"Why are you staring at girls wearing bras"?


New Member
My boyfriend (bf) asked me “Why do you stare intensely at girls in their bras? Your favourite pics seemed to be those where the girls backs are turned away from the camera” :blush:
I felt like I was a child caught with my hands in the cookie jar.

My bf and I do not live together. However, I had to let my bf know that “I’m not staring at girls in the way you may think” My response, “Honey, this may be hard for you to believe but I thing I’m a hair addict” I know many ladies here informed their husbands, boyfriends, however, I wanted to keep this my own little secret.

His response to me was “This explains a lot of things”
Now, what’s that suppose to mean?

I joined the forum about 2 years ago, I was obsessed when I first join, and than experienced major breakage and felt discourage. I disappeared for a while. However, I don’t think anyone noticed since I was not one of the “popular” ladies. That's okay I aint mad at anyone:spinning:

Anyhow, Here are my symptoms

Thinking about hair more than usual

Asking my bf to come over 1 hour later so I can give my undivided attention to my hair.

Checking the thread at work several times.

Not be able to pull away from the computer at the time I promised myself.

Praying to God for longer healthier hair. People should pray for family, friends, hunger, love, faith hope, and health, not hair. I feel guilty about this.

Feeling of fear that you may loose your progress, you may damage your hair, or simply your hair might just stop growing before you reach your goal. :perplexed

Never owned a camera in my life, however want to buy a good camera so I can take pics of my hair and other things too (I promise).

The feelings intensify if I experience noticeable growth or thickness
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Hi Kiya and Sweetgal! My name is Moroni, and I'm a hair addict, too! I don't want any treatments (except caramel and henna now and then!), and the only cure is 10 years with WL hair!!! By then, I'll just be labeled an expert. My symptoms are checking in on the forum...oh about 10 times during the day, and only 4 times in the evening. I get an overwhelming urge to DC or moisten my hair while reading the forum, and will have to jump up and run to the bathroom!!! I have several fotki's in my bookmarks, and I know quite a few passwords without having to look them up.....yep! I'd say I've got it pretty bad, too. :lachen:
fix typo I'm not able to pull away frome the compute at the time a promised myself, I should be done reading all the cool posts
Hi Kiya and Sweetgal! My name is Moroni, and I'm a hair addict, too! I don't want any treatments (except caramel and henna now and then!), and the only cure is 10 years with WL hair!!! By then, I'll just be labeled an expert. My symptoms are checking in on the forum...oh about 10 times during the day, and only 4 times in the evening. I get an overwhelming urge to DC or moisten my hair while reading the forum, and will have to jump up and run to the bathroom!!! I have several fotki's in my bookmarks, and I know quite a few passwords without having to look them up.....yep! I'd say I've got it pretty bad, too. :lachen:

Oh my, I get an overwhelming urge to DC or moisten my hair when I read the forum too.

I have saved many fokti's too!

I imagine myself with longer hair all the time and think about the styles I want to do with all my hair (once I get it)

I think about the method in which I will dc. I also think about which one of the conditioners I want to use.

I focus on not trying to remember the products I need to moisten seal etc.

I try to minimize the screen when someone creeps up om me :look:
My boyfriend (bf) asked me “Why do you stare intensely at girls in their bras? Your favourite pics seemed to be those where the girls backs are turned away from the camera” :blush:
I felt like I was a child caught with my hands in the cookie jar.

My bf and I do not live together. However, I had to let my bf know that “I’m not staring at girls in the way you may think” My response, “Honey, this may be hard for you to believe but I thing I’m a hair addict” I know many ladies here informed their husbands, boyfriends, however, I wanted to keep this my own little secret.

His response to me was “This explains a lot of things”
Now, what’s that suppose to mean?

I joined the forum about 2 years ago, I was obsessed when I first join, and than experienced major breakage and felt discourage. I disappeared for a while. However, I don’t think anyone noticed since I was not one of the “popular” ladies. That's okay I aint mad at anyone:spinning:

Anyhow, Here are my symptoms

Thinking about hair more than usual

Asking my bf to come over 1 hour later so I can give my undivided attention to my hair.

Checking the thread at work several times.

Not be able to pull away from the computer at the time I promised myself.

Praying to God for longer healthier hair. People should pray for family, friends, hunger, love, faith hope, and health, not hair. I feel guilty about this.

Feeling of fear that you may loose your progress, you may damage your hair, or simply your hair might just stop growing before you reach your goal. :perplexed

Never owned a camera in my life, however want to buy a good camera so I can take pics of my hair and other things too (I promise).

