Why do People with Type 2B/2C hair relax?


Well-Known Member

I've noticed that there are some people on this board with 2B/2C hair type but they relax their hair.

If you are relaxed with this hair type, why do you relax your hair? Is it not as easy to manage as most people would think? What problems do you encounter with 2B/2C hair that are relieved when you relax it?

Do you have to put on a light relaxer since your curl is very loose?

Just curious about your hair experiences!

I've often wondered that my self. My 17 yr old cousin's reason was to have "straight hair"... she just got tired of flat ironing....
I'm not either those hair types...but I believe they just want straight hair and want to be able to wash and go like anyone else. Not everyones like curly hair...even loose curls. They still have a curl pattern that still needs to be blown dry or flat ironed to remove the waves or curl pattern. Some ladies feel they look better with straight hair. I don't think there' any mystery as to why...it's personal preference...simple as that.
I have 2B hair and started relaxing in high school just because it seemed like everyone else had relaxed hair. I know...DUMB REASON!
I am in the process of transitioning now. My last relaxer was September 2002.
i have the type of hair that can wash an go and it will be straight will a lil curl to it. and my hair (my root/natural) can be easily straightened by blowdrying or even just brushing. but i like the straight look on me more, so relaxing is easier. if i want curly all i have to do is air dry my hair down for a braid out look.

i have some 3a/b and i think some c type hair
i relax my hair out of habit more than anything else (about every 4-5 months)
Well, I hope that this will help ladies....

I have type 2C hair and that is the coarse version of the type 2s. Just like ladies with tight curls, etc. the hair becomes thick and harder to manage if I don't put a relaxer in.

Type 2 is just the hair type for ladies with wavy hair (like an S pattern). Not all of this type of hair is "silky." Ananda Lewis is type 2A she does not need a relaxer really but those of us on the other end of the spectrum (2Cs) do. When I do relax, it looks like "Indian hair" (sorry for the term but I don't know how else to describe it) but sooner or later the waves come back in then it's time to relax. HTH.

I just started my hair regimen so who knows what my new growth will look like now...

I get my hair relaxed (but not bone straight) because my natural hair is super thick. This makes it much easier for me to manage.
Wow alireno weird....we have the same hair type AND stopped relaxing at the same time!

I call myself natural, because I cut all of my relaxer out in November (man was my hair short!!!)

Now it is (when wet) 2 inches past shoulder length in the back!

These boards are terrific!
I have combination hair, 2C and 3B. The hair, 2 inches from my scalp is very soft, but as my hair grows longer it bushes and frizzes up a lot, especially in hot weather. I usually use a no lye (mild) relaxer to combat this. However, as I am starting on a new regiment, I want to stop using relaxerers and try to fight the frizz and dryness by other means. I also want to work more with the different textures in my hair. The relaxer well, relaxes my curls & waves too much. It's either one extreme or the other. I've spoken to many stylists (black & white) and they all have difffering opinions about whether to relax my hair. Half of them said no, the other half say relax the part of my head which bushes in order to make it more manageable. I think too the challenge is finding creative stylists who can work with natural hair and make it beautiful & lovely without all the harsh treatments.

Okay, that was my 2 cents and more!!
it just goes to show that having a looser curl doesnt mean manageability.it is just a fact of life, the grass always looks greener on the other side.
i also know a white american guy who relaxed his hair one time. mind you his hair is pretty much straight type 1 but he relaxed cos his hair is really really thick with volume and he figure a relaxer would make it stay low. he liked it.
My daughter has a mixture of 2a/b hair and her hair is very very dry and resistant to styling. She was experiencing a lot of breakage on the ends from excessive dryness so I decided to relax her hair. I truly believe that was the best thing for her hair. She has gained a lot of growth since relaxing and her hair is not unmanageable any more. She now has hair that is about 4 inches past her shoulders. Although her hair can be easily combed and brushed and straightened in it's natural state the relaxer made the overall handling process easier and there is little breakage.
I just wanted to have straight hair. My natural hair is very very thick and it was hard for me to do anything with it. and back then curly/wavy puffs was not the "in thing"..LOL. Also, the pressure of seeing my friends with their flowing locks kind of made me a little envious... so i got my first relaxer at the age of 12 and never turned back. It was just brought to my attention that I should have gotten a texturizer but I didn't know what that was at that time and neither did my mother.
It was just brought to my attention that I should have gotten a texturizer but I didn't know what that was at that time and neither did my mother.

