated this girl for about a year, but as soon as she started using the L word, I had to end it," recalls Jay, 29. "It was hard. I cared about her and didn't want to hurt her. But I knew that if I stuck around, she'd have been happier at first but miserable later on. After all, she deserved to be with someone who loved her as much as she loved me."

5. We're Too into You
Just when you thought it was all bad news, here's a hard-to-fess-up admission: Guys are protective of their emotions. Translation: We're scared spitless of being hurt. So, if we start to feel like we're getting into a situation where we'll be destroyed if you dump us, we might launch a preemptive strike and yank the plug first.

For Gary, 27, showing his girlfriend of two years the exit felt like the only choice. "She was the first girl I was serious with, and I didn't like letting someone have that much power over me. I was starting to feel emotionally needy, and that was uncomfortable for me," he recalls. "So I ditched her to save myself!"

Sounds crazy, but cut us some slack. Think about how vulnerable and paranoid you feel when you're nuts about a guy, and realize that we go through the same thing with girls we really like. But our friends aren't as good at helping us get over an ex as yours are, plus being openly heartbroken makes us look like wusses. Nope, it's better to act like a winner before you turn us into a loser, which is when our natural self-preservation may come into play. Before the real humiliation and pain assail us like a plague, ending the relationship seems like a good option.
4. Once again, it's not the woman's fault that you are just in like. You came into the relationship knowing you wanted to be with her for all the wrong reasons. Whose fault is this? Yours.
5. You are supposed to love a girl that you can be vulnerable to and trust. If you don't want to love or like her too much that means you are up to no good and want to do wrong things without feeling bad.

I'm sick of people making excuses for men. :rolleyes:
Every single last of these scenarios can be avoided if they stopped being so selfish and just for once thought about the woman's feeling and how hurt we get. I also get irritated when men talk about a woman's baggage....well guess who created that baggage? Just guess.
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You also have to consider if there are any psychological walls they have with timing. Having there car, house, and career doesnt make them ready.

My sister's husband had an aunt that always told him he would be ready when he was 30. That stuck with him. When he turned 30, he panicked. LOL! Him and my sis were seeing each other on and off for 7 years and she was more than frustrated. Well, after his 30th Bday he began to actively pursue my sis and now they are married.

Its good to see when he thinks he'll get married so you have a ballpark number of his mental block.
Thank you LovelyLife :clap:, great posts! I too am sick of men making excuses for themselves. Man up already.
a grain of salt with this article?
I posted this because a lot of times I was clueless and
also I need to cop to my side of the street....
but this is SO helpful to see what I am also attracting and setting my hopes on instead
keeping it real and moving on ..right away...
but I know I am guilty of stalling techniques like the fellas

anyways...the article gives us some indicators between winning time and wasting time... is all
the good guys ARE still out there.......YES THEY ARE!!
hopefully this article helps us narrow down or weed out boys from the men
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Thanks for posting! I like to read things about what men are truly thinking so I can get down to the cold hard facts...no sugar coating. It reinforces my resolve to not waste time with guys who aren't sure what they want or who are gameplayers. As soon as I see a hint of these characteristics I'm outta there!
Thanks for posting! I like to read things about what men are truly thinking so I can get down to the cold hard facts...no sugar coating. It reinforces my resolve to not waste time with guys who aren't sure what they want or who are gameplayers. As soon as I see a hint of these characteristics I'm outta there!

I do too...this feels less like the narrator is trying to get women to behave in a certain as Steve ..forgot his name...the comedian did and then exploit that in a book...

this is more from sharing some male pyschological characteristics that they are also figuring out and are exposing in an effort to bridge communication
that's admirable~

..from a man's perspective...it helps me remember that men have their own mindset that precludes female reasoning and sense...and timing
and some of the characteristics in the article I too, have experience and
ignored....and did the same thing ...again.....as if it had never happened
different player....same circumstance

Lance Armstrong..in an interview revealed why he broke up with Sheryl Crow.
I will see if I can find it..it had everything to do with Characteristic 1
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Lance Armstrong says Sheryl Crow's biological clock is to blame for their break-up three years ago. In Lance, due in July, the cyclist tells author John Wilcockson that two weeks before Sheryl's 44th birthday, their relationship became "kind of a struggle."
"She wanted marriage, she wanted children; and not that I didn't want that, but I didn't want that at that time because I had just gotten out of a marriage, I'd just had kids [Luke, Grace and Bella]," Armstrong, 37, reveals in "Lance," a bio due in July, written by John Wilcockson.

"Yet we're up against her biological clock -- that pressure is what cracked it." Armstrong says it was simply a matter of bad timing. "I felt like I wasn't ready . . . I would have been in the future, but not then."
In May 2007, Crow adopted a 2-week-old boy she named Wyatt Steven Crow.

And Armstrong is ready to be a daddy again.
His girlfriend, Anna Hansen, got pregnant last year and is due to deliver next month.