The feelings intensify if I experience noticeable growth or thickness

Don't feel guilty! The Lord said ask and you shall receive. There's also a quote in the Bible that says, "But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her as a covering." 1 Corinthians 11:15. So don't feel guilty. Long hair is a blessing!:yep:
Hello Ladies! My name is LIPYT and I am also a hair addict!....
Just today at work I was late joining my BF for lunch so he came down to my room looking for me. When he looked at what I was focusing soo hard at on the computer he rolled his eyes. lol He's like "what else is left to learn about hair that it takes up all your time!?"
I stalk so many fotki's like it's a reality tv show and I get real excited for updates...like a new episode or something. All my pics on my comp are pics or my hair...which I recently thought was kind of lame..:look:. So I'm trying to take more "normal" ones.
I have extensions now cuz I'm stretching but sometimes when I miss my hair, I'll take out a braid or two and thoroughly examine my hair. Playing with the new growth and pulling it to see how much it grew. Take pics. That could last for like 30mins. Then afterwards I download it to my computer and compare it to my other pics that also takes for ever!
My boyfriend (bf) asked me “Why do you stare intensely at girls in their bras? Your favourite pics seemed to be those where the girls backs are turned away from the camera” :blush:

Girl this made me FALL OUT OF MY CHAIR!!!

Yes, I'm a hair addict too and agree with EVERYTHING said in this thread, lol. I dont plan on fixing the problem either.
I stalk so many fotki's like it's a reality tv show and I get real excited for updates...like a new episode or something. All my pics on my comp are pics or my hair...which I recently thought was kind of lame..:look:. So I'm trying to take more "normal" ones.


That's so me!!! Okay - I'm at home now (and right back on LHCF!) so I can add my symptoms.....

...when the website that hosted my hair journal went *poof* I started a hair blog....

...almost anytime I'm in the kitchen stirring something up, DH just goes :rolleyes: and says 'More hair stuff?'...

...I have a section of the freezer dedicated to hair mixes...

...I plot all week about what I'm going to do to my hair on the weekend...

...I've written short stories with hair as the subplot....


I might need help, ya'll.
Don't feel guilty! The Lord said ask and you shall receive. There's also a quote in the Bible that says, "But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her as a covering." 1 Corinthians 11:15. So don't feel guilty. Long hair is a blessing!:yep:

This is awesome! I dont have to feel guilty anymore-thank-you for breaking this quote down to me I finally understand.
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Hello Ladies! My name is LIPYT and I am also a hair addict!....
Just today at work I was late joining my BF for lunch so he came down to my room looking for me. When he looked at what I was focusing soo hard at on the computer he rolled his eyes. lol He's like "what else is left to learn about hair that it takes up all your time!?"
I stalk so many fotki's like it's a reality tv show and I get real excited for updates...like a new episode or something. All my pics on my comp are pics or my hair...which I recently thought was kind of lame..:look:. So I'm trying to take more "normal" ones.
I have extensions now cuz I'm stretching but sometimes when I miss my hair, I'll take out a braid or two and thoroughly examine my hair. Playing with the new growth and pulling it to see how much it grew. Take pics. That could last for like 30mins. Then afterwards I download it to my computer and compare it to my other pics that also takes for ever!

LOL....I love this! I found myself doing the same thing! It's almost like I think I will miss something if I dont tune in. I always feel like I have to go back through all the threads if I miss a couple of days (which has not happened lately)

LIPYT, I think my hair is about your length now and it's making me soo excited. I'm actually beginning to believe that I can make it to APL...
All you ladies are great!!!!
OMG! I almost spit my ACV cocktail out when I read the title. Hahahahahaha.

I just knew you were talking about someone's album.
Don't feel guilty! The Lord said ask and you shall receive. There's also a quote in the Bible that says, "But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her as a covering." 1 Corinthians 11:15. So don't feel guilty. Long hair is a blessing!:yep:

What she said :grin:
Its nice to know I'm not alone. I spend too much time and money focused on my hair. I even dream about hair. The other day I dreamed that my hair was at my goal length.:yep: Lord only knows what I'll do when I finally reach my goal!
Okay, I am finally home. I no longer feel like an outsider. I have so many fotkis saved to my computer it isn't funny. I stalk everybodies foktis for ideas and regimens. I log on while I'm at work throughout the day and when I get home. I am constantly thinking about the products that I already have and if I need to stop and get some more. OMG! I think I could be a Hair Addict! Naw, I just really like hair(in denial)!:lachen:
Alt + Tabs. It switches the screen to whereover you were previously. I do it at work all the time..:nono:

LOL:lachen:I am the ALT + TAB Queen!!

