why are black hair salons so expensive?


Well-Known Member
Hey yall!

So for the last month, I've been going in weekly to get my hair done. Terrified of doing it myself and possibly breaking my hair for whatever reason, I thought that I'd spend the money weekly and get it done. I finally FINALLY found a salon that I like and a stylist that I can enjoy talks with and takes care of my hair.

The downside:

  • The salon is all the way in Gaithersburg, MD, which is far from my house, okay? Gas ain't cheap!
  • I wouldn't mind the drive if a basic wash and style wasn't $50!!
  • I spent $80 on a relaxer (I get free protein treatments though!)

When I went to dominican salons, it was a good $35. That's a lot more affordable for a 20 something like myself that is already trying hard to budget and not go crazy financially.

How come black hair salons have to be so much more expensive then dominican salons? Is it the kind of products they use? I spend 3.5 hours and $50 a day in black salons vs 1.5 hours and $25-35 in dominican salons.

I'd go to the salon every week (as a treat to myself) if it wasn't so pricey. I just miss the bouncyness of my hair from my trip to the DS.
Because people are greedy. I'll be damned if someone is going to charge me a grip and walk in an hour late, triple book appts, run to the store, sit down, and take breaks while clients are waiting...no ma'am. That's why I stopped frequenting Black salons.

ETA: PLUS...I would always have to go home and re-style my hair. :nono: Totally not worth it. I have had a few decent stylists over the years, but no one that was worth my regular patronage.
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LivingDoll fortunately, this salon isn't like that at all. I go after work so it's usually empty, and I only go on Tuesdays so it's even emptier than most salons. I never had to wait for my appointment, either.

What gets me is how long it takes to do my hair. I get there at 5:30pm and I LEAVE at nearly 9pm? That makes no damn sense. I don't get home until 9:30pm. WTF. I WAS HER ONLY CUSTOMER.
@LivingDoll fortunately, this salon isn't like that at all. I go after work so it's usually empty, and I only go on Tuesdays so it's even emptier than most salons. I never had to wait for my appointment, either.

What gets me is how long it takes to do my hair. I get there at 5:30pm and I LEAVE at nearly 9pm? That makes no damn sense. I don't get home until 9:30pm. WTF. I WAS HER ONLY CUSTOMER.

naija24, if the salon is empty why are you there so long?! See...that's the stuff I'm talking about. :lol:
I'm not sure! I ask myself the same question all the time. The reality is, if you invest in a high quality flat-iron, and salon quality products...you can get the same results at home for pennys on the dollar lol

Essentially, I think they're selling the "sizzle" not the steak and hoping that people won't figure out that their service is a treat not a necessity
not to mention that they INSIST on the styles you should get. if i don't want curls, i don't want curls. my hair is short as hell. curls on hair this short makes me look like a grandma. i'm 24. no thank you.

it's really upsetting. there are just no decent black hair salons in the DMV which I think is borderline sinful considering the population of negros in this area.
I remember when I used to go to a salon...I couldn't even get my hair done the day of an event because I never knew how long I would be there. That's ridiculous.
not to mention that they INSIST on the styles you should get. if i don't want curls, i don't want curls. my hair is short as hell. curls on hair this short makes me look like a grandma. i'm 24. no thank you.

it's really upsetting. there are just no decent black hair salons in the DMV which I think is borderline sinful considering the population of negros in this area.

:lol: I agree.

Everytime I would find someone decent their business hours were normal business hours, Tuesday-Friday 8-5. I had one stylist that didn't take anyone after 3 on weekdays and she didn't work on weekends. I always wondered who her clientele consisted of. :lol:
do you think i can get dominican salon results on hair this short? Like results from the blowout? I'm desperate because I really cant' afford $50/week right now.

Most salons are more expensive than dominican salons, not just black-owned ones :ohwell: The only thing that's cheaper is the beauty school probably.

Look at the prices at some high-end white salons and you'll get some sticker shock.

I know some black salons have customer service issues, but it's a bit much to compare regular salon prices to an assembly line dominican salon IMO. Of course the latter is cheaper.
do you think i can get dominican salon results on hair this short? Like results from the blowout? I'm desperate because I really cant' afford $50/week right now.


I've seen ladies with short hair get their hair done in a dominican salon. They can't roll it but I don't see why they can't set it and then flat iron it.
Most salons are more expensive than dominican salons, not just black-owned ones :ohwell: The only thing that's cheaper is the beauty school probably.

Look at the prices at some high-end white salons and you'll get some sticker shock.

