Why don't stores (sally's) sell black Hennalucent


Well-Known Member
Why don\'t stores (sally\'s) sell black Hennalucent

Anybody know? The company, who makes the stuff, has a black color called Gleaming Ebony. Has anyone tried the black? Is something wrong with it? I know most people say bark brown is dark, but if you're looking for a super dark black, wouldn't gleaming ebony be best? I can't even find this color at other beauty supply places either
. It's odd, you can find burgundy everywhere, but not black.

BTW, I used the neutral lately, and my black hair has a nice shine
. I noticed my hair was stronger right away also. I think my hair is softer too. As for the texture being looser--nope. I think it's the same, but the shine and softness is great. I added honey, black tea, caster oil, and essential oils to the Hennalucent mix.

A few weeks back, I used a Jazz rinse in clear, and I didn't notice anything different about my hair afterwards; with the Hennalucent, I noticed a big difference. My hair is lower back, and all I needed was one 2oz package of the stuff.
Re: Why don\'t stores sell black Hennalucent

I've seen it in Sally Beauty Supply stores in my area. Why don't you ask the one in your area to order it for you?
Re: Why don\'t stores sell black Hennalucent

I see it all the time, too. Maybe it's popular in your area and sells out. FYI--the Bark Brown is very, very dark. It looked jet black on my hair.