Who's in the driver seat?


Well-Known Member
When you're out with your SO/DH who does the majority of the driving? Would it bother you if your man always hoped in the passenger seat?

I ask because we hang out with a couple on our street and I noticed that the wife drives 90 percent of the time....even when we go out on a double date and they volunteer to drive. I think it bugs me even more now that she is pregnant.

Would this bother you or does it really matter?
My husband does about 95% of the driving. It's like an unspoken rule between us. During road trips, I will contribute 4-5 hours then after that I'm useless and dangerous on the road.
I usually drive. I don't like riding in Jeeps and I like to drive my car, it's pretty smooth so I usually drive.

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SO drives us 99% of the time. I HATE driving.

With my parents, my mom usually drives...70% of the time. Always has.
I still can't drive lol so no driving for me

My sd lost his license :look: nothing crazy though lol so my mom drives
i like driving. and i like my car. but a lot of the time i would let him drive, especially on date night cause im probably wearing heels. i dont automatically prefer that he drive if its my car, because im the one responsible for it. but i would probably never drive his car, for the same reason.
also, if we both have cars, i would prefer that we take my car. depending on the stage in the relationship, he might be the one driving.
It's usually 50/50 but would prefer not to.
Is this another gender rule thing?

I guess it is for me subconsciously.
Maybe this is a gender rule I need to let go of...I just never even think to drive when FH and I are together.

As far as the couple I mentioned I think other things concerning their relationship might be affecting why it bothers me that she always drives.
DH. He hardly ever let's me drive I even make fun of him about it. He would have to be ill or something. Then he uses me as the GPS system:rolleyes:
He drives 80% of the time and he doesn't complain. My driving sucks according to him(I drive slow). As long as get to my destination I'm all good.
DH always drives. If it's a really long trip I'll drive for a while, but it's very rare for me to drive if we're together.
DH drives almost all of the time. I only drive if he's had a few too many or if he's extra tired.

He doesn't like to see women driving men around.
Well, I don't have a DL so I can't drive legally but every once in a while SO let me drive. He likes me behind the wheel but I never drive more than 10 mins. I don't care to drive. I enjoy being driven and relaxing. He drives 99.9% of the time. And even if I had my DL he'd still drive
Judging from the title of this thread, I thought the "Drivers Seat" was a metaphor for who's controlling the relationship lol! :lol:

I didn't know it was literal.

Carry on! :grinwink:
can't remember the last time i drove and he was in the car.

it's not something we discuss. he walks to the driver's side and i walk to the passenger's side. we take my car about 60% of the time because mine is superior.
i actually dont like to see a woman driving a man around either--it just looks so off and weird to me...iunno

but every couple is different...dh drives i only drive if I'm in the mood or if he has had to many drinks...

i just wanna hop in the car and look/sit pretty...review my face..make sure all is well..seat dance to the music...and relax...lmaooo:lol:

DH drives almost all of the time. I only drive if he's had a few too many or if he's extra tired.

He doesn't like to see women driving men around.
He drives since its his car. I can drive when I want. But I usually peruse the forum and play with my makeup. In my car, I drove just because it was mine. He has a behemoth of a jeep with trail tires (and doesnt do a lick of camping or off roading) and i had this (currently defunct) little hoopty that shut off in the middle of intersections and didnt have heat :/