Why does it seem EVERYONE can co wash daily and I can't?


Active Member
Okay, I think I have finally found a regimen that works for my hair and lifestyle. I wash and dc on sundays. I apply oils and mt to scalp... and then a little leave-in. Rollerset and sit under the dryer for 1 1/2 hours. I like this and it isn't that hard to do. My question is, how do you guys co-wash and function? I know everybody isn't rollersetting there hair 4-6x a week.:superman: So, how are you guys washing your hair so much and functioning? I also need to point out that if I wash my hair and let it air-dry- 1. It would take 3 days to dry
2. It would be as crunchy as capn crunch cereal.
3. People would staring at me like "No maam, do something to yourself!!!!"

It is getting colder, and my hair is dry. Rollersetting is the only way I get it to look decent and also moisturized in a style. I really try to not use heat outside of with the rollers.So, please explain!!!!! How do I maintain moisture in the colder days?:freakout:
Well not that I have much hair but there is no way I could do it either. I am growing out a short style and I have a relaxer(don't plan on going natural) If i had to co-wash and style my hair every day I would be bald headed.
If rollersetting works for you, why do you want to change? Also, if your hair dries crunchy, leave in some conditioner and seal with castor oil. it will be REALLY soft. make sure the conditioner you are using doesn't have too much protein too. i usually just bun and it will stay damp but no problems. Keep in mind, I have not tried this in cold weather yet. Or I'll do about four twists.. 2 in front and 2 in back and put perm rod rollers on the end. it comes out really pretty. also, putting a scarf over the front of your if you, if you bun, will be it look like you brushed it.
So the key to cowashing is wearing the hair in a bun? Is there a way to co wash and wear my hair at the same time? I'm not really a bun girl.
I just started cowashing more often nd i just cowash, towel dry, apply some redken butter treat and coconut oil, twist my bangs to the side and pin the back up into a "southern tease bun". When I get home, i try not to mess with it too much until bed time, when i may do some bantu knots (if it's still damp) and if it's dry i may do a caruso set and pin curl.

since your hair is so long you could probably do a long side braid that would be cute... i like wearing my hair down and out too but my hair is too straight to "wash n go".
There's no way I could cowash everyday - one, it doesn't fit into my overall lifestyle, two, I would look a hot mess, three, I would use up WAY too much conditioner, and four my hair is perfectly okay without it - oh, and five - getting my hair wet daily seems to dry it out more than moisturize it. Dunno why, but it does.

I maintain moisture by DC'ing twice a week, using a moisture rich leave-in, and sealing my hair. It took me a while to build UP enough moisture in my hair that I can get away with this, but that's how I roll.

So, no. Not everyone does it, and if your hair/life doesn't allow for you to do it, don't do it, and roll on. :yep:
braid outs, twist outs, bantu knots, also you can co-wash put some leave in conditioner or conditioner and scrunch for a wash and go.
Scrunch and go.......My hair says ":lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:!"

Thanks, but that isn't an option for me. I think you are right though. Maybe I should just stick with the rollersets. I may need an extra layer of moisture to add, but it isn't sooo bad.
I use to wash once weekly and that just wasn't enough moisture for my hair or scalp. If yours is fine do what works for you. I think frequent/daily co washing is like finding a regimen. You have to know what works. How are you airdrying? Hanging? Braids? I cw 5-7 times a week. Usually I do braid/twist outs, buns, or let it curl up on it's on.

I may rollerset one week and then not wash for 3 days. I am eventually going to transition to this.
When my hair was 0-4" cowash daily because it would dry within an hour or 2. Anything longer than that and I wash only once rarely twice a week.
My advice is if it ain't broke, don't go fixin' it. Co-washes are a necessity for some, but I don't see the point in my case. My hair is fine without being wet all the time. I wash-wash once a week, twice if my hair gets dirty and leave it at that. With a regular oil-based leave in my hair stays moisturized and lubricated. If your hair is fine as is you don't need to wet it special EVERY day and slap conditioner in it just 'cuz.
Scrunch and go.......My hair says ":lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:!"

Thanks, but that isn't an option for me. I think you are right though. Maybe I should just stick with the rollersets. I may need an extra layer of moisture to add, but it isn't sooo bad.
Stick with rollersets if that's working well for you. No need to change if you don't want too. Not everyone is co-washing daily trust me. I know I never will. I would never have this length is I did so. My hair grows and stays muct more moist just by leaving it alone.
You are not alone, cowashing was not for me either. I also found that the cheapie conditioners for cowashing didnt work for me :nono:(V05 and tressemme?). When I tried cowashing with one of my regular conditioners the results were better. I think I prefer washing once or twice a week with a non-sulfate poo and DCing for moisture.
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I don't want to start a new thread to ask if someone can tell me what is sealing the hair with castor oil? or sealing the ends?

Is that just putting the oil on the ends like we used to put grease on there?

Oh , there's no way I can co-wash my hair and go. I have never understood it for any one other than folks with type 1-maybe 3 hair but maybe I'm missing something there too.
I can't co wash daily.It seemed to dry my hair and led to tanglging/split ends.Now I wash/DC/rollerset/flat iron once a week and my hair is fine.Every couple weeks or inbetween using heat I try to co wash/DC just keep the moisture up and give my hair a chance to bounce back.
I've been cowashing lately so I do it at night. I put my hair in a bun and tie it down with a scarf. I then put a microfiber super absorbent towel on my pillow and then I am good to go. If you hair doesn't like it though, no matter how you try, then forget it.
There's no way I could cowash everyday - one, it doesn't fit into my overall lifestyle, two, I would look a hot mess, three, I would use up WAY too much conditioner, and four my hair is perfectly okay without it - oh, and five - getting my hair wet daily seems to dry it out more than moisturize it. Dunno why, but it does.

I maintain moisture by DC'ing twice a week,
using a moisture rich leave-in, and sealing my hair.
It took me a while to build UP enough moisture in my hair that I can get away with this, but that's how I roll.

So, no. Not everyone does it, and if your hair/life doesn't allow for you to do it, don't do it, and roll on. :yep:

Which leave in do u use? Thanks!
If what you're doing is working well for you, then stick with it. My hair thrives on cowashing at shorter lengths, but I cut back two every other day at longer lengths. The whole waiting one week thing doesn't work at all for me though.

Different strokes for different folks.
My hair loves daily CW. Lately it's been like every other day since Im so busy. But if your hair can't handle it, it just can't. Since I bun and 1/2 wig it, it's not a big deal. My hair also does wash n gos pretty well. If it didn't and I liked to wear my hair out all the time, I prob wouldn't CW at all.
I don't want to start a new thread to ask if someone can tell me what is sealing the hair with castor oil? or sealing the ends?

Is that just putting the oil on the ends like we used to put grease on there?

It's putting whatever moisturizer you use on your hair (leave in, condish, water, etc) and just taking a bit of castor oil to seal the moisture in. Some ppl do it on the length, some do it on the ends only. When I remember to/feel like it, I do the ends, put in a bun and then put oil on all the hair outside the bun. It makes it airdry super soft. HTH!
Co washing daily is not for me either:nono:....I wouldn't have any hair on my head if I did so. i love it but no more than once maybe.... twice a week and that's stretching it.
Oh i cannot co-wash daily, i don't even bother trying anymore no matter how good the conditioner. There is nothing like a good clarify and deep condition for me.
I tried the daily cowash thing this summer and I will never do it again.

It just didn't work for me and I have no problems with that.
OP I haven't read every post so I'm not sure if you answered this... but I'm 100% natural, APL hair and yes I co-wash every day. When my hair was relaxed my hair didn't do very well with the co-washing every day. My hair pretty much was a tangled mess every day.

If you are rollersetting and are successful retaining length like that, then please don't change your regime. Your hair is beautiful, like somebody else said "if it ain't broke don't fix it"