Bad Hennalucent Experience!!!


New Member
Okay, so I wanted to lighten my hair for the summer. I have brown/dark brown hair. I bought the Earth Brown Hennalucent. Went thru the sloppy rigmarole of applying it, and 1 hour later---voila!!! I had jet black hair. Did I do something wrong or did someone on the factory line put the wrong color in the wrong box as a mini strike to say I hate my job!? I'm not mad. Well, not too mad. It should fade, right? I am just afraid it will not go back to my original color. It will make my hair really dark brown. Has anyone used the Hennalucent colors and had a problem?
I don't think you did anything wrong, I've used the bark brown and one other color, I can't really remember the name of it. My goal was to darken my hair slightly, which it definitely. My hair was so dark it looked like a wig. It did eventually fade out though. I've never used hennalucent to lighten my hair, so I can't really speak on the procedure to do that. But I am under the impression that products that are temporary do not contain high enough peroxide levels to lighten your hair. They can only deposit darker color or intensify colors that are already present.
Well, I guess I wanted to even out the dark brown and lighter brown in my hair. I knew it would not do anything dramatic, but the color on the box was crayola brown, so I surely didnt expect black. I think it my hair was thicker, it would look like a wig and I would be mad. It thickened it up a bit. The only perk. How long did it take to fade myco?
I was contemplating using Henna to enhance my brown hair but was afraid to use it. Now after hearing about your experience, I think I'll pass.
Sorry about your experience. I do hope someone here can give you a quick solution...yes.
Yeah, I didn't expect it to be that dark either. I also used two packs instead of one to make sure I covered all of my hair. That probably made the color more intense than it should have been. Each wash lightened it up gradually, but it does fade out a lot more slowly than other rinses. I will say approx. 8 weeks before it was completely gone. I know on the directions, there is something called a "soap cap" that you can do to remove the color.

When I was using the protein reconstructor by Optimum, it really lifted the hennalucent out of my hair whenever I rinsed. But that stuff left my hair so tangled that I didn't think it was worth using anymore.
Hi Shell! You said you wanted to lighten you hair. Hennalucent is a dye not a bleach that's probably why your hair came out darker than you wanted. It should fade after about 6-8 weeks. Good luck!
Henna (or Hennalucent) can't lighten hair. It says somewhere in the instructions that it won't cover gray or lighten hair. But someone else (Caramela? Allandra?) posted that Hennalucent colors always seem to come out darker than you'd expect. I guess the secret is to pick a shade you like and then buy the one that is one shade lighter.

I used Bark Brown the first time and it came out looking black to me. I may try Earth Brown or Sunset Glo one day...
Did I do something wrong or did someone on the factory line put the wrong color in the wrong box as a mini strike to say I hate my job!?

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I surely hope that's not the case, but seriously, I think henna is best for darkening hair (I could be wrong, though
I recently tried one of the blonde color. My hair ended up rather brown. But luckily it's beginning to fade. I think I'll stick with neutral in the future.
I used hennalucent in earth brown last Saturday and the color came out pretty good. That's strange that your hair came out jet black. My hair came out dark brown with warm golden brown highlights. I left it in for an hour. I was trying to get rid of the reddish brown color in my hair.
simone, was the powder like an army fatigue green out the box? i didnt leave it on that long. it's a conspiracy.
Henna (or Hennalucent) can't lighten hair.

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I agree with Sassy. I guess the only way to really lighten the hair is through permanent and semi- permanent hair dyes.
Zanna recommended the Sunset Glo shade for me (we both have dark brown hair). She told me that Earth Brown shade of hennalucent made her hair look very dark (like black). So, I decided against using the Earth Brown shade.
I was trying to get rid of the reddish brown color in my hair.

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I used the Bark Brown for the same exact reason. After I rinsed it out I really did not notice the color but after it dried my hair was JET BLACK. I used dishwashing detergent, lemon juice, Shout it Out stain remover, alcohol, and washed my hair everyday sometimes twice a day for over a month
. I looked on every web-site trying every reccomendation for lightning the color and nothing worked.

Your best bet is frequent washing and lots of time.
Zanna recommended the Sunset Glo shade for me (we both have dark brown hair). She told me that Earth Brown shade of hennalucent made her hair look very dark (like black). So, I decided against using the Earth Brown shade.

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What Allandra said is right, like you shell, I had a bad experience with that color, then I tried the sunset glo and it worked. It gives me my natural dark brown color.
Don't worry the color that you have will go away after a while. It did for me
. Dont risk to dry your hair out by washing too much, or using products that will dry it. the color will go away, just be patient.
By the way you didn't do anything wrong, about the hennalucent treatment. the shades are actually not well represented on the box.
Hi Shell,

Sorry about your bad coloring experience. As people have already stated, henna or hennalucent is not a good choice when wanting to lighten your hair.

