Why Am I STILL Stuck At BSL?!?! Can Someone Help Me!!


Well-Known Member
i'm really green with envy seeing pics of allll these LHCFers whose hair has grown miles in 2 years time and mine is stagnant!!

what am i doing wrong?? why am i not retaining?? (cuz i know hair is always growing...)

i've had NO HEAT on my hair since Sept 09. i'm pre-poo with oil. i haven't trimmed or dusted (cuz i don't see any splits, though i usually have tons of splits.) i was bunning daily - even though they look like crap on me and i got reemed (so i now plan to start rollersetting once my pibbs arrives) ...i have no idea what else to do. i think my diet is pretty balanced - could be better. what is going on?? anyone???
First of all, stop bragging at being bsl! :lachen::lachen::lachen:

Second, maybe it's time for a mild trim perhaps?

Third, it's Winter. So, your hair may be slowing down until the Summer.

Finally, patience is a virtue. As long as your hair is healthy, don't fret just yet.
Maybe a good trim every few months will help with the splits so they don't sabotage your progress. If you grew to BSL, you can get longer. You will most likely just have to change up your regi.
my hair was stuck at APL for the longest time and its finally getting longer and i have strand grazing BSL
for me i had to give up daily combing :(
my hair just couldn't handle it
i also had to find a moisturiser that worked for me
First of all, stop bragging at being bsl! :lachen::lachen::lachen:

Second, maybe it's time for a mild trim perhaps?

Third, it's Winter. So, your hair may be slowing down until the Summer.

Finally, patience is a virtue. As long as your hair is healthy, don't fret just yet.

:lachen: thanks for making me smile. Winter is a possibility. just sooo frustrating because, i've been this length for YEARS!! had a couple set backs, but i dunno. its a little longer in certain spots but i'm still annoyed. :wallbash:

Maybe a good trim every few months will help with the splits so they don't sabotage your progress. If you grew to BSL, you can get longer. You will most likely just have to change up your regi.
i think i will trim, just scared of scissor happy stylists (cause of setback #1) and rought stylists (cause of MAJOR setback #2) feel like i need to change up something - not sure what.
do you exercise regularly?
not like i used to. think that could add to it - overall health kind of thing?

i also had to find a moisturiser that worked for me
i keep thinking i need to find that one product that works. who knows. i rarely comb anymore, just wash day detangle.

maybe u've reached terminal length?
i don't think so....i guess its possible, but i think terminal length is verrrrry long. i don't think people get terminal at 20 some inches. i think our bodies are capable of so much more.

maybe your buns are causing breakage from the pressure?
very possible!!
how long ahve you been bsl?
when did u last trim?
hows ur moisture level?
what do u do w/ ur hair at night?
how often do you let it out loose during hte day?
do you drink a lot of water?
how's your diet? lots greens/protein etc?
do you take a multi?
how's your stress level?
i don't think so....i guess its possible, but i think terminal length is verrrrry long. i don't think people get terminal at 20 some inches. i think our bodies are capable of so much more.

Well, the "average" life span of a hair strand before it falls is 5 years (so I heard). This could mean that some people may have shorter hair life span at perhaps 2-3yrs; not everyone would have theirs at 5yrs onward because then 5yrs wouldn't be an "average", right?

So for those with say, 2-3yrs hair strand life span, their hair (strands) could reach about just 20 inches before falling.
So no, terminal length for some people may actually be very short considering how the average is only 5yrs. Sometimes its just genetics.
But psh, if i had BSL like urs??? :lovedrool:
I've been "stuck" at MBL since September. I'm getting impatient too so I feel your pain. It's like watching paint dry. My guess is that you will get there eventually. I think your hair will eventually hit a growth spurt and you'll be MBL before you know it.
Along with a balanced diet I would say to make sure your water intake is just as good. To help your hair be moisturized from the inside out.

Also, maybe you could try sealing with oils, if you don't already (esp. on the ends). And it's possible that buns could be sabotaging your progress if they are putting too much stress on your hair (i.e. too tight or to rough on the ends depending on how you secure them).

