Who was it that posted about their Co-worker who..


New Member
relaxed her hair every morning??

Did you get her to stop and how is her hair doing?

I don't know why I was thinking of this (maybe cause your on a hairboard Nai?) but I just thought I'd ask.
relaxing every morning!!!!???!!! wow, how come, for goodness' sake. londondiva, i hope that was a typing mistake!...
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relaxing every morning!!!!???!!! wow, how come, for goodness' sake. londondiva, i hope that was a typing mistake!...

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No typo Pandora!! She was caucasian and applied it and washed it out every morning from what I remember
LondonDiva, I don't recall that story but someone was just telling me yesterday about their hairdresser who applies relaxer to her hair every week!! If not every week - she won't go any no longer then two weeks because she can't stand nappy edges and...has long waist length hair!! I just couldn't believe it...but was told that it was true...Can you believe that??
i ´guess there are exceptions to the rule of 6 weeks for those fortunate people who grow hair like they produce it conciously! but for the 99.9% of us, we better stick to the minimum to 6 weeks, when significant hair growth is observeable
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LondonDiva, I don't recall that story but someone was just telling me yesterday about their hairdresser who applies relaxer to her hair every week!! If not every week - she won't go any no longer then two weeks because she can't stand nappy edges and...has long waist length hair!! I just couldn't believe it...but was told that it was true...Can you believe that??

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What /images/graemlins/shocked.gif /images/graemlins/shocked.gif /images/graemlins/shocked.gif /images/graemlins/shocked.gif EVERY WEEK!!!! LMAO is she insane??? But then on the flip side ol' girl has hair down to her waist. Every week OMG her poor scalp.
That was my co worker London. As far as I know she still does it because her hair is still straight. Her hair was a big frizzy mess before. She did get a haircut last week though. Now she is marveling at my braids. She wants to know what makes the hair "stick" to my hair without unraveling. Why do I have the feeling she is going to braid her hair with super glue or something? I will ask her if she still does it when I go in later today.
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Why do I have the feeling she is going to braid her hair with super glue or something?

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LMAO It wouldn't surprise me an I bet her hair won't fall out and it grows like 5 inches in 3 weeks from the superglue. LOL

I look forward to hearing what your colleague has to say when you go into work later.

Honey do you ever look at her crazy /images/graemlins/crazy.gifcause I'd be speechless then drop on the floor laughing in amazement
Girl do I! She flips her hair back and forth all day and she brags about it! You know what she tells her other (caucasian) colleagues? "I only use Afro hair products on my hair." I could've sworn I saw a jar of grease in her locker the other day NO JOKE!
LMAO about the grease. That reminds me of my ex caucasian manager with the Dax short and neat on his desk. When I told him it was geared toward black men he understood why he couldn't wash it out. He applied it like hair gel.
Oh my gosh! London where are you? Get a load of this! I asked my coworker if she was still using relaxers everyday and she said, "You know it girlfriend!" and flipped her hair at me! I couldn't hold it in. I just bust out laughing. I couldn't find a computer fast enough to tell you! Did I mention the accompanied neck roll? London girl, I couldn't tell her she was wrong if I tried! Just had to let you know. Going back to work now.
Does her hair look like straw? Does she have bald patches forming?.... She seems oblivious to the fact that relaxers are harsh chemicals...
***Guano**** Honeyrockette, I LIKE that picture. I remember Dev (you don't know her) had that picture on HER website a long time ago.

About the co-worker......I'd let her know.
That is what I would wonder to, it seems almost impossible, maybe she (the co-worker) is using a relaxing BALM and not relaxer because:

1. There is the smell of relaxer
2. The burning
3. It's a HARSH chemical no matter what texture your hair is. My hairdresser said it would have broken off already.
4. Her hair would look like how people's hair looks when they OVER bleach it. Dry, brittle, unhealthy

so..... I'd ask her if she really MEANT relaxer, or was she doing a relaxing balm. Also once she got the "straight" effect, I can't imagine that she would think she needed to do this every day.

But all in all, I couldn't laugh because I wouldn't want someone to be bald.
Speaking of hair grease..... this reminds me.

Marketing is such a funny, funny, tricky thing.

You know pomades's that are used and marketed towards white people are nothing but expensive hair greases right?

When I worked pt at this Beauty Supply I saw Sebastion made some sort of pomade, I looked on the back at the ingredients, and what did I see ? Petrolatum, and Mineral Oil and other grease ingredients. I cracked up, I told the clients for a lot less, they could purchase a whole JAR of Blue Magic and save their money cuz it's the same product. The would go and get some Dax and said it worked just as well as the Sebastian Pomade. Suprise, suprise.

These hair companies know how to get our money, lol! Make the SAME product but market it to different people and charge different prices.
Re: Who was it that posted about their Co-worker w

H.R. This post had me cracking up. Sounds like the relaxer is going straight to her head. Is she trying to "pass" as a sistah?

Tara: You are so right about the salon hair care products, especially "pomades." Many of them are all just classier sounding, and more expensive versions of hair "grease."

Thanks for the laughs girls. Y'all so crazy.

I hope for her sake it's a relaxing balm. Flipping her hair with the neck roll /images/graemlins/shocked.gifOMG I would have laughed right in her face and told her she has issues.

I don't know what's worse
The white woman applying the relaxer
The sistah who applies it every week because she doesn't like her naps!
HR posted in another thread that the woman is wearing a wig because her hair is so thin now.