Why constantly protective style with weaves that dont resemble your hair texture?


A True Soldier Never Dies
I dont get it.

I dont understand how women learning how to handle natural hair for the first time decide to grow out their natural hair by ONLY using weaves that look nothing like their texture. How do you expect to know how to take care of longer natural hair if you have no clue in taking care of your twa? I believe this is where a lot of frustration in natural hair care comes from.

Why not at least every now and then wear weaves that resemble your hair and practice styling/handling on those?
I was a long-term weave-wearer for two years. The majority of my weaves were straight. The point of me wearing a weave was to have a simple transition. I also needed "easy" hair that fit my face/body while really active in college/working. It helped to wait until I felt comfortable handling/styling my hair and actually had the time to do it-- especially time.

I mean, the weave has to come out at some point so it's not like you never get the chance to learn and style your hair.

Also, going natural wasn't revolutionary for me and wasn't a big deal at the time. I just felt like doing it, so I did it.

Weave choice may correlate to hair goals. Going natural for life? Want a break from working with curly hair? Taking a break from chemicals for a specified amount of time? Simply want a change?

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I dont get it.

I dont understand how women learning how to handle natural hair for the first time decide to grow out their natural hair by ONLY using weaves that look nothing like their texture. How do you expect to know how to take care of longer natural hair if you have no clue in taking care of your twa? I believe this is where a lot of frustration in natural hair care comes from.

Why not at least every now and then wear weaves that resemble your hair and practice styling/handling on those?

ETA: delete response. SND411, sorry didn't read original post correctly. Off to get coffee. :)
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I think regardless, if you BC and wear weaves until you get to a certain length or if you transition wearing weaves either way once you decide that you want to come out of the weaves for good you will figure it out. It's all about whatever looks you want. I had my first weave ever in life and just took it out this week(it was straight). Next time though I will definitely get a more textured look so that I can have a leave out because the full head look was wiggy looking to me. It's a personal choice though. Do whatever works for you is how I see it. :)
when i weave it up i use curly weave. i dont use my hair texture weave because the point of the weave in the first place is less time spent doing hair. with the curly weave i wet it everyday in the shower (therefore also wetting my hair underneath), throw some mousse, curling gel, whatever, and go. I cant do that with my hair! the simplicity is why i do it. its a win-win for me:my hair is left alone underneath (of course i moisturize daily) and i'm not in the bathroom all day caring for the weave like i would my own hair.
For the first two years I was wearing weaves, my main purpose was just to grow out my hair. I knew eventually I would have learn how to take care of my real hair so I stopped for a while but I'm back to weaving/wigging to help me achieve my goal. Also, I prefer straight/wavy styles and I don't believe I need to wear similar texture as my hair b/c weaves offer variety and it is a personal choice of what style someone wants to wear.
Does weave that resemble natural hair even behave anything like natural hair? Isn't it all fake and processed to look like type four hair but originally like type one hair. I asking because I never had a weave or used fake hair that resembled natural hair before.
I wore weaves before I decided to transition, weave and wigs during the transition, and still wear wigs now that I am natural but it doesn't keep me from learning how to focus on the health of my hair. Weaves never did. In order for anyone to achieve their goals while wearing weaves, you must know how to take care of your hair first. Everyone on this board knows that if you are going to long term PS with weaves of any sort, there are steps to take to ensure that your hair does not suffer. Yes I may be style challenged, but heck...non-weave wearers have to deal with the same thing. It's not a matter of not wanting to deal with weave my natural texture. It's just nice to have an easy change for a while. I have wigs that are similiar to my hair type that I wear and they behave NOTHING like 4a hair or whatever they try to make it out to be. Synthetic hair is synthetic hair.
OP- I understand the sentiment behind your question, I really do, but it is a weeeee bit judgemental, no?

As has been said, not everyone goes natural to make some statement to the world that nappy hair is beautiful and needs to be seen. That was my reason for going natural, and maybe yours, but certainly not everyone falls into this boat.

Also, any weave-wearer knows that weaves, no matter how "realistic" they appear, can never really mimic AA textured hair :nono:. The hair that's actually used to make curly and textured hair is usually type 1 or 2 hair that's been subjected to a "texturizing" process. With this in mind, it's nearly impossible as far as I'm concerned to "get to know" your hair texture by wearing a weave, no matter how similar it appears to your own texture.

Lastly, where exactly do you suggest I go to get some bonafide 4B human hair, so I can keep it ALL the way real?? :rolleyes: :lol:
Some people like to protective style and use a straight or non curly weave and think nothing of it - I'm one of those people.

To find a curly weave/wig that I would like, that would suit me etc hasn't been easy at all. All the good ones are either online or just not available to me.

Also taking care of a weave or wig is not the same as taking care of your actual natural hair either..
i use weaves as protective styles at times, but they are almost identical to my hair. Only difference is that they are less maintenance. Just moisturize my hair underneath 3 times a week. Scrunch that bad boy and go.
Because I want to. Also some of us aren't just learning how to take care of our natural hair I've known how to my entire life. You reminded me to make an appointment cause I want a straight bob with a bang.
I wear weaves that are straight (relaxed texture). I don't believe it makes a difference since taking care of a TWA is far different than taking care of natural APL hair.
OP- I understand the sentiment behind your question, I really do, but it is a weeeee bit judgemental, no?

As has been said, not everyone goes natural to make some statement to the world that nappy hair is beautiful and needs to be seen. That was my reason for going natural, and maybe yours, but certainly not everyone falls into this boat.

