Who's given up????


New Member
Thought going through my head.

Anyone out there been through their share of relationships (I don't mean dated loads of guys), done the online dating thing, socialisig, etc but still hasn't met Mr Special.

Well, I ask, have any of you given up the idea finding him, do you still live in hope, is every man you come across a mental potential Mr Right?

I really ought to get to bed cos it's late and I 've had a really long day but I was just wondering so I thought I'd ask, besides this site has tons of useful info.
Thought going through my head.

Anyone out there been through their share of relationships (I don't mean dated loads of guys), done the online dating thing, socialisig, etc but still hasn't met Mr Special.

Well, I ask, have any of you given up the idea finding him, do you still live in hope, is every man you come across a mental potential Mr Right?

I really ought to get to bed cos it's late and I 've had a really long day but I was just wondering so I thought I'd ask, besides this site has tons of useful info.

If there's one thing I've learned through my relationships and dating, is that "he" will always come when your not looking for him. Don't give up...keep hope alive :)
Thought going through my head.

Anyone out there been through their share of relationships (I don't mean dated loads of guys), done the online dating thing, socialisig, etc but still hasn't met Mr Special.

Well, I ask, have any of you given up the idea finding him, do you still live in hope, is every man you come across a mental potential Mr Right?

I really ought to get to bed cos it's late and I 've had a really long day but I was just wondering so I thought I'd ask, besides this site has tons of useful info.

I never lost hope that I would find true love. I just got tired of looking and honestly, stopped...and that is why loved knocked on my myspace LOL I am a firm believer that God created someone for everyone...just let him work and you will be blessed!
:perplexedI have....for now:nono:. I am at the point where I dont want to be bothered. I can be mad, depressed, sad, angry...etc all by myself
Thought going through my head.

Anyone out there been through their share of relationships (I don't mean dated loads of guys), done the online dating thing, socialisig, etc but still hasn't met Mr Special.

Well, I ask, have any of you given up the idea finding him, do you still live in hope, is every man you come across a mental potential Mr Right?

I really ought to get to bed cos it's late and I 've had a really long day but I was just wondering so I thought I'd ask, besides this site has tons of useful info.

I have also. It seems like just when I think I have found the right someone a wrench is thrown in there.:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:
I haven't given up yet. But then again, I'm only 22 and I've only had two relationships. One of which was very serious. Marriage was on the horizon and I called the wedding off. I way too young. The other one was a rebound thing that didn't last too long (obviously). I've talked with guys , but they have come and gone. I never had to 'put myself out there'. Men have always approached me. Maybe that's why I haven't given up yet. The ONE will come along when the time is right. Right now, I'm all about having a good time and enjoying my life.
Just when I had given up, guess who came into my life? The man I always hoped and prayed for. He is a true blessing and has enhanced my life.

So just be patient(that's always so hard) Get back to doing "YOU" Thats when he will show up.
Not me.

I deserve happiness and I know a loving relationship will come to me.

Right now, I'm dating 3 guys and it's been great. Do I think any of these guys are Mr. Right? nah... On paper they are fab, but... eh... I'm just having fun.

Don't give up - it's the Summer! Get out and just enjoy being you. The right one will come along for us all in God's time.
The older I get the less I want to try and maintain a relationship. I am getting to the point where I just don't to be bothered anymore.
Not me.

I deserve happiness and I know a loving relationship will come to me.

Right now, I'm dating 3 guys and it's been great. Do I think any of these guys are Mr. Right? nah... On paper they are fab, but... eh... I'm just having fun.

Don't give up - it's the Summer! Get out and just enjoy being you. The right one will come along for us all in God's time.

Right On Dsylla! I have all the intentions of having the relationship I know I deserve..when I am ready. Right now I have some other things I am focusing on.
I have not given up although being in a relationship is not my top priority right now. I'm still in the process of getting my life together.
If there's one thing I've learned through my relationships and dating, is that "he" will always come when your not looking for him. Don't give up...keep hope alive :)

I agree with this. I havent found Mr. Right yet but every time I find someone I like it's always when I least expect it and I'm not looking for anyone.

I'm only 22 had one really bad break up and right now am going thru a dissapointment about a guy I was dating for a couple of months. But Im not going to give up. I'll admit I do get a little discouraged but I wont let some disapointments get me down. I know I have my whole life ahead of me and right now I really need to get my life together so I'll be focusing on that.
Right On Dsylla! I have all the intentions of having the relationship I know I deserve..when I am ready. Right now I have some other things I am focusing on.

This is the key right here. SERIOUSLY!!

Years ago i met a wonderful and caring man. But because I wasn't ready (i was a bit depressed, had trust issues and was an angry person) I was the cause of our marriage dissolving.

You have to be ready so that when Mr. Right walks in your life, you can claim him and start that kind of relationship that will last.

I went to therapy for YEARs and just took a deep, dark, ugly look at myself and decided to change the ish I didn't like. I'm a WIP (work in progress) but I'm MUCH better off now. In fact, I'm fab! I think i'm falling in love with who i'm becomming:infatuated: and it was a long road here, but i'm here Dammit! :)

So, whatever it is you need to do to be ready, take care of it. Your problems or concerns may not be as intense as mine were, but just resolve what you can.

Any unresolved issues you have as a single adult will manifest 10 times in a relationship.

Best of luck. Love will come in time :)
This is the key right here. SERIOUSLY!!

