fancypants007 said:
Den, I have a question for you. Do you pre-comb your hair before shampooing to detangle? Do you shampoo your hair in braids? The reason why I'm asking is this is what Robin Wood's suggests and I know you are very loyal to her crown and glory methods. I tried her methods of shampooing because my hair is texturized and it is over 5 inches long. So saturday evening before i shampooed, I sectioned my hair and combed through each section to detangle it. The only time I comb my hair is on Saturday when I wash it. I then braid each section according to Robin and I jumped in the shower to shampoo using the dilute shampoo/water and washing my scalp but just squeezing the shampoo/water mixture through my hair. I lost very little hair shampooing my hair this way. It was time-consuming, but it was worth it. I was just wondering if you shampooed your hair the way that Robin suggests that can help cut down on your hair tangling so much. Perhaps you can do a pre-shampoo treatment with natural ingredients such as emu oil, avocado, honey etc. I know you already know to beware of shampoos that have SLS because they can dry your hair, as well as products that contain alcohol. I wish you the best in your hair growing journey!
Hi there, I do comb my hair prior to washing, i don't place my hair in braids during my hair washing routine, however i'm willing to try this method again, as it helped before. I still have four inches of texturized ends left and i think they may be causing the problem with tangles, the less manipulation is the better for me until i gradually cut the old hair away. I think regular washings are drying out my hair too, so i try to only wash my hair every 10-14 days. I also do a pre-poo treatment with dabur amla oil.
I would love to do this but I can't. I suffer from seborrheic dermatitis and if I don't wash my hair every week sores develop on my scalp. Actually, I should wash it every 3 days, but I have tried this and experienced major dryness, so for now I wash every week on Sunday.
KhandiB said:

I only wash weekly if I have a protective style..

Other than that, its every 2 weeks for me :)
Your hair is gorgoeus, you've proved that it can be done without sacrificing the health/length of my tresses.
tishee said:
I would love to do this but I can't. I suffer from seborrheic dermatitis and if I don't wash my hair every week sores develop on my scalp. Actually, I should wash it every 3 days, but I have tried this and experienced major dryness, so for now I wash every week on Sunday.
This is a tricky predicament for you due to your scalp condition, yet washing it too regular dries out your hair. my issue is if i was 1-2 a week i lose to many strands and my hair feels drier. i'll just try waiting 10 days before washings and see what happens.
I used to do this a while ago and my hair was in good shape. I'm think about doing that again. I do like deep conditioning every week though so im thinking maybe using shampoo every two weeks and ccondition washing on the alternating weeks so I can stay on top of deep conditioning.
When I wear my hair straight I always wash every two weeks and my hair is totally fine. A lot of people may think it's too infrequent but it works for me. My hair goes through a lot of manipulation when I wash so I want to avoid that. I loose the most hair when I wash also, it's not much but more than my normal shedding.
den1 said:
Your hair has done very well on this regimen, i need to follow this more closely, what products do you use when you get round to wash day?

Depends on whether its a moisture or a protein wash, look at my regimen in the about me section on the lonei3 album. Keracare or Motions
If your going to wait so long in between washings try not to use alot of products, because its going to built up and cause itchiness and dryness. Try using a lite moisturizer and oil.
angelk316 said:
If your going to wait so long in between washings try not to use alot of products, because its going to built up and cause itchiness and dryness. Try using a lite moisturizer and oil.
Well i don't really use a lot of products anyway, i only oil every few days and bafggie my ends so build isn't really a major concern
Pokahontas said:
When I wear my hair straight I always wash every two weeks and my hair is totally fine. A lot of people may think it's too infrequent but it works for me. My hair goes through a lot of manipulation when I wash so I want to avoid that. I loose the most hair when I wash also, it's not much but more than my normal shedding.
ITA i also lose more hair if my wash it regularly, i believe 10-14 days is suffice for me.