Why do some women get breakage in the middle?


New Member
What I mean is...When you swing all of your hair to the back to check you length,your hair is growing nicely but right there in the middle of your length appears to be a little shorter,almost like there's breakage. Ever since I've been taking care of my hair it has always grown nicely and even that middle section grows but not as fast as the right side and left side. Luckily the difference is not that noticeable that I cant wear my hair straight and over time with trims I will achieve all one length but I'm just curious how this happens. I mostly wear my hair in a braid out,its not like I wear ponytails and buns everyday which could justify the breakage in the middle,although I do wear them 40% of the time.....I'm confused. Maybe its not breakage,maybe it just grows slower than the rest. I dont know. Anyone have any possible reasons for this?

Tee Tee
My hair used to be like that but it was actually breakage. When my mom did my hair she always commented on the broken area. Now she cant find it!
It has not grown even with the rest but it blends in now and is catching up really quickly since Ive been taking care of my hair.
Ditto Babygurl...

Tee Tee, I sometimes wear the bun or ponytail at different angles to prevent the breakage in the middle or stress area.
yeah I believe is breakage, I have the same thing........I think that's what makes my hair look less thick than it is. I think mine was caused from always using the flat iron (I called it a beveler back then) extra long on that part. I always wear my hair straight with that hump at the top, so achieving that hump required extra heat/hair spray equaling breakage in that spot. Now I know roller setting correctly will give me the same hump. However after 6 years of rollersetting and no direct heat(other than maybe 5 times a year), my middle still hasn't caught up. One of the main reason why I'm going natural.
I noticed this when I came to the hair boards last summer. Because I wasn't wearing any styles that pulled on my hair or made it too tight, I think it's breakage from relaxer maybe accidentally getting on the already relaxed part, at some time. I'm extra, extra careful when I relax my new growth now, more than ever before. Those broken pieces are blending with my hair now and growing.
Many women have multi-textures of hair on their heads. I seem to have looser/straighter hair in the front along the edges and at my nape. The hair in the middle, at my crown, seems to be a very tightly coiled 4a (o shaped). The rest is 4a (s shaped).

The hair in the crown has always been a friend or a foe...depending upon how I treated it. If I take the extra time to manage it properly, it grows the fastest and longest. If I don't, then it breaks first and shortest.
I think I'll have to start paying very close attention to this part of my hair now. That means extra conditioner,extra moisturizer and being extra careful when I get my touch ups. It seems to be more fragile than the rest of my hair because I remember being a teenager and having that same problem where the middle was shorter than the rest of the hair in the back. But last night after deep conditioner my hair and air drying it I was doing my normal moisturizing with scurl and the middle just began shrinking....LOL while the rest of the back laid straight and long but then a light bulb went off before the panic attack and I remembered that I just wore my hair straight two days ago and the shorter middle is not that noticeable. Also for some reason as "DelightfulFlame" mentioned. My hair in the middle is sooooo much more tightly coiled than the rest of my hair which could make it appear as though its alot shorter than the rest but its not as much as I think. The good thing is when my hair is styled in my usual braidout you cant see it....I will definitely pay closer attention to the middle starting tonight when I moisturize. Also when I wear ponytails and buns I am going to try wearing them to the side just so there isnt too much stress in the middle.

Tee Tee
I'm so glad I'm not the only one! Actually, my sister and I both noticed the same thing happens with our hair. I thought it was something genetic, but perhaps it's not. I have noticed that since I've been babying my hair back to health, the middle has started to grow in. It does have a little catching up to do though before it becomes even with the sides.
LOL..... No you are not the only one NuMe2004 (like the screen name) but I'm still curious if anyone can give a logical explanation as to why this happens.

Tee Tee
Im the opposite. I never have any problems with my crown. Its the thickest, fastest growing, and longest part of my hair. Now my nape and edges totally problematic. I really have give those areas TLC.
i have the same problem. Even with trimming my hair numerous times to even it up, still nothing happens... the rest of my hair grows out fast, even, and healthy and my crown stays the same length and looks drier. My hair would be perfect if my crown grew as the rest of my hair.

Since i'm a bun wearer, maybe i should alternate my prtective styles. I'm going back to cornrows for 2 months to see how that helps. But for as long as i remember my middles section has always been drier and shorter.
I have seriuos stress area in the back of my hair and I am fortunate that the rest of my hair can camflouge it. I have tried everything to get to grow when the new growth comes I tried to keep it moisturize
Ladies I'm confused. Isnt the crown the top of the hair? and the nape the back? The little section in the back of my hair in the middle is where I see my breakage....Sorry for the ignorance.

Tee Tee
this has me frustrated what can I do to make this breakage of section catch up with my hair I know it doesnt like heat and my stylist has so many clients she cant keep up with the texture of my hair. Going to her every 2-3 weeks isnt working for me because I can keep my broken off section under control. So what can I do for the section here is the special technique I use for it: I do this twice a day I spray it with a mixture of S Curl, Surge, water and EVOO then I apply ORS Temple balm any suggestions for me and Tee Tee, ladies
Tee Tee said:
LOL..... No you are not the only one NuMe2004 (like the screen name) but I'm still curious if anyone can give a logical explanation as to why this happens.

[/ QUOTE ]

The only thing I can think of in my case is genetics. My baby boys both have crown sections (middle, top part of head) that are dry, and tightly coiled in o shapes just like me. My brother has it too. My baby girl seemed to miss that though.
When my hair was straight...I noticed the middle section was shorter...because that was the section that touched my wool coat...the coat would grab it and snap it off.
Tee Tee, I know exactly what your're talking about, my sister and I were just talking about this,a shorter spot right in the middle of the back of your head...my sister's theory was that since she wears her hair out most of the time, it's the one spot that's constantly touching or rubbing up against something, like the back of a car seat or a couch. But I'm starting to think that the texture might be slightly different around that area, like Delightful Flame said, and maybe it's just more fragile because of the tighter curls. My mom, sister and I all have different hair types and lengths,(from 3a-4b)but we still all suffer from the same weak spot. Right now, I'm trying to pay special attention to that area too, and make sure to give it extra moisture.
Noticed that I got the most breakage and shedding at the top in the middle when i was dealing with alot of stress.
Hi Sweetpea,

You hit the nail right on the head. Thats exactly what I'm talking about. I guess the only thing to do is pay special attention to that area,more moisture.move the ponytail around more so its not stress in one area etc........

Tee Tee