Why did this fool try to usher me to Black People section?


Well-Known Member
I went to the BSS on my lunch to get some more Aloe Rid (almost out, heavy squeezer) This fool, a brother, told me that I was in the "white people section" and that "stuff for us in the next aisle:blush:. I did the madea point at myself like are you talking to me? I kindly told him that I dont use that ish targeted at black people cause 95% of it is whack. He really told me that the stuff in the aisle was more expensive. I agreed, and told him because its worthy. (On top of that Keracare was in the white people section :ohwell:")

Have you ever been ushered to the "Black people section"?
And why do only men work in the BSS:look:?
I went to the BSS on my lunch to get some more Aloe Rid (almost out, heavy squeezer) This fool, a brother, told me that I was in the "white people section" and that "stuff for us in the next aisle:blush:. I did the madea point at myself like are you talking to me? I kindly told him that I dont use that ish targeted at black people cause 95% of it is whack. He really told me that the stuff in the aisle was more expensive. I agreed, and told him because its worthy. (On top of that Keracare was in the white people section :ohwell:")

Have you ever been ushered to the "Black people section"?
And why do only men work in the BSS:look:?

Don't know if I agree with the bolded but anyway...

He was a straight idiot. Once I was looking for a set of clippers for my DH and the guy was so rude I couldn't believe it. I asked him for one that had a "zero" guard adjustable blade (where a guy can get that nice tight fade) and he was like "They don't make anything like that." I was like "There's one right behind you." He worked at Sally's of all places-haven't seen him there lately though, and I'm in there a lot as you probably know already.:look:
No but Ive seen crazy white people STARE ME DOWN for being in "their" section. Then they have the nerve to watch what I take like they were watching a kid buy something for the first time. Like I was lost :nono:. I ALWAYS get the "Miss... can I help you?" from someone I could have sworn just followed me down the isle and passed the old woman who CLEARLY needed help...

Then they have the nerve to put the "black section" in the back dusty corner of HEB like we dont deserve a well-lit area in the hair section. Its on a 3 foot long counter next to the medicine about 3 isles away from hair stuff :ohwell:
Girl, we had to fight for the "black haircare sections" in the past. I've seen whites in our aisle getting products too. So I guess we cross back and forth between the sections now.:grin:

Yes, the Sally's near me has several men working there. They can answer questions too:yep:. I always thought they were students in barber/cosmetology school or something though.
No but Ive seen crazy white people STARE ME DOWN for being in "their" section. Then they have the nerve to watch what I take like they were watching a kid buy something for the first time. Like I was lost :nono:. I ALWAYS get the "Miss... can I help you?" from someone I could have sworn just followed me down the isle and passed the old woman who CLEARLY needed help...

Then they have the nerve to put the "black section" in the back dusty corner of HEB like we dont deserve a well-lit area in the hair section. Its on a 3 foot long counter next to the medicine about 3 isles away from hair stuff :ohwell:

Right now I need to shout out the Ghetto Kmart in Elmwood park that make you check-in your bags at the entrance!:lachen:
Never happened to me, when I walk in the store and they ask can I help you find something I say no and go on about my business. Or if I am looking for a particular product I will ask "Do you carry this or that?" If they do or don't know I just say ok and I will look around for myself.
That is so irksome.

I hate it when white folks look at me sideways,
or act all short and snappy if I ask a question
because they think I don't belong in there.
I'm still paying right?!?!?!!!

Makes me wanna curse somebody out sometimes.
What about CVS??? The "black" section is about half a shelf and only a hand full of the things that some of us use. I live in the burbs and there is not one BSS here except for Sally which does not carry a lot of products I use. So when I do run in CVS to get my NTM and decided I want some ORS, I have to pick from about three products! WTF???
He didn't know any better. Sometimes you have to excuse people! Well at least I do from time to time.:look:

Anyway...I don't see a lot of men working at the BSS stores here. I do see some male korean owners or their male family though.
(I mean it garbage for me and my hair, plus I was mad:grin:) We dont have a "Sally" here. We have a whole bunch of Korean owned, with African men who I dont quite know what their roll is.... And most of the ish they bring up in there is garbage. Not all but alot . Its like anything "new" that come up in there they try to push it on you. Like Garlic Grease WTF? and if it says it grows your hair, these girls are buying it up like chicken.:grin:
(I mean it garbage for me and my hair, plus I was mad:grin:) We dont have a "Sally" here. We have a whole bunch of Korean owned, with African men who I dont quite know what their roll is.... And most of the ish they bring up in there is garbage. Not all but alot . Its like anything "new" that come up in there they try to push it on you. Like Garlic Grease WTF? and if it says it grows your hair, these girls are buying it up like chicken.:grin:

:lachen::lachen::lachen:OMG that made my night right there!
Here at the local Target the "ethinic" hair care section is maybe 2 feet wide on two of the top shelves. And get this there is a huge pole right in front of the section, you know one of those random poles for support that are throughout the store. If you blink you will miss it. The top row has relaxers and the second row has motions hair dressing, conditioner shampoo and some leave-in spray conditioner. Laughable but SAD indeed. At the Wal-Mart we have the pantene thats over with all the other products but the ethnic section is on the other side opposite all the hair accessories and on the same selves as the hair dye next to the curling irons and blow dryers. Interesting...........
No but Ive seen crazy white people STARE ME DOWN for being in "their" section. Then they have the nerve to watch what I take like they were watching a kid buy something for the first time. Like I was lost :nono:. I ALWAYS get the "Miss... can I help you?" from someone I could have sworn just followed me down the isle and passed the old woman who CLEARLY needed help...