The Tour de France champ says he and Crow underwent counseling to address their problems but it didn't work. "We were at different points in our lives. We were not compatible on that issue."

Crow went on to adopt a son, Wyatt, in May 2007. And last December, Armstrong announced that he and his girlfriend Anna Hansen are expecting a baby in June.

case in point.....:ohwell:
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That Lance Armstrong story is EXACTLY the reason why I warn women against dating recently divorced men if they want to marry soon.

For whatever reason, many recently divorced men seem to be attracted to me. When I was younger and didn't know better, I'd be receptive to them, only to discover within a few months that they wanted to "go slow," which meant not really go anywhere at all. (Oh, but they wanted sex though... :rolleyes:)

Unlike Sheryl, thank goodness, none of these situations lasted longer than six months. But now, when I meet a guy who says he just got out of his marriage, I automatically rule him out. We simply are in different places... and he might be ready for remarriage down the road, but the woman who "sticks around" is often NOT the one that he ends up marrying.
case in point.....:ohwell:

That is an excellent "case in point" Kayte. Their story was sad too because they both seemed to care so much for each other but broke up and then she was diagnosed with cancer and it was all just awful. She does seem happy now that she adopted that little baby.
That Lance Armstrong story is EXACTLY the reason why I warn women against dating recently divorced men if they want to marry soon.

this is the part I don't get....
and he and Sheryl Crow were ENGAGED...

he wasn't ready to marry..fine.....a recent divorce makes that understandable
but then.....why..... put an engagement ring on her finger? smh
When you are engaged it is to ....not cohabit..or become roomies...
it's engaged to be married

so quite naturally...children often are a part of that equation
he misled her.....it would have been more honest to not have gotten engaged
at least....she would have truth and not consquence
but she must of have thought as I would of ..most women would of...
that diamond ring led validity to serious intent
that's what that ring is for....next to a wedding ring...it signifies the deepest level of commitment
so..that was not honest of him....:(

I actually follow the no recently divorce rule myself..at least not for a serious relationship..I'll date a RD man.... I don't care...it's for a social thing..not courting

but the deepest hurt..I had..... was with a man who had been separated eight years and told me he deliberately did not get divorced so that he could not commit to anyone and his reason for telling me...for outing himself was that now he was ready..we talked about having children together...it was serious..and I truly thought this was the man I was going to marry.... and indeed...he had already filed for divorce and it was just a matter of days before the final decree which came while we were together
and he STILL broke up with me.and as a divorced woman ..you'd think I'd know better
but that was my initiation

.....it took six painful years for me to recover....from that breakup
now it's a no brainer :)
but my point is does not EVEN matter how long they are apart
THAT PIECE OF PAPER detemines it all ....my ex-bf was a wreck..and there was also an ongoing costly contentious custody battle ...it was a MESS....for all of us...

Their story was sad too because they both seemed to care so much for each other but broke up
I find it ironic..that he when he was ready...he could have gone back and said Sheryl baby I'm here...
but ..it was with someone else and now she's due this month....
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That Lance Armstrong story is EXACTLY the reason why I warn women against dating recently divorced men if they want to marry soon.

Exactly! :yep: Yeah it's waaaay too soon. I don't trust recently-divorced men. I'm too young to be dating any guy that would be recently divorced yet, but when I get older I will definitely keep my eye out for those kinds of men and stay away. If the wife died due to health reasons, or a tragic accident, then whatever... That's fine. But if he and the wife are just divorced (especially if they have KIDS together!), then that just automatically spells to me "DRAMA!" :nono:

We simply are in different places... and he might be ready for remarriage down the road, but the woman who "sticks around" is often NOT the one that he ends up marrying.

Now see this is where I'm a bit confused. :confused: Because I have always thought (and guy friends have even told me), that most guys will end up with the girl that was "always there" or "always around" somehow. And if you believe in the idea that guys will ONLY marry once they feel "ready" by THEIR own timeline, then I would automatically assume that the girl who sticks around the longest will probably eventually be the girl that he ends up marrying because (for whatever reason) he is now "ready" to be married. Is that not true??

I mean, I do see what you're saying in that women shouldn't just try to "stick around" just out of some false hope that the guy will "see the light" and marry them, but isn't it true that usually a guy will date a bunch of women and dump them because he's not ready for marriage, but the girl "pal" that was always there and always "around" is the girl he ends up marrying because she's the one that was there when he was "ready". :look: Is this a farse??
Exactly! :yep: Yeah it's waaaay too soon. I don't trust recently-divorced men. I'm too young to be dating any guy that would be recently divorced yet, but when I get older I will definitely keep my eye out for those kinds of men and stay away. If the wife died due to health reasons, or a tragic accident, then whatever... That's fine. But if he and the wife are just divorced (especially if they have KIDS together!), then that just automatically spells to me "DRAMA!" :nono:

You know, I would have thought that I was too young to date a recently divorced guy, but in Florida, a LOT of people married young (say, at age 23), and then maybe got divorced five years later.