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if i had ever known about using pressing, flat irons, straigtening combs and blowdrying techniques i would never have relaxed my hair!
Well, I hope that this will help ladies....

I have type 2C hair and that is the coarse version of the type 2s. Just like ladies with tight curls, etc. the hair becomes thick and harder to manage if I don't put a relaxer in.

Type 2 is just the hair type for ladies with wavy hair (like an S pattern). Not all of this type of hair is "silky." Ananda Lewis is type 2A she does not need a relaxer really but those of us on the other end of the spectrum (2Cs) do. When I do relax, it looks like "Indian hair" (sorry for the term but I don't know how else to describe it) but sooner or later the waves come back in then it's time to relax. HTH.

I just started my hair regimen so who knows what my new growth will look like now...


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My hair is as Chichi describes. I am a 2C but it's not silky, it's very thick and wavy and on the course side. But when I put a perm on, it's VERY silky and as Chichi put it, like "Indian hair" for lack of better words.
Well, I hope that this will help ladies....

I have type 2C hair and that is the coarse version of the type 2s. Just like ladies with tight curls, etc. the hair becomes thick and harder to manage if I don't put a relaxer in.

Type 2 is just the hair type for ladies with wavy hair (like an S pattern). Not all of this type of hair is "silky." Ananda Lewis is type 2A she does not need a relaxer really but those of us on the other end of the spectrum (2Cs) do. When I do relax, it looks like "Indian hair" (sorry for the term but I don't know how else to describe it) but sooner or later the waves come back in then it's time to relax. HTH.

I just started my hair regimen so who knows what my new growth will look like now...


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My hair is as Chichi describes. I am a 2C but it's not silky, it's very thick and wavy and on the course side. But when I put a perm on, it's VERY silky and as Chichi put it, like "Indian hair" for lack of better words.

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some 'controversial' posts here.
What hair type would you say that jennifer freeman has on the show, "My Wife and Kids?" I am luvin' that gurls hair!
Her hair is natural and it is all hers right? But on relaxed hair, is there any way in the world that I could do some type of set or use some type of iron that would remotely resemble her style?
Would a spiral iron like this do the trick in mimicking her style?

Jilbere Dial-A-Heat Spiral Iron 3/4"

I guess a straw set would work, but not past a certain length.
A have a cousin who has type 2 hair. I think... It looks a lot like the little girl in the WGO ad only much poofier. It's not kinky, but it's very big. She has a serious east/west/Roseanne Roseannadanna thing going on with her hair. Her hair isn't relaxed until it bone straight, though. She relaxes it to make it hang and look smaller.

As a child she always had to sit behind the passenger seat in the car because her hair blocked the mirrors!
My daughter has a mixture of 2a/b hair and her hair is very very dry and resistant to styling. She was experiencing a lot of breakage on the ends from excessive dryness so I decided to relax her hair. I truly believe that was the best thing for her hair. She has gained a lot of growth since relaxing and her hair is not unmanageable any more. She now has hair that is about 4 inches past her shoulders. Although her hair can be easily combed and brushed and straightened in it's natural state the relaxer made the overall handling process easier and there is little breakage.

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Yes, Yes, Yes!! I have a type 2 haired baby, she's 10 (on the thick end of the type 2 spectrum), and no one could understand why I would relax her hair. Unrelaxed, her hair was just to thick to manage, it was just too much hair to handle -- don't even talk about hair washing day - nightmare. Visually, the hair looked beautiful, wavy, etc., but trying to manage it was more than one person could manage. With it relaxed slightly, we are both happy campers!!

A have a cousin who has type 2 hair. I think... It looks a lot like the little girl in the WGO ad only much poofier. It's not kinky, but it's very big. She has a serious east/west/Roseanne Roseannadanna thing going on with her hair. Her hair isn't relaxed until it bone straight, though. She relaxes it to make it hang and look smaller.

As a child she always had to sit behind the passenger seat in the car because her hair blocked the mirrors!

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