Why does natural need more moisture than relaxed


Well-Known Member
Why does natural hair need more moisture than relaxed hair
I would think since relaxed hair is damaged due to the chemicals it would need more moisture.
Possibly. However, it easier for liquids, oils, etc. to travel down your hair shaft and into your scalp. Where as if the hair is curly, it's not an easy trip and may not make it to the root unless it's helped along via massages etc. IMO...
Because natural hair is curly/coily-er and therefor the moisture doesn't travel down the hair shaft as easily as it does for straightened hair.
I agree with patience and Ms K, it cant travel down the strand so it's not equally distributed..and, and forgive me if I'm wrong...even though the chemicals damage the hair, it also opens up the cuticles right...so maybe it's easier for moisture to get temporarily trapped....I dont know..nevermind..it sounded good in my head
I wondered this too, cause my new growth is significatly drier than the rest. I just chalked it up to me not putting the products directly on it, usually my lenght gets all the product.

I try now to force my self to start at the roots.