Hennalucent, like a lot of hair colorants, have images on packages or on the internet that are not truly representative of the color that you will achieve. This is for a number of reasons that include the printer who makes the label is only working on a representation of the color and then creates another representation of the color. Don't look for true color on packaging. Some brands do better than others but none can promise you the color on the package. On websites, the color you see has a lot to do with your monitor settings and regardless of the actual color of the image, you can see something different from your monitor.

The other reason the colored images of hair on packaging and websites can never promise you that what you get will be the same has to do with the individual nature of you own hair. A single color powder made into paste and put on two different people's hair for the same length of time can produce two different colors. Even if the two people appear to have the same color hair, one person's hair can take the color better than the other and get deeply intense color while the other person's hair resists color and they will get far less coloring. One person's hair may pick up in any red that is in the color and another person's hair might not. So one person might need to put the paste on their hair and time for 15 minutes and then rinse out...while another might have to leave it on for 6 to 8 hours to get the same intense coloring. The easiest way to predict you color results, even with Hennalucent, is to perform the harvest hair test that I suggest for 100% natural henna or herbal/henna for hair coloring. Test out the time/color connection for your hair. It will vary from person to person.

That said, however, you can allow the black coloring to fade over time...Or...know that you can shift the color. Using a henna powder or Hennalucent or herbal/henna that is "Natural" will begin to shift the coloring back to reddish/brown. It will provide reddish highlights and gradually shift the color back. It should definitely take the harshness from the black. Someone more familiar with the Hennalucent color chart than I can tell you what colors lean towards producing the reds. Those are the colors that will take the edge off the black and produce the highlights.

Try to avoid using anything harsh on your hair to shift the coloring. Getting from black to a more reddish/brown and then brown is not a hard stretch. Using the natural shade on black hair inevitably shifts the black. It can't lighten the hair to a light brown...but dark brown is within its range.

You can control the outcome often by doing the harvested hair test on hair from your comb and tweaking your process based upon what you observe.

Hope this helps.

Hi High Priestess,

If you were contemplating the use of 100% natural henna powder that can only provide red color tones, your hair won't go to black. Going to black would have to result from the addition of another coloring ingredient in the powder. If you were contemplating using Hennalucent or an herbal/henna you have to know and understand the nature of the particular product and powder. Then also understand the nature of your own hair's tendency to take color easily or with difficulty. And when in doubt and wanting to be sure, always do a harvested hair test so you can know what results to expect. The specific nature of a particular product...the tendency of your hair when taking color...and, time factors will determine your results. You are never totally at the mercy of what is in the bag or box. People get colors that are different from the colors that are available often by mixing their own. If a person knows their hair will grab the reds and they want more of a brown, they simply mix a bit of black with the powder to drab out the red. If the black is just too too black, adding some of the natural henna powder takes the edge off the black. If what you are wanting is some reddish highlights to brown hair, the 100% natural henna powder will do that. I am not sure what the color in the Hennalucent brand would be that is the same as or similar to "Natural" and is intended to produce the red tones, but I am sure there is one and that someone familiar with the hennalucent color chart can tell you which one it is.

Take care.

I did a hennalucent yesterday (neutral). And on the other side of the instruction sheet, it talked about Hennalucnet Color Out, henna color dissolvent natural, safe color remover. It's designed to remove all of the hennalucent at one time. Look on the other side of your instruction sheet, you may see it there.
Delurking to share my ‘bad’ experience with Hennalucent. Using the Bark Brown, my hair came out jet black. And it didn’t do a great job covering my gray either. So the next time I tried Light Mountain Color the Grey in Light Brown– and it turned my gray a reddish color with the rest black. I wasn’t totally displeased – the black hair wasn’t awful, just not me.

So I took a chance and decided to try Texture & Tones color in Light Golden Brown. I think I held my breath through the whole process! I did a strand test to see how long I’d leave it on then went for it. I worked very carefully and kept a close eye on my hair.

And I’m happy to say that it worked. I have a medium chocolate color now and my gray is several shades lighter – more blondish highlights. My hair is doing great. No breakage…whew!

Of course this means I’ll have to hit the BSS and replenish my hair wardrobe since all of my ponytails are black. But I don’t mind. It feels like I’ve freshened my look just in time for the summer months. And when I get my Hairlocs extensions put back in I won’t look like Morticia Adams!

I really like the conditioning qualities of Hennalucent though, and I’ll definitely keep using Neutral – but no more Bark or Earth browns for me!
Thanks for the color warnings, guys! I bought Bark Brown a few weeks ago. I haven't used it yet because I applied a semi-permanent not long ago that hasn't rinsed out as yet. The semi-perm makes my black hair look dark brown in the light, which I like and which is why I use them. I'm not looking forward to using the Bark Brown if it's gonna make my hair look jet black because I hate jet black hair on me. They're cheap enough, so maybe I'll head back to the BSS and look for a lighter shade.