I know some black salons have customer service issues, but it's a bit much to compare regular salon prices to an assembly line dominican salon IMO. Of course the latter is cheaper.

prettyinpurple well that I know for sure. But let's be real, when I walk into a white hair salon, if I don't see a black or latino stylist I walk right out, because more than likely, they don't know how to treat my hair.

I made the terrible assumption once that white stylists and black stylists are taught the same things. So I let this white women attempt to give me a touch up. The back of my head burned for hours. Ended up having scabs throughout my scalp to the point that I could barely lay down. It was terrible. Never again.
naija24 Sincerely, I feel you can take much better care of your hair yourself.... and treat yourself with a new shoe or a nice restaurant weekly... your hair will be much better!!
judy4all i wish i can say that but i'm terrified of doing my own hair. i've never done my own hair while it was relaxed and this short. it's scaring the crap out of me. i really just want it to grow out to NL and then i can stop stressing but after my panic induced BC in January I just can't stomach the idea of short hair anymore.

My .5 inch flat iron doesnt' even have a temperature control. I'm afraid that I"ll burn my hair without even knowing. maybe i'll have an easier time of it with my hair now relaxed.
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naija24 .... seriously... Are you okay with your hair going all in one direction to the back? If you wash and DC and air dry with a scarf... with a good leave in and a nice serum, your hair will dry perfectly smooth.... What are you afraid of exactly? There are so many people that can help you do your hair yourself at that length I'm sure on here...
I co-sign about investing in high quality products. I went to the salon in March just to get it washed, trimmed and straightened and it cost $80 not including tip which I don't understand why I need to tip them but that's what my mom taught me to do. I always get charged extra for length which sucks. My relaxers are usually about $97 after tip. I'm there for AT LEAST 3 hours because the stylist is juggling me and at least one other person. I decided to buy a used Phibbs hooded hair dryer. Expensive but at least it's a purchase that pays for itself because I can reduce the amount of time I go to the salon if at all. Also, good conditioners and moisturizers go a long way.

Lastly, I'm not sure I see why you are going to the salon weekly. That seems very excessive to me not to mention expensive. You have to remember that NO ONE will be more gentle to your hair than YOU (just like moving, if you hire professional movers they are less likely to care whether or not they ding your furniture). So though you may think you are getting proper and professional handling on your hair, you really have to be careful. Plus unless you ask them on every item you don't know exactly what is going into your hair. Some of the products may only be masking your hair damage (if you have any) instead of improving it.
Maybe you can go the wig route until your hair grows out a bit?

I suggest this from experience. If you look at my album, I had short hair when I joined the forum...so, I know how hard it is to maintain a short cut as it grows out. ESPECIALLY when you have a stylist doing it for you. They will want to snip here, and snip there...snip, snip, snip. Even when they know you are trying to grow your hair out. It's easiest when you can hide it away and keep it moving. :yep: Luckily, I've always been able to do my own hair so that's never been an issue for me. You need to learn to do your own hair! Stop being scared girl! :lol:

Sorry for the edits, I keep thinking of things to say. :lol:

I also wanted to add that a short do should last at least 2 weeks if you're tying it down at night (unless your hair is damaged or you sweat in your scalp a lot). So why are you going to the salon so often?
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naija24 .... seriously... Are you okay with your hair going all in one direction to the back? If you wash and DC and air dry with a scarf... with a good leave in and a nice serum, your hair will dry perfectly smooth.... What are you afraid of exactly? There are so many people that can help you do your hair yourself at that length I'm sure on here...

judy4all well point me in their direction cuz all I see here is wig ladies, or braids, styles that I just don't like very much, just personal preference.

It would save me a ton of money to DIY because i'm at 200/mo on hair.
naija24 Look on YouTube and see how other people are doing their hair themselves.



Styling short relaxed hair with no heat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDEakUG3oeU

I'm sure you can find someone on there or even here who knows how to get the dominican bounce lol

Start with the wraps and roller sets until you're ready to try flat ironing.

I understand that you want your hair to grow as fast as possible, but think of it this way: it's short already, if you mess it up it won't take long for it to get back to your current length. If you wait until your hair is longer you have more to lose.

Generally we are more timid and careful with our hair than a stylist will be - your flat iron probably doesn't even get as hot as the one your stylist has.

