Who would like to join me on a Moisture Challenge for 2006???


New Member
I am going to do a moisture challenge for the year 2006! I have really been wanting to step up my game on the whole moisturizing thing. Ever since I started I've noticed a BIG difference in the feel of my hair!

Here is my plan:
1)CW every other day
2)Shampoo and DC 1-2X per week
3)Moisturize 2X daily
4)Drink LOTS and LOTS of water!!!!!
5)Take vitamins known for retaining moisture in the body (ex: Flax Seed Oil)
6)Protective styles 95% of the time to retain the moisture (buns, baggie method)
7)Drink MORE water and green tea!!!!!

Anyone with me?
I would love to join:

Here is my plan:

1)CW every other day
I cannot do so. Ima transitioning and I am loosing to much hair when I detangle so I will go for shampoo once a week. (UNLESS Someone gives me a trick to detangle without loosing tomuch hair)

2)Shampoo and DC 1-2X per week
Perfect for me. Can do

3)Moisturize 2X daily
Yepe my activator gel will do.

4)Drink LOTS and LOTS of water!!!!!
Yepe yepe yepe

5)Take vitamins known for retaining moisture in the body (ex: Flax Seed Oil)

6)Protective styles 95% of the time to retain the moisture (buns, baggie method)
Bun method 24/7 - 100%

7)Drink MORE water and green tea!!!!!
Love me some tea.

I will join also..I think the regimen is just what I need to start doing. I just did my first co wash this morning and I really don't know if I notice anything different. It probably takes doing it with consistency to see any results. I have noticed that my hair sheds more after I go past a week or so of not washing it so this challenge is great. I am already drinking my water and taking vitamins.
I know this probably has been mentioned before but what exactly does green tea do for the hair? Also, are there any other vitamins that retain moisture besides flax seed?
I'm in! I need a challenge to help me get used to wearing my hair up all the time. It has been hard.

1)CW every other day
I don't CW. I use too much leave-in and my hair loses shine if I do a good wash.

2)Shampoo and DC 1-2X per week
I have been doing this every 2 days.
For my DC I sit under the dryer 1 of those days, but I just let it process under a plastic cap the other 2 days while I walk/run on my treadmill.

3)Moisturize 2X daily
This is a bit much for me. The Keracare Silken Seal stays on my hair for at least a day and a half so I only need to moisturize before bed and little on my edges in the a.m.

4)Drink LOTS and LOTS of water!!!!!
I so need to get better with this!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5)Take vitamins known for retaining moisture in the body (ex: Flax Seed Oil)
I am not too good with the pill popping so I am going to keep to real with this on. But, my daily Biosil is working well. I'll continue to stick with it.

6)Protective styles 95% of the time to retain the moisture (buns, baggie method)
I have been wearing my hair up and covered most of the time. I am trying my best to get use to this one.

Additional things I will do:
Air-dry more vs.. blow drying. -
I love to air dry, but it takes so long. I will try to do it once a week, at least.
My plan to retain moisture, consists of taking silica, msm and flaxseed oil, consistently. Secondly to change my diet and include healthier options fish, water, fruit and vege etc. Retract from protein based products, conditioner washing or using only moisturising poos like CON. Keeping the hair protected from the harsh weather. using very moisturising conditioners and moisturisers.
den1 said:
Retract from protein based products...

I agree with Den on this one. I mean I like that some of my conditioners have a little protein, but I do notice that for about a week after Aphogee, my hair does not feel soft and moisturized like it does at other times. I don't think I am going to use that stuff anymore.
I'm definitely in. I will cowash every other day and use a hot oil treatment once a week and also poo and dc on Saturday and rollerset.

every other Saturday I will go to the dominican hair salon and treat myself.

I will try to stretch my relaxers to 10 weeks but once I hit 6 weeks I get some serious breakage. :perplexed

I will use protective styles and the baggie with shea butter oil and castor oil on my ends nightly.
Hey just FYI:

The regimine I posted is just what I will be doing for myself. I didn't mean y'all needed to follow that. If you do that's cool but I mean do whatever regimine works for you! That's just the one that works for me! :)
Hello ladies,
I just went to GNC and bought me some MSM 1000mg and Flax Seed Oil pills 500 mg. Hopefully they will help with moisture and growth. I started taking them today.
I'm already doing this, so I might as well join.

1)CW every other day

I rinse my hair everyday and add leave in conditioner.

2)Shampoo and DC 1-2X per week

I have been shampoo 1x per week but I'm going to cut that down to 1x every two weeks since I don't think weekly is necessary with my daily rinsing.

3)Moisturize 2X daily
In the morning and before I go to bed, faithfully!!

4)Drink LOTS and LOTS of water!!!!!
I drink at lease 8 glasses a day.

5)Take vitamins known for retaining moisture in the body (ex: Flax Seed Oil)
I eat flax seeds in my food daily.

6)Protective styles 95% of the time to retain the moisture (buns, baggie method)
I do a variety of protective styles... weaves, buns, wigs ect.

Hopefully, I keep everything up. I've been doing well so far.
Ok the challenge is going to officially start JANUARY 1, 2006...the official end date will be DECEMBER 31, 2006! a WHOLE year challenge!!!!!! I'm breaking mine up into four sections (each section will be 3 months). I will get a trim and blowout every 3 months to see my progress and take pics
id love to join too atl! i need to get on point with that and since im already in a bun challenge, I may as well stick to a bun challenge to captitalize on the extra moisture!! Great Idea!!!:grin:
I'm gonna start early right after I get my relaxer this weekend.
Here's my plan:

CW 2x, shampoo1x
Drink more water and green tea
Start taken my Flax seed oil pills,
And Protective styles 6 days a week
Moisterize 2x a day