Why do men think that women are naive and dumb?


Well-Known Member
For the life of me I dont understand WTH do men think that women are stupid.

I met this one guy yes it was at a club. But moreso at his Founder's Day party. So I met him thru one of my Soror's so him and I had a good little convo for the few minutes that I did talk to him. We exchanged numbers(which I usually dont do for men that I meet in the club). So I said I was leaving and going home because even though it was nice it was kind of boring and since I lived less than 5 minutes away i was like i rather be at home watching tv.(i didnt tell him this) Im very selective on what i let men first time meeting them. So I got home, took a shower and was getting ready to go to sleep when i get a text asking if i wanted some company. I tell him No not at 2 in the morning. So yesterday we talk thru txt and he asks me why i didnt want him to come over. I'm like 1st it was 2 in the morning and 2nd i dont know you and i dont let anyone at my home at that time of morning that I dont know, I dont care if i met you thru my mama that still doesnt mean nothing. So then he's like well i wasnt going to try to touch u. So im like whatever i dont let men come over at 2 in the morning to my house. Then he turns and says just because you have people that come over at 2 that doesnt meant they are going to have sex. I wanted to say oh so you have ur guy friends over at 2 in the morning? but i was getting tired of the whole thing and it started getting on my nerves with what he was saying. I'm sorry whatever.

But why in the world do men think that they can just take advantage and think that women are so dumb and naive.
Because they are :look: :perplexed :ohwell:.

The thing is the penis is in charge, there goes logic. Also you'd be surprised how many women fall for those lines, and that's why men try them all the time.
I know alot of women that would have fallen for that. Not all women are savy when it comes to men and dating. Alot of them will accept whats given to them.
For the life of me I dont understand WTH do men think that women are stupid.
Because the majority of women are. The majority of women are weakwilled and unable to stand their ground where men are concerned. They rationalize ill treatment, choose badly, and remain in pernicious cycles. This is what I have seen. Every date I've had for the past several months has been very surprised by how clear I am on what I want and how willing I am to walk away if a man isn't coming correct. Surprised. Because usually, women talk the talk but do not have the mental fortitude to walk the walk. I see it all around me and I am disgusted with my gender.
Because the majority of women are. The majority of women are weakwilled and unable to stand their ground where men are concerned. They rationalize ill treatment, choose badly, and remain in pernicious cycles. This is what I have seen. Every date I've had for the past several months has been very surprised by how clear I am on what I want and how willing I am to walk away if a man isn't coming correct. Surprised. Because usually, women talk the talk but do not have the mental fortitude to walk the walk. I see it all around me and I am disgusted with my gender.

I agree with most of your comments. But I do think that's stretching it a bit far to say most women are stupid. I myself and women in my circle are smart enough not to fall for that 2am booty call mess and other tactics men try to use :ohwell:
Unfortunately, as others have said, it's because some women are naive and gullable. He probably dialed the next number and got to "go over" someone's house:ohwell:.
I agree with most of your comments. But I do think that's stretching it a bit far to say most women are stupid. I myself and women in my circle are smart enough not to fall for that 2am booty call mess and other tactics men try to use :ohwell:
But I bet a good chunk of them will fall for "I'm sorry, baby" after he cheats or go into denial while he's cheating, for instance. There are many things women put up with that would be absolutely unacceptable if women weren't so stupid.
Because a lot of them are naive and dumb...and sometimes they ruin things for those of us who are not. Ain't nothin' open at 2 o'clock in the morning but legs!
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Men know how to pick prey...so what we think is viewed as tough,they see it as vulenrable and a challenge.
I agree, a lot of women would have fallen for that...

Some might not have fallen for his "trick" but would have had him come over anyway. I know women who have done this and said "but I know I won't do anything so it doesn't matter" but he WILL try it and if he doesn't, he is probably gay. So the woman either gives in and the guy gets his way or she doesn't and he is disappointed and calls her a d***tease.
thanks ladies for responding....

not to call all women stupid, dumb or naive and i know women that dont fall for this so i didnt mean it to be offensive if it sounded like i was saying we are stupid, dumb or naive.

Do you believe that some men just are testing the waters first to see how far they can go with a woman and if it will work?
And then once they realize that she isnt going to be easy like most of the women that are if he puts her in a different category i.e. wifey, potential girlfriend etc?

now this is where some of the married women come in did your husbands try you like this or did he know what he was dealing with? i need to go back and pull some old threads....
Do you believe that some men just are testing the waters first to see how far they can go with a woman and if it will work? yes
And then once they realize that she isnt going to be easy like most of the women that are if he puts her in a different category i.e. wifey, potential girlfriend etc?

now this is where some of the married women come in did your husbands try you like this or did he know what he was dealing with? i need to go back and pull some old threads....

I've only gone out with one man that did that. And was so tempted to let him come over but decided against it. I was sure I wasn't the first person he called. He sure was fine, a little short for me though.

My cousins do this all the time.