I Also Have a Prayer Request.


New Member
I would liek to present a prayer request to you. I have been really burdened with this and struggling. I really have not discussed this with anyone and at times I feel like my faith is not enough. My request is that you pray for us to get the funds for my husband to take his board exam ASAP(and our finances in general), and that he pass it and pass it well. Also, pray that he is able to find a job so that when he finishes his program we can go straight into the new job. As much as we would love to get back to Tennessee, that is more than likely not going to happen, so we are looking at Kansas City. It's imperetive that we be as close a possible to my parents as we can get. Please pray that I/we will have the faith to believe that these things will come to pass. TIA! And God bless!
Fellow Tennessean praying for your household?:wave:

I can also feel where you are coming from with the funds for a board examination because I will be taking one soon which cost me $430:shocked: I will also pray for him to pass his exam! Take care!
God we pray in Jesus name for a speedy and fast recovery for this sister and her husband. We plea and beg you God for immediate response. We know God without faith it is impossible to please you and having faith moves you even the more. But we interceed for this sister who feels low right now. God do what you do best provide a miracle and we pray God that she nor her husband will forget where the blessing came from and their faith will be increased. God we command satan in the name of Jesus to lose his hold on them and we release a the overflow in Jesus Name. AMEN.
star said:
God we pray in Jesus name for a speedy and fast recovery for this sister and her husband. We plea and beg you God for immediate response. We know God without faith it is impossible to please you and having faith moves you even the more. But we interceed for this sister who feels low right now. God do what you do best provide a miracle and we pray God that she nor her husband will forget where the blessing came from and their faith will be increased. God we command satan in the name of Jesus to lose his hold on them and we release a the overflow in Jesus Name. AMEN.


I will be in prayer with you for this.
star said:
God we pray in Jesus name for a speedy and fast recovery for this sister and her husband. We plea and beg you God for immediate response. We know God without faith it is impossible to please you and having faith moves you even the more. But we interceed for this sister who feels low right now. God do what you do best provide a miracle and we pray God that she nor her husband will forget where the blessing came from and their faith will be increased. God we command satan in the name of Jesus to lose his hold on them and we release a the overflow in Jesus Name. AMEN.
Amen...Thy will be done.
star said:
God we pray in Jesus name for a speedy and fast recovery for this sister and her husband. We plea and beg you God for immediate response. We know God without faith it is impossible to please you and having faith moves you even the more. But we interceed for this sister who feels low right now. God do what you do best provide a miracle and we pray God that she nor her husband will forget where the blessing came from and their faith will be increased. God we command satan in the name of Jesus to lose his hold on them and we release a the overflow in Jesus Name. AMEN.

Amen. May He Bless and Uphold you and yours.
star said:
God we pray in Jesus name for a speedy and fast recovery for this sister and her husband. We plea and beg you God for immediate response. We know God without faith it is impossible to please you and having faith moves you even the more. But we interceed for this sister who feels low right now. God do what you do best provide a miracle and we pray God that she nor her husband will forget where the blessing came from and their faith will be increased. God we command satan in the name of Jesus to lose his hold on them and we release a the overflow in Jesus Name. AMEN.

Amen, Amen, Amen!