Why did I ... (very long)


Loc'd 12/04 ~ 07/12.
Why in 1996 did I decide to go natural? Well, after years of getting touch-ups, sometimes as close as every 4 weeks trying to manage my extremely thick hair, I knew that living in the Washington Metro area since 1993, I would not look like a fish out of water after growing up in a predominately homogeneous neighborhood and attending their high schools and undergrad. Plus, I didn't not want my hair to not look like theirs. /images/graemlins/confused.gif

Why did I continue to abuse my hair with electric pressing combs, blow dryer attachments, and extreme hair coloring after going natural? Perhaps I didn't know any better. Well, let's be honest; I didn't know any better. I never did my hair growing up. Even in high school, I woke my mother to do something to my hair whether it was touch up my edges with a hot comb (love the smell of burning hair in the a.m. /images/graemlins/lick.gif) or to bump my ends if my roller set came out lookin' crazy. When I got to my all women college in Indiana, I did the ponytail thing since my skills were limited and luckily, my hair was shoulder length. And when Teneshia got to campus the following year, she did my touch-ups. There were only 8 of "us" on campus at any given time and basically hooked all of us up. My mother never taught me how to care for the hair I was born with. I don't blame her for that. She was a product of assimilation as well and only went natural after her hair came back baby soft when her chemo treatments were over. May she rest in peace.

Why a month ago did I decide to chop off 12 inches of <u>unstretched</u> natural hair and put a texturizer in my hair? Well, first, it was time for a change. It was obvious that while I had the length, it was not healthy, in my opinion. While I did love my natural hair, I had no idea how to maintain it when it was not in braids or twists. Washing it was a battle. I had to ensure I had at least 3 hours to wash, detangle, and dry (yes, blow dry with a comb attachment) before I had my appointment to have it braided or twisted again. My hairdresser who kept me in flat-twists for the past year or so assumed my hair was healthy because it was long. She also "hated" the fact that it was so thick and jokingly made comments that I would wear her out from having so much hair. And the oohs and ahhs I got when I pulled that elastic ponytail holder off my hair when I was in the shop. "Oh, it's so thick. I'd kill to have hair thick like that." Well, they didn't have to
with it every four weeks. Yes, I was only washing and deep conditioning it every four weeks when I took my hair out. /images/graemlins/spank.gif It was dry, damaged, and a killer to keep up my Miss Clairol 116B coloring. Secondly, I thought I'd look better with a texturized short 'do than a completely natural one. Guess I was only partially ready to expose my natural hair and consciously preferred curly tendrils over tight beads. /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif

Why did I think that my social life would change as a result of my big chop? Because I was being insecure and my social life couldn't get any worse than it already is. /images/graemlins/rofl.gif Well, I've gotten more breakfast, lunch, dinner, and telephone number requests in the past 3 weeks than I have all year. Even the men in my office compliment me on my hair and I get a lot more "Good morning, Sistah" versus "How you doin', boo. Can I holla atchoo?" from men. What will my father say when he finally sees me? Probably nothing. Just comment that I cut my hair, if he even notices. I've had a tongue ring for 3 years and he's never even mentioned that.

Do I miss my long hair? Definitely and I'm glad I've found this forum to help me achieve my goals the correct way. Will I ever put another relaxer in my hair? Probably not, but I may want/need to texturize again. Will I ever dye my hair again? Well, thanks to the Garnier 100% Color in Blue Black I put in my hair this morning, I guess the answer is "Yes." I look almost gothic, but the two-color hair with red on top and dark brown in the back was starting to annoy me.

Why am I writing all this? Only to say I've come to accept who I am and I can't please everyone as far as my looks and hair are concerned. I'm happy with who I am and the one male co-worker who wants more than a working relationship with me and said he didn't like my hair is bald, so what does he know?

Oh, and if anyone can help me turn my now-grey fingernails back to white, I'd appreciate it. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Might I join you?

Why Did I chop my hair from about 3 inches past bra strap to just past my shoulders, just because I couldn't manage it. Then cut it even shorter, because someone over relaxed it. I should have had the patience to let it grow out, trimming off the damaged hair while maintaining the new, healthy hair.
I'm glad you're a peace with where your hair is at--as to me, that's the ultimate goal! I would love to see pics! I've always thought about trying the short-texturized look because all the girls that I've seen with it look cute and spunky...I'm sure it looks great. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Interesting story...here is my "why did i..."

Why did I ever color my hair and why did I cut my passed shoulder length hair to near my chin back in 2003? Why did I ever get my hair cut period in the past? Coloring my hair has made it dry and damaged. I wish I never cut my hair because it could have been much longer. Im currently transitioning to natural right now and always wondered how come I never thought about going natural while relaxing all this time? Maybe because I thought my hair was already natural as long as you dont have fake weaved hair. I also thought relaxers was what black women were suppose to do to their hair and that nappy hair is bad. Now my views differ!

Blkbuttahflyy, I would like to say never do anything to yourself just to please other people. Do your hair the way you would like it to look for ultimate health and appearance for you. Good luck with your hair goals. I hope the LHCF can be a big asset to you! /images/graemlins/wink.gif
Model:: I just finished my photo album, My Big Chop. My password is bella. I don't think I photograph well, so pardon my smirks and cheesy grins. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
That style is very flattering and your texture looks great!!

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Thanks, nicki! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I luv it, blkbutterfly.....have fun with it!

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Thanks, model. I dream of the day I get to the length in your curly hair pics.
Model:: I just finished my photo album, My Big Chop. My password is bella. I don't think I photograph well, so pardon my smirks and cheesy grins. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

No retro pics?
When you look in the mirror, as long as you're the one starring back; do what pleases you. If someone else starts staring back; then do what pleases them. (then run like he????)

*** PS. Soak your nails in a some lemon juice. That will usually turn them back white. But make sure you moisturize your nails &amp; cuticles afterwards because the lemon can be drying.