Why do men try to talk to you when you look your worst!!

:drunk:One guy explained it to me like this... he said that if a girl is at her worst and still looks decent, then he knows that when she gets dolled up she'll look even better. But if they see you all dolled up and then see you at your worst later, and it's not decent, then that's when you have a problem! :drunk:
OMG...this happens to me all the time. the five days i go to work in my full suites and what not, nobody trys to talk to me.....but once satursday hits and i look a HOT MESS....everybody want to try and holla....and i am like....i look a HOT MESS. Try and holla M-F between the hours of 8am-7pm?????????
I run out the door to run errands today.....I had my husbands too big T-shirt on...I had four braided plaits in my hair air drying......And I spent the whole afternoon telling guys...I'm married....Why is that??? I thought I was cute yesterday didn't nobody harass me :lachen::lachen::lachen:

I just don't get it

That happens to me a lot too. When I think I look fiyah don't nobody even notice but when I'm looking bummy they all up in my face:rolleyes:. I don't even want to be bothered when I look like that because chances are I'm in a rush. I think some guys like for women to look more plain and casual. As women we think they want us to get all glammed up but on the real they just like us in jeans and a t-shirt, hair thrown in a ponytail, no make-up.

They can like it all they want though.....I can't go around looking like that
all the time.:lachen:
the other day i rolled out of bed pulled on my jeans and a sweater and plooded down to the post office to pick up a package (3 roads away) i live just behind the shopping centre my hair was in a bun on the top of my head :lachen: just literally pulled off my scarf :lachen:and stuck my i pod on and guys were just staring at me, winking n smiling i had to stand infront of a shop window to c if there was something on my face :perplexed i ended up laughing cause it was really ridiculous
I've learned from dozens of men I asked that they HATE MAKEUP.

Some lip gloss and an arched eyebrow is all you need.

While we women think makeup makes us more attractive (to men), its actually the opposite. Most men I know dont like it at all and feel you look ten times better without it.

thats soo true i remeber my bf when i was 17 (thats when i started wearing foundation) HATED it so much lol 2 yrs later im not so keen on it either so havent worn it for a yr now just wear mascara n lipgloss now n eye shadow now n then, cant be bothered with the hassle of it all :rolleyes:
Oh wow, it now makes sense! I used to wonder why I would always get hit on randomly by guys on the street when I wasn't even looking my best. :ohwell: But when I'm looking "hawt", I very rarely get anybody hitting on me.

Now I know what it is! I think guys just think that we're more approachable when we're not dressed to the hilt. I mean, think about it.... would YOU feel comfortable approaching a nice-looking guy who was dressed to the nines in a 3-piece suit? EVen if that is the type of guy who you would usually like to snag, I'm thinking that most women would feel more comfortable approaching the decent-looking guy who's wearing the jeans and t-shirt.

I guess people assume that you'd be friendlier and maybe not as snobbish or something. Plus, I have to admit, usually when I'm going out running my errands just "bumming around", I am usually in an up-beat happy mood. Hence, I don't really care what I look like! :lol: I think guys can also sense when you're genuinely happy and comfortable with yourself. That has a lot to do with it too. :yep:
:drunk:One guy explained it to me like this... he said that if a girl is at her worst and still looks decent, then he knows that when she gets dolled up she'll look even better. But if they see you all dolled up and then see you at your worst later, and it's not decent, then that's when you have a problem! :drunk:

That is so funny! Thats why I try not to wear alot of makeup when I'm first dating someone...it's better to build up rather than break down.

Guys are so strange. A while ago I spent the night at my friends house and when I left, I looked WRONG! I probably still had sleep in my eyes, a hat on my hair, and wrinkly slept in clothing. The entire trip home from the train, to the bus, to walking down the street, I got so many holla's and beautifuls, I was like :perplexed.
Oh wow, it now makes sense! I used to wonder why I would always get hit on randomly by guys on the street when I wasn't even looking my best. :ohwell: But when I'm looking "hawt", I very rarely get anybody hitting on me.

