Why be extra with it???


New Member
I'm just wondering why we have to do all these extra things to our hair such as acv rinses, baggie (I do it), protein treatments, mixing and matching etc.? A while back before when my mother was taking care of my hair, my hair was healthy and great and non of that extra stuff. Even friends of mine now with all different types of hair have healthy, long relaxed and natural hair and don't do all the stuff mentioned, so I just wonder why be extra? Is clean, healthy, moisturized hair enough? Just a thought.
I'm just wondering why we have to do all these extra things to our hair such as acv rinses, baggie (I do it), protein treatments, mixing and matching etc.? A while back before when my mother was taking care of my hair, my hair was healthy and great and non of that extra stuff. Even friends of mine now with all different types of hair have healthy, long relaxed and natural hair and don't do all the stuff mentioned, so I just wonder why be extra? Is clean, healthy, moisturized hair enough? Just a thought.

I guess it depends on the individual and their specific hair needs.

For me, patience is key with hair growth. As long as I wash on a weekly basis with a sulfate free shampoo, deep condition with each wash for at least 15 minutes, roller set, and do not apply heat appliances other than the hood dryer to my hair, I'm good. I usually see excellent results with my hair within 3 months. But sometimes 3 months is soo hard for me.

My hair doesn't like hair extension as over time it thins my hair.
I can see where u are coming from with that? I think that if your hair is already healthy, then the "extra" is gravy--but if your hair is jacked up then you need the ACVs, some Castor oil, and whatever else you can get.. :)

I have learned from trial and error with my hair that less is more. I don't do any of the baggie, xyz, etc...methods. I don't believe in using so called hair topical agents and so forth. For me, all I need are the basics and all the extra stuff I use to do to my hair just stressed it out and left my hands tired from always having them in my head. I personally don't do all the extra-jump-on-my-bandwagon methods!
I guess so. Sometimes I'm like, why do I even do this stuff. My hair wasn't ever unhealthy really, it was just thinning from heat and breaking because I never moisturized. So now I retain. But yet, I never did protein treatments and acvs and different rinses and stuff, but my hair was fine so I wonder why do it now. My mother doesn't do it to her hair and her hair is in great condition. We have the same type of hair.

I just feel like maybe some of us ( can't really speak for anyone, just those who feel what I am saying) may be working hard for a goal that is just as attainable if we were to do less or went back to Healthy basics.
My philosophy is to keep it simple, based on what I feel my hair needs. I don't even pre-poo cuz I feel it's a waste of time. Sometimes I do the extra stuff when my hair needs a boost or to remedy a specific problem. Keeping it simple minimizes frustration for me.

I don't knock anyone for doing extra, tho. You gotta do whats right for your hair, plus some people actually enjoy doing the complicated stuff. As the saying goes, to each his own.
i dont do any of that extra stuff.
1. because i dont have time
2. cause i dont see the reason to

my hair grows and is just fine without 4 hours hair care regimen:ohwell:

and i like it that way. to me the best thing you can do for your hair is "less"
So sorry for the long parargraph....

I agree, that it may not be necessary for all of the extra's. Especially if your hair is already in good condition. :yep:

Through all of the different product and regimen hype though, I must say I have found products and techniques that really work for my hair that I would have never known about had I not tried some of the things that the other ladies have mentioned. ( some of the things I tried where awful for my hair But it was fun trying these things and it gave me a world of experience.

As you become more familiar with your hair, especially if you have not come to know your hair from being a Salon patron for so long it helps you gets some experience with your hair and then you can scale back to what is simple for your life style. I know that I have. Simple for me is better too..

I don't really enjoy doing anything extra but playing around with different Dominican conditioners. They all smell great and a majority of them are just great on my hair. I have done baggie so much that it has now become systematic. I started doing it for moisture but didn't really need it and now, I just do it to do it.
Today I definitely feel you....

Besides the breakage (which was from perm. color w/ no deep conditioning afterwards), my hair was perfectly fine. I want to GROW my hair, but in general it was okay. I notice I have worse hair days NOW than I did before. :nono:

I do some things but I don't jump on every bandwagon. I do agree w/ low/no heat, but I'm not psycho about it. I dunno. It's frustrating.

Sometimes I think I just need to go back to what I was doing before BUT adding some of the AWESOME things I have learned from this board (co-washing, dc'ing on dry hair, sealing w/ oil, etc).
I don't do all that extra stuff, I just shampoo, condition, and moisturize. If my reggie was complicated, I wouldn't stick to it. As long as I'm clean and moist, I'm cool.
I do the simple stuff shampoo, condition, moisturise and protect and try as much as possible to keep my hands out of it.
I don't do all the extra stuff either. I just cowash a lot because I love to style my hair differently often and I love playing with my texture while wet. I generally cowash 2x a week and then moisturize when my hair feels dry. I am really starting to agree that less is way more.
I love this board becasue you see results for different regimins. I don't need a lot of stuff to help my hair. I keep it simple. The castor oil works really great for my hair. The trial and error will eventually get you to a simple regimin.
I agree that all of the "extraness" is just "extra" unless it is yielding results/needed. A lot of different factors i.e. climate, hormones, degree of damage, texture, etc. determine what one's hair needs to be healthy, so I don't judge others for what they do, even though some things I hear about just seem like overkill, or creating another problem.When I first joined the board, I was tempted to try a multitude of things, because by nature I am creative. I try to use my "education" from school, and my own independent "research", to keep myself from being excessive. I do however love to spike conditioners with oils/honey sometimes according to their benefits. Other than that I really KISS and At first, I tried a lot of mixing, but once I found products that really work, I saw that all the mixing was not necessary. Right now my extraness is limited to wanting to try every dominican conditioner, but I have really found enough ones that work for me, so I try to keep checking myself.

