Why am I so sad? Prayer request please


New Member
Okay I don't know what's going on. Everything in life feels like it's where ti should be but lately I've been feeling really down and irritable. A friend of mine just called me and I let her go because I felt like my negative mood was rubbing off on her. What's going on?

I've achieved most of my goals up to this point in the year and my family is alive, healthy, and doing well.

Yet I still feel almost like a black hole. I'm not sure. Maybe it's because I'm not nourishing my soul enough here. I definitely haven't been reading the Word as much as I generally do. SIGH. =( I'm not feeling 'together' today, yesterday, or for the past week or so.

Pray for a sister please...=( I'm going to be on my knees tonight.
Okay I don't know what's going on. Everything in life feels like it's where ti should be but lately I've been feeling really down and irritable. A friend of mine just called me and I let her go because I felt like my negative mood was rubbing off on her. What's going on?

I've achieved most of my goals up to this point in the year and my family is alive, healthy, and doing well.

Yet I still feel almost like a black hole. I'm not sure. Maybe it's because I'm not nourishing my soul enough here. I definitely haven't been reading the Word as much as I generally do. SIGH. =( I'm not feeling 'together' today, yesterday, or for the past week or so.

Pray for a sister please...=( I'm going to be on my knees tonight.

Father God, I just pray that you would hold her in your arms and rock her tonight. I pray that you would settle her spirit. I pray for a newness in her prayer life, her devotional time, and her fellowship. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.
Father God, I just pray that you would hold her in your arms and rock her tonight. I pray that you would settle her spirit. I pray for a newness in her prayer life, her devotional time, and her fellowship. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.

Amen and amen!!
I'm in agreement with your prayer mocha5 and also, satan listen up because your nosey and I know your reading this. You are defeated. You thought it was over when Jesus died on the cross, you had no idea he was going to rise again.The blood of Jesus Christ is against you and everything that you stand for. I pray and declare that the power of depression and anxiety will loose it's hold on my sister right now. She is blessed and highly favored of the Lord. I pray Lord, as she presses into you, you will reveal yourself to her like never before. Let her get a greater revelation of who you are through your word. speak to her in her dreams.I pray that the peace of God that surpasses all understanding shall guard her heart and her mind this night in Jesus' name. Amen
I'm in agreement with your prayer mocha5 and also, satan listen up because your nosey and I know your reading this. You are defeated. You thought it was over when Jesus died on the cross, you had no idea he was going to rise again.The blood of Jesus Christ is against you and everything that you stand for. I pray and declare that the power of depression and anxiety will loose it's hold on my sister right now. She is blessed and highly favored of the Lord. I pray Lord, as she presses into you, you will reveal yourself to her like never before. Let her get a greater revelation of who you are through your word. speak to her in her dreams.I pray that the peace of God that surpasses all understanding shall guard her heart and her mind this night in Jesus' name. Amen

Whew! The Holy Spirit up in hurr! :amen:
Thank you for the prayers ladies; feeling a little better. Just getting ready to move...again and dealing with all of the planning that entails. Thank you!!
I'm in agreement with your prayer mocha5 and also, satan listen up because your nosey and I know your reading this. You are defeated. You thought it was over when Jesus died on the cross, you had no idea he was going to rise again.The blood of Jesus Christ is against you and everything that you stand for. I pray and declare that the power of depression and anxiety will loose it's hold on my sister right now. She is blessed and highly favored of the Lord. I pray Lord, as she presses into you, you will reveal yourself to her like never before. Let her get a greater revelation of who you are through your word. speak to her in her dreams.I pray that the peace of God that surpasses all understanding shall guard her heart and her mind this night in Jesus' name. Amen

I am in total agreement with this prayer.

I'm in agreement with your prayer mocha5 and also, satan listen up because your nosey and I know your reading this. You are defeated. You thought it was over when Jesus died on the cross, you had no idea he was going to rise again.The blood of Jesus Christ is against you and everything that you stand for. I pray and declare that the power of depression and anxiety will loose it's hold on my sister right now. She is blessed and highly favored of the Lord. I pray Lord, as she presses into you, you will reveal yourself to her like never before. Let her get a greater revelation of who you are through your word. speak to her in her dreams.I pray that the peace of God that surpasses all understanding shall guard her heart and her mind this night in Jesus' name. Amen

In the mighty name of Jesus!!! AMEN!!!!
Okay I don't know what's going on. Everything in life feels like it's where ti should be but lately I've been feeling really down and irritable. A friend of mine just called me and I let her go because I felt like my negative mood was rubbing off on her. What's going on?

I've achieved most of my goals up to this point in the year and my family is alive, healthy, and doing well.

Yet I still feel almost like a black hole. I'm not sure. Maybe it's because I'm not nourishing my soul enough here. I definitely haven't been reading the Word as much as I generally do. SIGH. =( I'm not feeling 'together' today, yesterday, or for the past week or so.

Pray for a sister please...=( I'm going to be on my knees tonight.

It sounds as though you may be lonely. I want to share with you what I learned in church today. It's the 5 Rs:

Recognize the loneliness in your life
Reconcile with God through Christ
Recall the promises of God
Reach out deliberately and build new Godly relationships
Refocus your attention from self to serving others

I pray that the Spirit is filling your soul by now.