Girl buy a top quality relaxer and protein treatment which will give you multiple uses for $80. I know DIY is not for everyone, but it's worth a try IMO especially when you're tired of the prices. You can do your hair fresh weekly if you want lol just visit the salon as a treat without being dependent upon it.
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The reason why black hair salons charge so much money is because they know that the average black woman does not want to be bothered with doing their own hair. They know that we are willing to pay a small fortune to have our hair done. I used to be one of those woman, but since I have learned how to take care of my own hair I don't go to the salon. I don't have to waste my money or time anymore and it is very liberating to take care of my hair on my own. I may never go in one again and I know a great stylist who is not scissor happy and is very reasonable.
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How come black hair salons have to be so much more expensive then dominican salons? Is it the kind of products they use? I spend 3.5 hours and $50 a day in black salons vs 1.5 hours and $25-35 in dominican salons.

Dominican salons are indeed factories like prettyinpurple said. They pretty much only do one thing over and over, so it's easy to charge less money.

well that I know for sure. But let's be real, when I walk into a white hair salon, if I don't see a black or latino stylist I walk right out, because more than likely, they don't know how to treat my hair.

I don't believe she was suggesting you go to a white salon. Pretty seemed to be saying that salons for black people have different levels just like a white salon. Going to Super Cuts and going to Garren aren't going to be the same thing. For me, the Dominican shops are for blowouts. It never crossed my mind to get a relaxer, color, cut, weave, or anything else from them. I know they do other stuff, but they are generally known for that one thing.

When you have someone that's highly skilled, you're going to pay more for their time. I don't think it's fair to say they are charging too much. There is a white high end salon near me that charges $140 for a relaxer. JUST the relaxer. No blow dry and style. :nono: Now THAT is too much.
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sunnieb divachyk y'all please help this lady out?

naija24 What styles are you uncomfortable wearing e.g weaves, wigs, braids etc... are you comfy with your hair going in one direction to the back?

I like styles where I can feel the wind on my scalp, that are light and airy. Something I can run my fingers through, ya know? AND NO CURLS OMG.
i know black folks got a problem with paying money for services, but have no problem spending a grip on something with some YT man's name on it, just to feel important...
shortdub78 for the record, I have no problem paying for services. i just can't pay that much anymore. and i feel like black hair salons are super super pricey for what the experience is.

in other salons, it may charge more, sure, but i'm in and out in under 2 hours tops.
I often wondered that myself! The salon that I use is owned by a black man, but he caters to a very diverse staff and clientele and it is in a predominantly white part of town. Needless to say, I don't get any of the hassles at that place that I used to from my old salon in the 'hood!

My stylist (a black lady) is usually waiting for me when I come in for my appointment, I am usually in and out of there in about two hours tops (relaxer, treatment, trim and styling time included; an hour more if she does a roller set), and she leaves me styled in a way that makes me happy, even if she can be a tad scissor happy if I don't watch her!). But I pay dearly for the service; about $140 including the $20 tip I give her every time, and an extra $75 if I opt for the special keratin treatment if my hair is feeling a little weak or damaged. :nono:

When I was making lots of money, it was an expense I was happy to pay because I got my money's worth, but now I limit such services for special occasions like my birthday, especially now that I know how to stretch my relaxers and can do an adequate job relaxing my own hair (and my adequate I mean keeping it on my head while I get it straight enough not to drive me insane managing it!).
If you think regular Black salons are expensive, try a natural hair salon. Many stylist figure women are afraid to manage their own hair. Based on the number of friends I have that will not even attempt to do their own hair (styling, coloring, trimming, relaxing), I'd say they are accurate.

I went to a new salon last month (H2 in Bed Stuy) and they told me $100 for a trim....a TRIM not a hair cut into a new style. The stylist said she had to give me a blowout and flat iron to do the trim although I was leaving with wet, curly hair. GTFOOHWTB!

I did my own blow out and flat iron and got a trim at Supercuts for under $20.

Why are you at the salon weekly?
i am terrified of doing my own hair and possibly screwing it up, making it shorter.

i run 3 miles every other day so i like to be fresh every week.
First, I'm so glad you want to take better care of your hair.

Second, stop going to a salon weekly and you're not deliriously happy.

You could do so much better at home!

What tools/products do you have?

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If you think regular Black salons are expensive, try a natural hair salon. Many stylist figure women are afraid to manage their own hair. Based on the number of friends I have that will not even attempt to do their own hair (styling, coloring, trimming, relaxing), I'd say they are accurate.

I went to a new salon last month (H2 in Bed Stuy) and they told me $100 for a trim....a TRIM not a hair cut into a new style. The stylist said she had to give me a blowout and flat iron to do the trim although I was leaving with wet, curly hair. GTFOOHWTB!

I did my own blow out and flat iron and got a trim at Supercuts for under $20.

Why are you at the salon weekly?

Wow. That is some BS right there...highway robbery. What would they have charged for the trim if you had walked in with blown out and flat ironed hair I wonder?