Why do we stray from products that work for US?


Ms. Nobody
I have no idea why I do this. a while ago i saw a few review on my favorite moisturizer kids organics shea butter detangler. They were talking about how they hated it and how it left a white film in their hair,made it hard etc etc. so i stopped buying it and moved on to sunsilk. sunsilk was ok but it didnt work with my gels like the KO did i picked gel over moisturizer and alot of breakage laster i decided what the hey. man my hair is the bomb right now. my curls are nice and defined without gel:yawn:(this is a big thing for me) its all soft and shiny without the crunch and breakage from using gel alone. I dont know why I stopped this obviously works for me way better than sunsilk which makes my hair dull. No more new products for me. Im finally sticking to what works for me.:yep:

Ive been on hair boards for about two years and i still got learning to do:look:
I'm guilty of this too, but in my case it's more like curiosity about what other products are out there, especially when something is raved about, that make me stray from the tried and true.

This is a good lesson for us all, though - it's important not to focus so much on what works for everybody else and to focus on doing what works for me.
I used to do this, but I quickly learned that what works for some, doesn't work for others. If a product makes my hair sing, Its a keeper. Period. :grin:
Same for growth aids.

other for relaxing issues, why stop?
I feel you on this, and even I still got some learning to do too. I'm all about finding what works for my hair since what I did as a relaxed head won't be the same as a natural head. So there goes some experimenting for me!
*Peeking in* I'm guilty of this- for me I think its a combination of boredom and curiousity.

To be fair in the last 6 months or so I have my staple regimen/ products and only try products within that regimen -(so I would try conditioners/ oils etc) by using the new conditioner instead of my staple and go on with my routine as usual so I find out if it works for me or not pretty quickly. I don't just change to a whole line of products anymore:yep: so I'm happy.
Straying away from my beloved grease did my hair in. Now I'm back to using it and my hair is happy!
I think people are always searching for HG products. Even if what they use works just fine, there is always the hope that something out there will work better, hence the experimenting.

I never completely stop using products that work well for me but I do try other things if they sound interesting. I've made a lot of good finds this way and learned a lot about what works and doesn't work for my hair.