Why Can't My Mum Just Listen To Me !!


Active Member
My mum is sitting next to me dragging a comb through her hair !!:wallbash: Like from the root to tip and just yanking the comb through her hair ! Everytime I try to tell her something useful about hair, like putting conditioner in her hair and combing from tip to root, she just ignores me and says something like "oh well I'm not going to wash it out" or "I'll put grease in to detangle it". She just took her braids down and you know when you get the build up where the new growth stops and the extension braid starts, she just yanked the comb right through it, and I kept telling her to comb from tip to root she just acts like she know what's she's doing, which is why she has been ear length for 20 years, while I have been growing my natural hair for 17 months and I'm already touching armpit length !!! I hope you can hear my sarcasm :sad: I told her to take a rest from extensions because her hair line is really suffering, but what did she go and do she went and put her hair in extensions, small ones at that !:wallbash:
And when I show her my hair growth and progress she just puts on that attitude of " so what ?" and shruggs and laughs, sometimes she even gets angry and tells me to move out of the way !! I offer her my products, like my moisturiser but she don't moisturise her hair, don't shampoo it, don't do nothing :wallbash:
My cousin on the other hand, she listens and takes my advice updating me on what products work for her, how her hair is going, she just enjoys our discussions, and making a regimen.
I think I should just give up because there's no point really.

HHG Ladies !
It's like this. She used to change your diapers. She knows better and that's that. Keep your lips together and when you hit about BSL, she MAY ask for some tips.

If she doesn't, she's still momma!
Moms think they know better.
As you get older, you will realize that older people think they know everything.
I would not make any suggestions to your mom unless she asks.
Right now your mom has to much pride to admit that you are right and she is wrong.
OP, it's time for you to let it go. I understand you want to bring her into a higher hair knowledge but you can't do the used car salesman approach. She's not interested right now. Just leave her alone about it.
No but my mum does ask for advice that's the thing, she will ask me how should I do this or how should I do that, but when I tell her she thinks it's wrong ! what's the point in asking ? Yesterday she asked me to do her hair, but before you know it she said nope.
That's what gets me annoyed, if she hadn't asked me then fine you do your thing and I'll do mine, but if your gonna ask, I give you advice and then you shut me down then really what is the point?

ETA:We only talk about hair when she asks for advice, so it's not something that I'm pushing her about :nono:
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hun some are stubborn like that..When your hair is longer is swangin all the place.she may listen to you or she may not...Dont sweat it.I dont .My sister follows my tips and now she is past apl for the first time since she little.