ETA I am also trying the MN for the first time, but I will quickly stop if I don't find it to be worth the trouble. I am not going to get into overmanipulation of my hair. I refuse.
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I can see where u are coming from with that? I think that if your hair is already healthy, then the "extra" is gravy--but if your hair is jacked up then you need the ACVs, some Castor oil, and whatever else you can get.. :)


:yep: ITA When I started here I had major dryness issues and although my hair was longer it was much unhealthier, now my hair is healthy and thriving I have a much simpler routine of co-wash once a week and ACV rinse (don't like shampoo) and DC the other time. I oil my scalp once-2ce a day and that's it:spinning: I don't baggie and just DC most of the time without heat.
What works for me...being that I'm relaxed, my hair need that little extra as opposed to when it's in its natural state, then it's not necessary.

Anyway, what I do is simple though, and additionally I give it patience and know health and length will certainly creep down my back and beyond.
I really dont have time for all the extras either. I am still putting together my staple products, so far I have

Moisturizing Shampoo - Beauty Without Cruelty Moisture Plus
Clarifying Shampoo - Avalon Organics with lemon, shea butter,vitamin E,
Panthenol and Arginine
Moisturizing Conditioner - Aubreys Organic Honeysuckle Rose
Protein conditioner - I have tried Giovanni's Nutrafixx protein rich
conditioner which is very good but I want to try
Aubreys GBP to see which one works best for my
hair so that I can choose my staple protein
Heavy protein treatment - Aphogeee
Leave In - I use both Rusk smooth conditioner and Giovanni's Direct
Leave In. This week I will decide which one works best. From
what it looks like I think Rusk will be the winner but I will see
after my next wash in three days.
Moisturizer - BB Moisturizing growth lotion. No matter what I use I
always come back to this moisturizer. Have not found
anything else that works as good for my hair especially
when stretching.
Oils - Coconut Oil. For now this is my staple oil. I have not tried others
but this is working extremely well for me in terms of softness and
shine so I dont know if I am going to waste my money on others. If
it aint broke dont try to fix it.

If there is something I should have please let me know. So Ladies these are my products that I use with my very simple regimen. I actually love washing my hair and I look forward to it because it is so simple and It takes a short time.

I was wondering do I need to use a porosity shampoo?
Im all about keeping it simple to. I read and I know I cant do all these things. I try to focus on my problem which is dry hair and how I can fix that. I figure once I do that I can retain the length for growth. But when you do so many hurtful things to your hair Im sure you need the extra stuff.
I don't really enjoy doing anything extra but playing around with different Dominican conditioners. They all smell great and a majority of them are just great on my hair. I have done baggie so much that it has now become systematic. I started doing it for moisture but didn't really need it and now, I just do it to do it.

I like to play around with all the different Dominican conditioners too. Right now I'm trying out the Whale Sperm and Milk and Honey ones!:grin:
Sometimes the extras are needed to give your hair just a little bit more. If you have an sensitive or irritated scalp, ACVs maybe perfect for you. If your hair is breaking, a protein treatment might be perfect for you. Alot of the 'extra' things maybe just what the doctor ordered for an person
OP, I feel you. I don't do the majority of the stuff people on this board do. Some of these regimens are too convoluted for me. Mines is simple.
Sometimes the extras are needed to give your hair just a little bit more. If you have an sensitive or irritated scalp, ACVs maybe perfect for you. If your hair is breaking, a protein treatment might be perfect for you. Alot of the 'extra' things maybe just what the doctor ordered for an person

I hear you, I just sometimes thing being extra on a constant basis, is it really necessary?
Has anyone ever gone real overboard on there hair then slowed down to reap the same benefits?

When I started taking serious care of my hair, I needed the extra TLC that comes from deep conditioning 2x/week but now that my hair is healthy, I've reduced it to once/week. I don't see any added benefit to pre-poos (except to use up the last bit of a product I have sitting around) or baggying b/c I've never had severe dryness issues; my problem was that I wasn't consistent w/maintaining the proper moisture/protein balance for MY hair...To me, the extra stuff just doesn't lend itself to the concept of "long-term, consistent" habits. If I did some of the stuff some ppl do on here, I'd have quit a long time ago :perplexed...

Now the care of my tresses is on auto-pilot; as long as I do my simple regimen of wash 2x/wk and dc 1x/wk, every week, I and my hair are cool. Anything else is done on an as-needed basis.
I needed to be extra in the beginning to learn what worked for me and my hair. I had to go through a whole lot of products and techniques and I am really glad that I did. Now I can get by with a simple routine because everything I have works for my hair and I know how and when to use it.

But if my hair should start to have problems under my current routine, I will probably go back to "extra" to figure out what it needs.
Well, I MUST do my deep conditions, which for a relaxed head is not "extra" in my eyes.

But, all the other stuff - I have never been into.

shampooing, conditioning, moisturizing is all I do. I do like my occasional Henna, though. Yum!
Im thinking maybe the complicated regimens are necessary for those with severely damnged hair when starting out. However once the hair is in optimal health I think its okay to chill out with deep condtioning 5x a week.
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I don't do the extra stuff, and my hair is growing just fine. I basically wash, condition, moisturize, stay away from heat, and leave it alone.