Any once or twice a month washers?


Live, Laugh, Love
Hi ladies, do any of you wash your hair only once or twice a month? I'm transitioning and thinking about going from 1x a week co-washing to every other week co-washing. Way back when I used to wash 2x a month and my hair didn't suffer but I'm wondering how my hair will react since I'm going to be working with 2 textures.

Thanks ladies
I don't know about that. How will your hair get the protein and moisture it needs? All that product and dirt build up, that is not good. I mean once a month, your hair will be stinky. You should wash atleast 1x a week. My sisters are both natural and they wash 1x week.
With your being natural you should wash more often. Co-washing provides your hair with moisture. Washing is your friend. Your hair is constantly exposed to the natural elements and the many products that use, sometimes your hair may be in need of cleansing and moisturizing. Treat your hair to the extra washings. You hair will thank you in the long run. :)
I'm transitioning and I'm washing twice a month now. It was once a week, but with the new growth and the time involved, I'm just lazy about doing it every week. If I looked good with short hair, I would go ahead and BC.
I agree with the previous posters. I remember once I didn't wash for a month and ending up with a bald spot from where my itching had literally bored a hole in my head. Never again. I would wash weekly and just make sure you have a really moisturizing shampoo and conditioner that helps with detangling.