Why Am I Afraid


Well-Known Member
I keep having this thought that my hair is fooling me. I might sound crazy, but I am afraid of the results when I finally straighten my hair. I do not want it to disappoint me after all this work and dedication. I hope it does not look weak and or frail or just like my Dec pic on my Fotki page. UGH I'd be too mad. I know I have experienced growth in the roots but its the hair that's hanging that I am worried about.

I am def afraid to relax, fearing my hair might fall out or become thin again. I might hide my hair forEVER. What's a girl to do? :wallbash:

Anyone else have qualms about their "big reveal"? Or do I need to see a hair psychiatrist? :spinning:
You're afraid/nervous because you're human! You're going to make it, though, and you'll see a difference in your hair, and you'll set more goals and reach them, too! Give yourself a hand, your 3 weeks growth look great! HHG!!
I can relate! I refuse to do a rollerset for these same reasons. It will take me 3-5 hours of effort to do one myself. If it doesn't turn out right, first I'll be mad, then I'll be disappointed. So, I'm afraid to even mess with one.

But, I bet you that your hair will pleasantly surprise you. It's amazing how even a little bit of care, and I know you have been giving a LOT of care, can make such a big difference and improve the beauty and health of your hair! Go for it!
the funny thing is that I just took my hair down after years of having braids in and am having the exact same reservations.It seems that I have become addicted to my braids and am thinking to myself can this really work will my hair look thin and awful but you can only try think positvly and put in the work with your hair ,I prayed for a long time before I found this site so I belive this will work for you read all the info that applies to what you want to do with your hair and then apply. God speed./:yep: