why do you pre-poo?


New Member
hello, ladies. :yep: i'm trying to hammer out a regimen and i had a few questions about pre-pooing. i want to know just exactly what it does for your hair.

do you pre-poo on dry hair? do you think it makes a big difference in the health of your hair or does it not 'work' for you? for those who do, what do you use? any recommendations for products to pre-poo with?

TIA. =]
- I like to massage my scalp with oils the night before I wash my hair... so automatically, I'm pre-pooing
- The powders I use to wash my hair with can a bit drying, so pre-pooing stops my hair drying out.
- My hair detangles more easily when I pre-poo.
Pre pooing helps me detangle and twist my hair (I wash in sections to prevent matting and tangles).
detangling, huh? -adds to notes-

do most of you pre-poo with oils exclusively? is there anything else, like conditioner, that might produce the same results? and do you think its best to pre-poo overnight or perhaps an hour or so with heat?

thanks, ladies. :yep:
I pre-poo with heat mainly because I don't have the time to do deep conditioning with heat after shampooing. I don't like the whole in the shower out of the shower back in the shower again thing. So I pre-poo mainly in replacement for the final deep conditioning. Also, I read somewhere a few years back about the benefits of conditioner on dry hair. I think it was something about it penetrating the strands better or something.
I prepoo with different things depending on how my hair feels.

I started doing it because my hair is really prone to dryness and I find that it helps keeps my texlaxed hair a little smoother.

Also like some of the other ladies it helps keep my hair detangled so much I can't even tell you. My hair is prone to matting so anything to keep it less knotty is great.