(clears throat & stands up):look: My name is Jazzy413 and I'm a hair addict. I've watched quietly in the background and slowly convinced myself "hey try this...it wont hurt. I'll do it one time and stop -- no one will know...":nono: I CANT STOP! Im like a closet addict -- I cant post much cause Ive got tons of stuff to do at work, BUT I log into LHCF as soon as I get into work, I check the forums throughout the day as I am working - way too many times and I forget Im working -, I have stalked several fotkis, even added them as friends so I can go back and check their progress, and yes I too stare at girls wearing brasway more than probably the average teenage boy does!! I feel like Im doing something perverted when someone walks to my desk so I ALT TAB real quick:look: Maybe they all think I like girls tho:rolleyes::yep:
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Ok have I hit rock bottom?? I just thought about something -- I conduct meetings sometimes and can set up my laptop and the projector to act as dual monitors....well I normally drag whats needed for the meeting to the projector screen and keep LHCF up on my laptop.:lachen: I always position myself so no one can see my screen -- I dont want to miss that oh so important advice on rollersetting or ayurvedic tips, Id like go through withdrawal if LHCF wasnt within my reach:nono:...Maybe I need a sponser:rolleyes:

Ok....and I like these smilies WAY too much:drunk:
Hello ladies my name is motherx2esq and I am a hair addict and a recovering pj! I spend 75% of my work day on LHCF and alway minimize the screen when someone walks by. At home I am a total addict because my daughters are the only ones here with me and they know to leave mommy alone when she is using her hair crack!
This thread is funny b/c to a LHCF fanatic like me, staring at a chick with her back turned , hair down, wearing her bra seems obvious that I'm checking for hair length but I guess we forget what it looks like from the outside sometimes! lol
Hello ladies my name is motherx2esq and I am a hair addict and a recovering pj! I spend 75% of my work day on LHCF and alway minimize the screen when someone walks by. At home I am a total addict because my daughters are the only ones here with me and they know to leave mommy alone when she is using her hair crack!​

I love this post!

Ladies thanks for teaching me the alt tab thing-It's comming in really handy for me today (yes I'm at work currently):blush:

Ladies what other symptoms are you experinencing as a hair addict?? List them!
I'm totally a hair addict. My daughter who is 4 years old recently asked me why i was looking at the back the girls head. (I was checking someones fotki) She wanted to know what happened to their faces and if i knew them. How do you tell a four year old that you're stalking someones hair???:look: It's gotten so bad that I now have her take pictures of the back of my hair, but after two shots she decided no more and made me turn around and take a picture of my face. My daughter is trying her best to keep me sane.
Hmm...other symptoms....If Im in the store I automatically walk to the hair aisle, even if I dont need anything. When I get there, I seek out the products I've read about here and then try to recall who said what about it, then ponder on whether I need it or not.....

Whenever I see a woman of color with healthy hair that's APL or longer, I'm tempted to ask if they're Nikos' cousin:look:.

I always talk in LHCF lingo now -- "APL, BSL, texlax, stretching, talking about hair challenges & goals" My friends look at me like :perplexed:look:

My hair care products have become international now...LOL - Dominican, European, Indian...I'm all over the globe!!
I'm totally a hair addict. My daughter who is 4 years old recently asked me why i was looking at the back the girls head. (I was checking someones fotki) She wanted to know what happened to their faces and if i knew them. How do you tell a four year old that you're stalking someones hair???:look: It's gotten so bad that I now have her take pictures of the back of my hair, but after two shots she decided no more and made me turn around and take a picture of my face. My daughter is trying her best to keep me sane.

I love this post. This made me fall out of my chair at work-but then I had to get back up as fast as I could to click tab+alt to minimize the screen (learned this from the nice ladies on LHCF)

I dont have any children yet, but sister I know I will be in the same boat as you! Trying to explain to my children that it's okay to look at someone hair for long periods of time :perplexed .

Your daughter sounds like she is very smart!
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Yeah it was so bad that she would ask me...mommy who is that? I had started invented names for some of the people heads I was stalking in their fotki. I would say oh thats....TONYA...and so on...I know I'm horrible. Because in her mind....why would you constantly look at the back of a strangers head.