Years ago i met a wonderful and caring man. But because I wasn't ready (i was a bit depressed, had trust issues and was an angry person) I was the cause of our marriage dissolving.

You have to be ready so that when Mr. Right walks in your life, you can claim him and start that kind of relationship that will last.

I went to therapy for YEARs and just took a deep, dark, ugly look at myself and decided to change the ish I didn't like. I'm a WIP (work in progress) but I'm MUCH better off now. In fact, I'm fab! I think i'm falling in love with who i'm becomming:infatuated: and it was a long road here, but i'm here Dammit! :)

So, whatever it is you need to do to be ready, take care of it. Your problems or concerns may not be as intense as mine were, but just resolve what you can.

Any unresolved issues you have as a single adult will manifest 10 times in a relationship.

Best of luck. Love will come in time :)

aint that the truth.
I don’t think I’ve given up but I’ve developed a WHATEVER attitude. If I meet someone and we go on a few dates’ great; if not fine by me.

Right now I am working on resolving a lot of issues (health, career, spiritual, anger, family etc) so starting a relationship now would be a disservice to me and that man.

God will bring him to me when he sees that I am ready and receptive to a man but for now I am just chillin and doing what I gotta do.
I havent given up but i just know that I have to be patient and not to go out looking for something because when you go out looking you find the wrong thing....

and anyway i feel like a kid in a candy store right now...im enjoying life...i have guy friends(well guys that i talk and txt on the regular)...and everything is good...

just a word of advice i used to be so so lonely when i lived in South Florida(because i didnt have many friends and know anyone...i mean i would break down and just cry at times)...now i wouldnt say i have alot or tons of friends but sometimes having people around you that respect and appreciate who you are around that loniness(or feeling for wanting a relationship) hardly ever crosses my mind..
I love this quote from BlackBuddafly's "BadGirl", it's my motto:::

"i still believe and I'm hoping... that I will find real love
but right now is not the time for that...
'cause I'm young and I'm bad and I like that!"
Unfortunately, I have.

I just don't know anymore. For the last 7-8 years I've had no serious relationship. Guys come into my life and I hope for the best but all that usually ends up happening is that we get physical and it stalls there. They are either pining for someone else or they "are not ready" but as soon as you look up, they are proposing marriage to the next woman. That only makes me feel like it was just me and there is something wrong with me.

I don't know anymore. I'm tired of trying and crying over men who don't want me. I don't even remember what it feels like to be loved. I have to watch movies to remember that feeling.

I just don't think it is possible for everyone to find their mate. I think I'm just one of the few that is meant to be alone.
I have a problem with infatuation that never goes beyond flirting. I try to become friends first but they aren't that interested in becoming friends....they are content with a flirt now and then and then they'd rather just fade out of the picture.....at least, that's been my experience. And if the guy does wanna be friends, he's some kind of wierdo creep. It seems I only attract oddballs and the ones I really like do NOT like me back. So all that being the case since high school, I'd say yup, I give up. :perplexed
I'm about to go and sit my behind down somewhere...under a rock. I just can't seem to get it right. I end up with one loser after another. I'm so tired.
Unfortunately, I have.

I just don't know anymore. For the last 7-8 years I've had no serious relationship. Guys come into my life and I hope for the best but all that usually ends up happening is that we get physical and it stalls there. They are either pining for someone else or they "are not ready" but as soon as you look up, they are proposing marriage to the next woman. That only makes me feel like it was just me and there is something wrong with me.

I don't know anymore. I'm tired of trying and crying over men who don't want me. I don't even remember what it feels like to be loved. I have to watch movies to remember that feeling.

I just don't think it is possible for everyone to find their mate. I think I'm just one of the few that is meant to be alone.

Girl you and i are coming from the same place....it has been 7 to 8 years since my last somewhat boyfriend relationship..and every guy that i have met has just been duds for real...

i try to see the positive side of this whole thing and really cant...i always try to explain to myself the reason that im still single is because i just have to be patient and wait for the right man to come along(but its getting tiresome trying to convince myself of this over and over again).....

either the men i meet are married, with someone or just want to have their fun...so it has me asking the question when am i going to come out on top and have the fairy tale meeting, date, and to be happy with someone im attracted to and they are attracted to me....
I have given up... I am tired of looking...because when I look and want to go after it...it is never reciprocated.... so Shoot... let him find me:grin:..I am waiting to be pursued...why must I pursue? no more!!!
I have given up... I am tired of looking...because when I look and want to go after it...it is never reciprocated.... so Shoot... let him find me:grin:..I am waiting to be pursued...why must I pursue? no more!!!

Yes I feel ya! But I want to pursued by someone I'm attracted to, not the others :look: lol.

I'm tempted to give up, but I try to remain positive and focus on other things like work, school, etc...
I don’t think I’ve given up but I’ve developed a WHATEVER attitude. If I meet someone and we go on a few dates’ great; if not fine by me.

Right now I am working on resolving a lot of issues (health, career, spiritual, anger, family etc) so starting a relationship now would be a disservice to me and that man.

God will bring him to me when he sees that I am ready and receptive to a man but for now I am just chillin and doing what I gotta do.

I am in the same boat Kalayani, I have not given up, but I am not looking right now either. If someone comes along that 's fine, if not that's fine too. I am concentrating in getting to know me and getting myself together health, financially and spiritual wise.