Now I know what it is! I think guys just think that we're more approachable when we're not dressed to the hilt. I mean, think about it.... would YOU feel comfortable approaching a nice-looking guy who was dressed to the nines in a 3-piece suit? EVen if that is the type of guy who you would usually like to snag, I'm thinking that most women would feel more comfortable approaching the decent-looking guy who's wearing the jeans and t-shirt.

I guess people assume that you'd be friendlier and maybe not as snobbish or something. Plus, I have to admit, usually when I'm going out running my errands just "bumming around", I am usually in an up-beat happy mood. Hence, I don't really care what I look like! :lol: I think guys can also sense when you're genuinely happy and comfortable with yourself. That has a lot to do with it too. :yep:

Hey Crystalicequeen123!

This is our topic!:lachen:
I understand the approachable part, but what I want to know is why do all the 16 and 17 year olds wanna talk to me?! I'm 35++!!! And then they think I'm siddity when I tell them I have clothes older than them (. . . I really don't)! :lachen:
I understand the approachable part, but what I want to know is why do all the 16 and 17 year olds wanna talk to me?! I'm 35++!!! And then they think I'm siddity when I tell them I have clothes older than them (. . . I really don't)! :lachen:

*side note: these teenage boys think they got it goin on... what cracks me up though is when "grown" men (men 30+) are using the same sad lines that the teenage boys are using. come on now... you can see i'm over 21, talk to me like an adult please... :lachen:

i find it fun to get hit on by high school boys though... makes me feel like i still look young. :drunk:
I think that's what it is. I had a similar incident yesterday. I was riding my bike and it was pretty dark. I wore a sweatshirt with the hood and baggy pants with some busted arse sneakers so that no one would say anything to me. What do you know...this construction guy STILL tries to holla...I was like "how did you know i was a girl?!!":lachen:

Here's another reason I think this is true. I have a close friend of mine who dresses down everywhere she goes (with the exception of church). I mean, she will wear a baseball cap AND sweats to a club with no regrets. She always gets hit on. One night, this discussion came up among a group of us and we asked the guys why this is the case. These jerks said that it's because girls who dress like that look "homely" and they [the girls] may do more in the bedroom then a girl who is dressed to impress because she gets less play. The girls in the group were like WTF?!!:wallbash:

i have been there! i mean fully covered and everything. long sweatshirt too and i just KEPT gettin male attention. I was already mad about something but that pissed me off cuz i was like what r these guys gay r something?? i look like a str8 man!
I thought it was just me wondering this!:lachen:

It makes me mad. I thought they were being sarcastic.:look:

Telling me that I look good when i'm looking like a bum. :nono:
You know, I never thought about it lik that. Just got mad! Makes sense, some male co-worker was looking at me all funny and being nice and I thought I looked 'yuck'!
Maybe it's just about being approachable.
When I have worn make-up and my family are like, you look nice and dolled up.....not one holla!
I've learned from dozens of men I asked that they HATE MAKEUP.

Some lip gloss and an arched eyebrow is all you need.

While we women think makeup makes us more attractive (to men), its actually the opposite. Most men I know dont like it at all and feel you look ten times better without it.

My husband feels the same way. It was so hard for me to stop my makeup addiction. I recently slipped some MAC Lipglass in though,lol.
Well that just goes to show you how different men and women are, lol.

Because Lord knows I've never approached a guy with jacked up hair, wearing a white tank-top, baggy basketball pants, and house shoes with socks walking through the aisle or parking lot of ANYTHING. :grin:

I swear it's a conspiracy! All this work I'm putting in to look pretty and they're only peeping when I look a mess.:pullhair:
This thread is too funny! All I know is that I'm not going to walk around looking funky just cuz a guy thinks its cute LOL Plus I think we women tend to dress to impress each other, that competitive thing. My DH likes to see me dressed up. I do notice that he likes it when I dress down sometimes, but I don't think he'd appreciate me doing that all the time. Who cares LOL
I all my life wonder tha
WHY mens look at me when i look like somebody throw me away

some mens do not all the makeup i neva wore any in my life