But this was not what this thread was about. Had nothing to do with wating women to make a statement, but having less women frustrated with their texture.
OP, that is an interesting question. I noticed you said first time naturals, not the ones who have been natural for a long time and have a grip on their hair. I don't think this question is directed at people who have been natural for a while and decided they want to switch it up with a straight PS.

I know friends who are transitioning and they are scared to handle their own hair because they have been accustomed to weaves. And they say their hair is very hard to manage which is why they wear weaves. It is a personal decision. And it depends on what the person wants to deal with long term. I know some who are natural and they swore to never wear their natural hair out so as long as weaves are here to stay.
I personally wear weaves to grow my hair out and retain length. Once my hair gets to a certain length I am sure I would wear my hair out more. By that time I can style with ease and not have the frustration with shrinkage, however this is me.
i've never worn a weave but hopefully next month until until the end of august I'll be psing under wigs. I don't want a weave that mimics my hair, I think a curly wig would require more upkeep and be really bothersome. I also don't want the same length :nono: Short and straight wig is ideal for me.

Also it would probably be a lot more expensive
Extension Plus has Relaxed texture weave I hear that matches 4a/b hair. Believe me, if those prices were cheaper, I don't doubt many women would be rocking it,lol.
I haven't read all the responses but OP, I thought one reason for getting a weave is getting hair that makes life easier for you. Straightened hair is quicker to style, comb, etc... Personally I have no patience for sacrificing the love and care needed to handle 4B hair on hair that isn't mine. I don't even volunteer to help others with their hair coz I'm selfish like that. So why would I buy hair that would require the work I'm only willing to put in caring for my hair only?

Also weaves help people who don't feel comfortable sporting short hair give their hair a chance to grow while sporting a length they are comfortable with. Long hair IMO is easier to style, and even more so if it's straight, so I'd rather save the energy for hair care for when I am faced with my own hair.

I don't think weaves were ever supposed to be tools to school people on how to care for their own hair. People get weaves that come close to their textures, straightened or not, because one'd look silly wearing hair that clearly is borrowed from a blonde Barbie...and nature always looks best so why not get as close to what was made for you.

Does weave that resemble natural hair even behave anything like natural hair? Isn't it all fake and processed to look like type four hair but originally like type one hair. I asking because I never had a weave or used fake hair that resembled natural hair before.

20Something It's possible to get human hair that looks like 4B hair and since it's 100% real hair, I'm guessing it'd behave like it (maybe?), but IMO to care for it would be more work than it's worth. Here's an example of a weft of kinky weaving hair:


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I always wonder why people who ask this question STAY OR SIGN UP on hair forums, watch youtube videos, read hair blogs, etc.

SND411 I suspect they do the bold because they hope to learn something that they could use on their own hair. I think the question "Why do people care what others do with their hair" is usually asking why folks get their knickers in a bunch over what others do with their hair. Like when people get irritable coz Fatuma left home with Celie braids and had no shame being in public like that, when Fatuma isn't a relative or someone they know. I too don't understand why they care. I suppose it could be compassion/concern...where someone wishes they could help Fatuma look more presentable (If they hate Celie braids--I don't mind them myself). But a lot of times, it seems people are somewhat mad about it. All that negative energy over something that has nothing to do with them.
SND411 I suspect they do the bold because they hope to learn something that they could use on their own hair. I think the question "Why do people care what others do with their hair" is usually asking why folks get their knickers in a bunch over what others do with their hair. Like when people get irritable coz Fatuma left home with Celie braids and had no shame being in public like that, when Fatuma isn't a relative or someone they know. I too don't understand why they care. I suppose it could be compassion/concern...where someone wishes they could help Fatuma look more presentable (If they hate Celie braids--I don't mind them myself). But a lot of times, it seems people are somewhat mad about it. All that negative energy over something that has nothing to do with them.

I guess im different because I care about other black women gaining the confidence and ability to c take care of their hair. Same with caring about BW losing weight. I was simply offering a suggestion to new naturals who always wear syraight weaves all the while bemoaning the fact that they are havong diffoculty getting to understand their hair type. IMO, that is different from judging any ol BW on the street.
I guess im different because I care about other black women gaining the confidence and ability to c take care of their hair. Same with caring about BW losing weight. I was simply offering a suggestion to new naturals who always wear syraight weaves all the while bemoaning the fact that they are havong diffoculty getting to understand their hair type. IMO, that is different from judging any ol BW on the street.

SND411 Aah... OK. I didn't get that point that they were whining about not knowing how to care for their hair or that you didn't mean just people in general (aka any ol' person on the street) but were actually talking about people you know. My bad.
I am natural and grow my hair out by wearing wigs (that are straight or curly) because it's super easy and because it works. That's it really. I would love to have a wig fro but they all look crazy to me. I take care of my hair underneath so it not like I'm not learning to do that. I'm very well acquainted with it now thank you. I don't see how wearing a weave/wig that resembles my hair is going to help me learn how to care for the real stuff anyway. :look:
Still can't style my hair but that is where the wigs come in besides the fact that they are a great low-manipulation/protective style, and I have never known how to style my hair regardless what state it was in -- relaxed, texturizered or natural -- and at this point I'm not worried about it. I like that my hair is growing so I 'm leaving it alone for the moment and doing my weekly routine. I watch tons or Youtube videos so when I am ready to try something I'll be ready.
I guess im different because I care about other black women gaining the confidence and ability to c take care of their hair. Same with caring about BW losing weight. I was simply offering a suggestion to new naturals who always wear syraight weaves all the while bemoaning the fact that they are havong diffoculty getting to understand their hair type. IMO, that is different from judging any ol BW on the street.
That is not how your origianly post came off as at all. It sounded very judgmental and rude. So anything you may have to say is going to do through one ear and out the other. :ohwell: