Why does my hair hate oil moisturizers


New Member
Every time I put oil moisturizers or cream conditioners in my hair, it makes my hair feel brittle, hard and rough--almost like hay. When I first apply it, it's okay. But when it's dry, it feels rough. Why is that?
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This happened to me when I was using toooo much product, it would soak it all up very quickly.
I use my DC as the time to overload my conditioner with oils & allsorts. But for daily moisture less is more.
What moisturiser are you using??
Some have protein in!!
Try clarifying or chelating your hair and then use your oil moisturizer...perhaps it will work better after a wash.

Try moisturizing wet, damp, or dry hair...does itwork better then?
Oil doesn't moisturize. It seals in moisture. Try a water-based moisturizer.

I was going to say exactly this!

Try a water based moisture like aphogee pro vitamin leave in. I use that and as a cream product I use Herbal Essenses long term relationship leave in. THEN I seal with coconut oil...

These 3 products together keep my hair very happy. Sometimes I simply use water and aloe juice to moisturize.

Experiment around and you will find what works for your hair.
I was going to say exactly this!

Try a water based moisture like aphogee pro vitamin leave in. I use that and as a cream product I use Herbal Essenses long term relationship leave in. THEN I seal with coconut oil...

These 3 products together keep my hair very happy. Sometimes I simply use water and aloe juice to moisturize.

Experiment around and you will find what works for your hair.
How do you utilize aloe vera juice? What's the ratio of juice and water?
It seems that even the cream moisturizers leave my hair brittle.

I might try a leave in conditioner. I just don't know what to use to moisturize my hair.
Do your cream conditioners have silicones? Some people's hair don't do well with products that have silicones in them.
I had the exact same problem until I came on here and learnt to stay away from mineral oil, petroleum based products and any leave-in with cones in it.
A mix of equal parts water, aloe vera juice and glycerine with a bit of coconut or jojoba oil for my hair worked wonders.
i know what you mean! i spent the $48 on miss jessies baby buttercreme and at first it seemed to work and it smelled so yummy but i finally had to admit that it really just made my hair VERY hard. the same w/ all natural raw shea (even if i only seal w/ it by adding to wet/damp hair) and the same w/ sealing w/ almost any oil or putting oil directly on my scalp (which causes flakes after less than a day).

i kept persevering though because conventional wisdom says that our type of hair is supposed to love that stuff. but after a super long time i finally stopped torturing my hair and accepted it hated most oils and creamy whatevers.

here's something to try: w a t e r. wet your hair often. cowash often. use a good condish w/out cones as others have suggested. use a condish as a leavein (i use nexxus humectress which is nice). but most importantly, my homemade spritz of aloe juice and glycerin is my new lover. it's like i have another head of hair now. my hairs love it and have finally begun to thank me by showing some retention.

so spritz daily and always seal lightly w/ a heavy oil. i use castor oil. and if your hair is anything like mine you'll be happy again.
Grease may not be the best for some, but better for others. It really depend on what your hair does well with. I'm starting to learn through trail and error.

Try Neutrogena Leave In Conditioner and then perhaps some Carrot Oil.... :)
Yes! I find this product is a great leave in and it makes your hair really soft. Once your hair dries, use some Carrot Oil, which is found in most Beauty Supply stores and then sleep in a Satin Scarf or Satin Bonnet. In the morning, put a small amount of Carrot Oil if need be.

*** You may not need or want to use the oil, it depends on how your hair feels to you. The Neutrogena product can be found in Walgreens, CVS, Target.... etc....

If this doesn't help with moisture. I would suggest the Castor Oil that someone else posted earlier.

I hope it works out for you.
NTM leave-in has a cone (dimethicone) in it. I thought the general consensus here is to steer clear of cones?
no type of oil or water based moisturizers work for me.

Same with me. Whenever I try to moisturize, I'm either left with a handful of shed hair or either my hair will be brittle and dry. I've given up. So I just use LTR for my leave-in when I wash and my hair stays moisturized for about 3 days or so.
Same with me. Whenever I try to moisturize, I'm either left with a handful of shed hair or either my hair will be brittle and dry. I've given up. So I just use LTR for my leave-in when I wash and my hair stays moisturized for about 3 days or so.

Shunta, what's LTR, and do you use some sort of oil or grease on your hair after applying LTR?

And how often do you moisturize your hair?
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Shunta, what's LTR, and do you use some sort of oil or grease on your hair after applying LTR?

And how often do you moisturize your hair?

Hey there, LTR is Herbal Essence's Long Term Relationship Leave-In Conditioner. I use it on damp hair and it makes my hair sooo soft. I can't believe how well it works for my hair and its only like $3. Sometimes I will seal with jojoba oil after and sometimes I won't. I try to wash every 3-5 days, so in between I might use a little jojoba oil on the ends. My hair doesn't like a lot of different products in it so I will use the minimum. HTH! :)
make sure the oil is not mineral oil ....sounds like how my hair feels if there is a lot of mineral oil in the product
What works for some may not work for others:yep: The majority of what LHCF advises against (no heat, no combing, no cones, no mineral oil or petroleum etc) actually makes my hair thrives..esp moderate heat usage...its super weird:perplexed The only thing I dont do is grease my scalp with it, because its too heavy plus I dont have dry scalp issues.

I decided to try grease again because as I stated earlier, nothing else works. I remembered as a child my hair was always soft and cottony, and the only thing my mom used in my hair was grease and water. She didnt even use Pink Lotion because she said that made my hair dry dry dry.

I always thought that LHCF members advised against using hair grease.
I cannot believe that y'all are experiencing the same thing as I am.

Many people rave about oil moisturizers and moisturizers in general. Every time I try a new moisturizer, I keep hoping that it will be different and that it will solve my hair problems. However, each time, it just makes my hair hard, dry and brittle.

I thought I was the only one who experienced this issue. I'm glad I'm not alone.

So what some of you guys are saying is that leave-in conditioner seems to be the solution?
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