Then they have the nerve to put the "black section" in the back dusty corner of HEB like we dont deserve a well-lit area in the hair section. Its on a 3 foot long counter next to the medicine about 3 isles away from hair stuff :ohwell:

LOL,that's sad but so true! Especially the part on how they follow you down the isle!
Here at the local Target the "ethinic" hair care section is maybe 2 feet wide on two of the top shelves. And get this there is a huge pole right in front of the section, you know one of those random poles for support that are throughout the store. If you blink you will miss it. The top row has relaxers and the second row has motions hair dressing, conditioner shampoo and some leave-in spray conditioner. Laughable but SAD indeed. At the Wal-Mart we have the pantene thats over with all the other products but the ethnic section is on the other side opposite all the hair accessories and on the same selves as the hair dye next to the curling irons and blow dryers. Interesting...........

:lachen::lachen::lachen:LOL Im dying!
I went to the BSS on my lunch to get some more Aloe Rid (almost out, heavy squeezer) This fool, a brother, told me that I was in the "white people section" and that "stuff for us in the next aisle:blush:. I did the madea point at myself like are you talking to me? I kindly told him that I dont use that ish targeted at black people cause 95% of it is whack. He really told me that the stuff in the aisle was more expensive. I agreed, and told him because its worthy. (On top of that Keracare was in the white people section :ohwell:")

Have you ever been ushered to the "Black people section"? No I say something to make people like that feel awkward and off balance, then laugh at them.I'm so bad.
And why do only men work in the BSS:look:?
And ignant ones too many times that don't know enough about hair to be telling somebody what they need to buy.Lawd!

:nono: Wow, so keracare is a "white" product now?
I went to the BSS on my lunch to get some more Aloe Rid (almost out, heavy squeezer) This fool, a brother, told me that I was in the "white people section" and that "stuff for us in the next aisle:blush:. I did the madea point at myself like are you talking to me? I kindly told him that I dont use that ish targeted at black people cause 95% of it is whack. He really told me that the stuff in the aisle was more expensive. I agreed, and told him because its worthy. (On top of that Keracare was in the white people section :ohwell:")

Have you ever been ushered to the "Black people section"?
And why do only men work in the BSS:look:?

:lachen::lachen::lachen: @ the bolded!!! The "madea point"?? :lachen::lachen: Hilarious!
If I have one more person tells me about "black" or "white" products I'm gonna ...:hardslap:
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I have this happen all the time. :lachen:

Ive had Black people looking at me like Im in the wrong section too, but not nearly as much as whites.

:grin::grin::grin: I swear ya'll have me in here dying tonight I think it was from the alchohol I drank after sareca told us Nexxus... i cant even say it)
Wow! I've never had this happen in Boston. The ignorance of that man! :nono: :perplexed

You know, the funny thing is I see people of all colors shopping in the ethnic hair care section around here... Sometimes I wonder what they're buying. :look:
I have never been ushered to the black haircare section, but in the past I have had white sales persons give me funny looks when I go to buy products like Aveda, Redken or TIGI.
Sounds like dude was just trying to be helpful. For every 1 lady here that uses "white" products, there are 50-11 more black women that don't.

Sounds like the "white" aisle is where they keep their salon quality products which would explain why Kerecare was there.

I've never been looked at or had anyone comment on the "non-black" haircare items I purchase. It's a non-issue for me.
Ok, I am dying at the "Garlic Grease" thing!:lachen:

I've never been ushered into the black section of haircare aisles. But then, I buy most of my har products online anyway. Most BSS in my area sell crap.:ohwell:
The people ushering you don't even have to be white or black...I had a Hispanic(I think) lady look at me weird yesterday when I asked her if she bought her Salerm 21 locally.(We were in the gym locker room...) I took her off gaurd, but she reluctantly told me and kept looking at my hair like why this black lady need this.
Girl, I feel you. I hate most drugstores "ethnic" products aisle's. It's always shelves stacked with Garlic Shampoo, Jam and Black Gel. There's always some "magic" grease too.
:lachen::lachen:First of all it took me damg near 30 min to read this post because it is OFF THE CHAIN up in hea. I am cracking up:lachen:

I agree on the drugstore and haircare products selling crap. I stopped buying from them because a lot of the products are overstock products that did not sell and some of them have been sitting on the shelves too long.

I have never had this experience but itz too bad that he just dont see it....damn shame.
I have this happen all the time. :lachen:

Ive had Black people looking at me like Im in the wrong section too, but not nearly as much as whites.

I've noticed that a lot too. I just try to ignore it.

I hate it when I hear black people insist that "white" hair products will make my hair break off, or it'll make me bald because its not formulated for "our" hair.
I used to think that before I joined. It was just ignorance of hair. I see now that a good product is a good product and you just have to supplement the other things you need like hair oils, which most white people don't use becaus it weighs their hair down.

I had no idea oil does not moisturizer it only coats.