Why do guys think you're soul mates after the 1st date?


New Member
God, they piss me off. One date. One measly date. OK, we talked for a couple hours, etc. and all of the sudden they are like: "What happened to us? All that time we spent laughing and joking, etc." and I just look at them like they're crazy. Yes, we talked once and stuff, but it doesn't mean we're compatible. I'm nice and jokey with everyone so I don't see the big deal :look:

And I hate it when they say things like "I want to hug you, etc." do they think I'm stupid? I'm very touchy and I don't like being touched by someone I don't know that well. Is that supposed to be romantic?! And please keep the song writing and poetry to yourself. I can't believe someone wrote a song about me

:lachen:Oh lawd
Is this a rant....? :look:

...all the stuff you mentioned is sweet - although, I too would be suspicious if it's coming on a bit too soon. Too much too sooN!
God, they piss me off. One date. One measly date. OK, we talked for a couple hours, etc. and all of the sudden they are like: "What happened to us? All that time we spent laughing and joking, etc." and I just look at them like they're crazy. Yes, we talked once and stuff, but it doesn't mean we're compatible. I'm nice and jokey with everyone so I don't see the big deal :look:

And I hate it when they say things like "I want to hug you, etc." do they think I'm stupid? I'm very touchy and I don't like being touched by someone I don't know that well. Is that supposed to be romantic?! And please keep the song writing and poetry to yourself. I can't believe someone wrote a song about me

:lachen:Oh lawd

Haha. This has happened to me in the past. Before I was married I had a guy pop up from the past once reminiscing like the couple dates we had meant something. It wasn't a big deal at the time, why make it one after the fact? :ohwell:
Awww simmer down girl! You can't get upset that they guy is feeling you! :worship2:

:sekret:**BTW, U can send them my way, I like a guy that write songs and poetry**:sekret:
Haha. This has happened to me in the past. Before I was married I had a guy pop up from the past once reminiscing like the couple dates we had meant something. It wasn't a big deal at the time, why make it one after the fact? :ohwell:

Ugh, I know and this ALWAYS happens to me. Every guy that I talk to he makes a big deal out of nothing. It would have been different if I slept with them or something :look:
Men look at a pretty women and put all sorts of positive qualities on her.
It is in my strongest belief that I don't think men know how to choose women that appears nice and funny, they find a pretty women and get all crazy.
People have intracinte, complex personalities, and for a man to say that your soulmates over one date, makes me believe that he sees women as disposable,one dimensional, and not unique. That is why divorce rates are so high, men are incompetent at choosing women.
I'm glad to see a post from a intelligent women that understands how silly men can be!
It is up to the women to have the discretion to choose the men wisely since men are not that good choosing us wisely, but instead women just believe that the man is right.

I also read from another women on here that is so true that men are the fastest to fall in and ...out of love. Reality has to set in.
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God, they piss me off. One date. One measly date. OK, we talked for a couple hours, etc. and all of the sudden they are like: "What happened to us? All that time we spent laughing and joking, etc." and I just look at them like they're crazy. Yes, we talked once and stuff, but it doesn't mean we're compatible. I'm nice and jokey with everyone so I don't see the big deal :look:

And I hate it when they say things like "I want to hug you, etc." do they think I'm stupid? I'm very touchy and I don't like being touched by someone I don't know that well. Is that supposed to be romantic?! And please keep the song writing and poetry to yourself. I can't believe someone wrote a song about me

:lachen:Oh lawd

Girl you better enjoy it LOL, it doesn't last long :lachen:
Lol... I think I understand what you're saying. Its not hard for me to connect with people, cuz I have a million sides to my personality. It usually doesn't happen after one convo, but maybe after a couple, dudes might start think they know me... and its like, dude... you do not know me.

Then after I get comfortable with them, they start to see the crazy... then they're like "I've never even seen this side of you!"

Lol... I'm like, there are about 10 sides of me you have not been introduced too... [evil laugh]

Freaks them out. :yep:
Men look at a pretty women and put all sorts of positive qualities on her.
It is in my strongest belief that I don't think men know how to choose women that appears nice and funny, they find a pretty women and get all crazy.
People have intracinte, complex personalities, and for a man to say that your soulmates over one date, makes me believe that he sees women as disposable,one dimensional, and not unique. That is why divorce rates are so high, men are incompetent at choosing women.
I'm glad to see a post from a intelligent women that understands how silly men can be!
It is up to the women to have the discretion to choose the men wisely since men are not that good choosing us wisely, but instead women just believe that the man is right.

I also read from another women on here that is so true that men are the fastest to fall in and ...out of love. Reality has to set in.

I think this is mainly it. But I also find that men are often just thrown for a loop when a woman isn't into them and then their egos kick in and they start to chasing.
If they're doing all that after only being on one date with you, either they're lying to get some or they're a desperate and clingy loser.
Because they want the drawls and think it's cute, warm and fuzzy when they say stupid sheyet like that.
I'm on this dating website, and a guy already told me that I was perfect for him. I'm not even attracted to him :(
Men look at a pretty women and put all sorts of positive qualities on her.
It is in my strongest belief that I don't think men know how to choose women that appears nice and funny, they find a pretty women and get all crazy.
People have intracinte, complex personalities, and for a man to say that your soulmates over one date, makes me believe that he sees women as disposable,one dimensional, and not unique. ...

I also read from another women on here that is so true that men are the fastest to fall in and ...out of love. Reality has to set in.

These parts of your post are the closest to what I believe. Many (not all) men are like this. They meet you, are physically attracted to you, and bingo. Heck, they might even not meet you. Just see your pictures on a dating website and (maybe) have a couple of IM and phone conversations, but you're "perfect for them", "exactly what they're looking for", and then they are calling you "darling", telling you that they miss you, all kinds of ish. They seem to think that's flattering. It's not. It's insulting. You're telling me that you like me before you even know who I am. I'm just some random woman you just met on a dating website. If that's the way you speak to random women, that tells me that your affection and regard are about as shallow and fickle as a plate of water.
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Some men say things like that simply because they think that's what women like to hear - a lot us come across as easily manipulable. Why wouldn't an egocentric man want to be doted upon by a love-struck girl? When a girl doesn't respond, the 'quest' becomes even more enticing. You read many posts/ thread here of women complaining that men take advantage of their friendship/ company/ affection, even going so far as to point out how 'they would make good wives' without proposing something more.

Women IMO are attracted to 'emotional' words and actions more than men (who tend to get scared of them). I've seen how guys go all distant and disinterested when girls returns their premature affection - probably didn't mean what they said in the first place.