So if I was 25 and he was 28, the age gap was a reasonable one. He'd just been married before and my peer group and I were just now starting to consider marriage.

Even here in Michigan, I have a co-worker who married at 23 and just got divorced. He is one year younger than me (he's 30, I'm 31). Everyone wants us to get together and think we'd be soooooooooooooooo cute together... and maybe we would, but ole dude is an emotional wreck. I seem to be the only one who can see it though.

So don't be surprised... there are more "young" recently divorced men than you might think out there!

Now see this is where I'm a bit confused. :confused: Because I have always thought (and guy friends have even told me), that most guys will end up with the girl that was "always there" or "always around" somehow. And if you believe in the idea that guys will ONLY marry once they feel "ready" by THEIR own timeline, then I would automatically assume that the girl who sticks around the longest will probably eventually be the girl that he ends up marrying because (for whatever reason) he is now "ready" to be married. Is that not true??

I mean, I do see what you're saying in that women shouldn't just try to "stick around" just out of some false hope that the guy will "see the light" and marry them, but isn't it true that usually a guy will date a bunch of women and dump them because he's not ready for marriage, but the girl "pal" that was always there and always "around" is the girl he ends up marrying because she's the one that was there when he was "ready". :look: Is this a farse??

See, I see the opposite ALL the time. Think about all the stories you hear of, "Oh, John is such a DOG! He was with Betty for eight years and never would marry her, but then when he met Suzie, they married in one year! Poor Betty!"

IF he does end up coming back to the girl pal, it's usually after she went off and did her own thing for a while, and when he comes back, she just happens to be single and they then go from there.
I think that, despite what this article infers, if a guy has a good, solid thing that he really cares for, he's going to bypass all his "generic guy tendencies" or battle solidly with them, to keep what he truly desires- you.

It's nice to try and soften the "blow" to our egos, but the truth is, if he doesn't think you're the one, you won't be enough to keep him from acting how he wants.
So don't be surprised... there are more "young" recently divorced men than you might think out there!

Yep...that is true! :yep: I guess I better brace myself... :look:

See, I see the opposite ALL the time. Think about all the stories you hear of, "Oh, John is such a DOG! He was with Betty for eight years and never would marry her, but then when he met Suzie, they married in one year! Poor Betty!"

Okay, yea you're right about this one. I DO see that happening a lot. It just makes you wonder... :confused: What the heck?? Either the guy just wasn't ready, or there was something in the other girl that he found too irresistable. I think it also boils down to what the "other girl" will accept and what she won't. For example, a girl who will accept a guy living with her for umpteen years without a ring or serious committment will most likely NOT get the guy to committ. But if the guy knows that the girl "won't play house" with him unless he gives her a committment, then he will more than likely either step up his game, or leave.

IF he does end up coming back to the girl pal, it's usually after she went off and did her own thing for a while, and when he comes back, she just happens to be single and they then go from there.

YES! This is the scenario I was talking about. I wasn't talking about a girl staying in a relationship w/a guy for years with the hope of getting engaged to him "one day". :nono: I meant more along the lines of the girl who was just always "there" as a friend, but doing her own thing. And if they're both single and into each other at the time, then things could progress from there.
It's nice to try and soften the "blow" to our egos, but the truth is, if he doesn't think you're the one, you won't be enough to keep him from acting how he wants.

yeah..well, I think he was softening the blow..alright
for the media..amd book sales....this is out of his forthcoming new book
They were engaged...she wasn't the one and he knew it.....and still put a ring on her finger...
...he led her on
but he does not want to be perceived as a jerk
I've no respect for LA's actions...
and by the way..neither does the media

not to go OT...but also beware of bf's who have
ex-wives w/children...even if they are or HAVE BEEN divorced....if there is an ongoing struggle

my ex had a 11 year old son who he dearly loved.. he was a devoted father
and the ex-wife made life miserable
for all of us....
I've seen it replicated even with divorced men with plenty of divorced tme under their belts

I dated once a well known actress's ex-husband...he was an emmy award winning musical director for a popular soap.. and they'd been divorced....covered widely in the media but over when I came on the scene....

he had two young sons..he'd get ..lol.... a fax from his or her lawyer or some phone call about new litigation would roll on an almost daily basis ...and he'd be a wreck the rest of the evening
...now occasionally we talk and he says he's now ready for commitment
and it could be..it's possible~~
both of these men....their child/ren are now grown ..so that timing factor is real

I just laugh at ex #2......
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This is true. It's like, they can't do more than one thing at a time. :nono: However, I don't think they necessarily pop the question to whomever they are dating at the time. I think that when they decide to get married, they go looking for that special person.

I agree. Then when they meet her, she is meeting friends, parents, coworkers right away. An engagement usually follows sooner rather than later. When a man wants a woman he does not drag his feet.