I hope you find whatever it is that's holding you back. :bighug: HHG.
how long ahve you been bsl? since forever, seriously its been years - like i said, a few setbacks, but too long to be BSL this long!
when did u last trim? its been a few months - probably 6-7 mos.
hows ur moisture level? not sure. my hair feels good most of the time, sometimes the ends feel a little dry to me.
what do u do w/ ur hair at night? i used to wrap, now i twist or bun and put on a satinette bonnet
how often do you let it out loose during hte day? its been up and bunned since september, just this last week did i start wearing it in a ponytail (because i had to flat iron it for a wedding last saturday.) plan to start rollersetting because the curly buns were leaving me with ragged, clumps of hair.
do you drink a lot of water? not enough, working on drinking more, though.
how's your diet? lots greens/protein etc? could always be better, but its balanced. definitely too many carbs and sugar binges, but i eat healthy, i love veggies and fruit and protein and make sure to get lots of it.
do you take a multi? not currently
how's your stress level?varies, usually low, has its high times, though.

my answers are after your questions in color & bold.
DO you seal your ends after you moisturize?

i'm not quite sure what to use as a moisturizer. right now i use HE condish or Honeysuckle Rose condish and add coconut oil on top to seal. (sometimes i do condish + jojoba oil + coconut oil or jojoba oil + coconut oil to seal.)
try doing a hardcore protein treatmentr once a month that you follow with a moisturizing condish. I pre-poo too but am hoping that this will get me from apl to bsl then mbl. i use the komaza care p[rotein treatmrent
:lachen: thanks for making me smile. Winter is a possibility. just sooo frustrating because, i've been this length for YEARS!! had a couple set backs, but i dunno. its a little longer in certain spots but i'm still annoyed. :wallbash:

i think i will trim, just scared of scissor happy stylists (cause of setback #1) and rought stylists (cause of MAJOR setback #2) feel like i need to change up something - not sure what.
not like i used to. think that could add to it - overall health kind of thing?

i keep thinking i need to find that one product that works. who knows. i rarely comb anymore, just wash day detangle.

i don't think so....i guess its possible, but i think terminal length is verrrrry long. i don't think people get terminal at 20 some inches. i think our bodies are capable of so much more.

very possible!!
:yep::yep:most definitely!!
R u taking pictures? try using the same shirt to see the growth your getting.

Do you feel you have symtoms of hair Anorexia?

R u Shedding, breaking *your hair that is?

R u tall?

I also don't feel like my hair is growing, but hopefully my june pics say otherwise.
Maybe you need to do a little product haul, step it up in some kind of way.
I don't think you could possibly reach your terminal length already.
At least your "stuck" at pretty nice length :grin:
First of all, stop bragging at being bsl! :lachen::lachen::lachen:

Second, maybe it's time for a mild trim perhaps?

Third, it's Winter. So, your hair may be slowing down until the Summer.

Finally, patience is a virtue. As long as your hair is healthy, don't fret just yet.

I agree with chrisanddonnie. During the winter, I read some ladies hair growth have slowed down tremendously. In the Summer, our hair tends to get as much as 3/4 inches a month. I read a little about why this happens and found consistent information. Whether or not it's true or not, I'm not sure but here's a portion of an article I've read:

Why Hair Grows Faster in the Summer

<LI id=jsArticleStep1 itxtvisited="1">During the warm summer months, the human body has to work faster to perform some common activities and maintain homeostasis. It also has to work faster and harder to help the body cool down. This leads to faster cell division due to more efficient blood circulation throughout the body, which, among other things, causes hair to grow faster. Hair cells at the root divide much more quickly in the summer than during winter months and push the hair down more rapidly. As a result, hair grows faster by about 10 percent.

My thought was to increase my exercise regimen during the winter months since we tend to be more active during the summer than in the Winter. I haven't done a length check since December, 09 which some have said I obtained a lot of growth. I began working out a little more than usual beginning in October to avoid any possible slow spurts. I'm hoping with my exercise routine, I obtained good growth from Jan-March.

We'll see.... But congrats on getting to bsl. I wish I was there....:yep:
i'm not quite sure what to use as a moisturizer. right now i use HE condish or Honeysuckle Rose condish and add coconut oil on top to seal. (sometimes i do condish + jojoba oil + coconut oil or jojoba oil + coconut oil to seal.)

The herbal essence has cones in it I believe, maybe your hair doesn't like cones. Are you experiencing breakage or just a stunted growth?
Usually when I feel like I've been a length too long, I put my hair up for several months (weaves, braids, whatever). Then we I take it out, my hair is thicker and longer. Sometimes is just that you're ends are drier than you think and its breaking and you dont even know it. I pay much more attention now to moisturizer my ends and sealing with an oil (any oil). I am also back on my deep conditioning mode and it helps with my new growth and detangling much better.