Who Used Kool-Aid to Dye Their Hair?

i did purple and it came out blue black with a purple sheen to it. i loved it. i mixed 2 packs with about 2 cups of thick conditioner, and let it set for about 2 hours in the sun.

That sounds lovely. I was hoping for something funky that would still be appropriate at work. I think I could get away with this :yep:

I think so. I never heard of anyone having to lift their haircolor before applying it.

Thanks! I just had to be sure. I thought this was for blonds/this is why I never drink this stuff :nono:

I did this last March. My hair was a slight reddish color. I liked it though. Other than the red coming off on my hands when I did my hair, and it also coming off on my clothes (mainly the collar area), it was cool.
I haven't done it since though.

I have always had this problem with semi perm color. Anybody know how to prevent it. I really want healthy hair and funky color but I can't handle no being able to play in my hair!
I did a search over on tLHC, and grabbed these tidbits..... :grin:

That makes it sound like it might work better for the relaxed ladies. Darn! I'll still try it, though.

i've never heard nor experienced itchy scalp w/ kool-aid...i'm wondering
what all did tat person do to get an itchy scalp.

it doesn't matter if your relaxed or not, just boil your water n salt and add your sssssour (what my dd say) kool-naid! let it cool down and toss that baby on your hair. sometimes me and my sis would use 2 packs to get dye look effect especially if you have too much water....and you know black folks don't measure so go easy on the water!

i hate fla-vor-aid.....whodahell thought of flavor-aid! see this is why i'm not keen on alot of knock-off's...it's like seasoning, you gotta get laywer's! lol:grin:
Growing up, my friends did this to their hair, but I never did because my mom would have killed me!!! Their hair did turn out nice..not sure about how safe it is though.
Some neighborhood girls did in the 80's. I liked it, but was scared to do mine. Plus, my granny would have gave me a new a$$ hole!:ohwell:
OMG!I thought I was the only person that did this :). I use to die my hair with kool aid all the time when I was in junior high, it came out pretty nice like I put a rinse in my hair. I might do it soon when I am tooo cheap to buy a rinse. lol
Not at all. Kool-aid is what 25cents? It's worth a shot. the only thing is that if you wet your hair often, it will be a mess. On your clothes and hands.
So can I put kool-aid or manic panic in my juice ya think. Like actually do the rinse and then add it to my juice to keep the color up???
i wanna try this!! so you just boil salt and water and then out two packs of whatever color you want and then what? slather on your hair with a cap and sit out in the sun? or dunk your hair in the pot for a certain amount of time?
i wanna try this!! so you just boil salt and water and then out two packs of whatever color you want and then what? slather on your hair with a cap and sit out in the sun? or dunk your hair in the pot for a certain amount of time?

My classmates told me they used hydrogen peroxide.

I cannot believe how many how-to videos are on youtube.
Black cherry was the business back in high school. My hair would look black with a hint of dark burgundy but when I was in the sun the color REALLY popped. I loved it and so did everyone else.
I never did, my mom would've :spank:...and as an adult, I have always gone to salons...I do remember the red turning out super cute though...I don't know how it might affect the hair :perplexed
My momma wouldn't let me die my hair so I used kool aid.
Warning, if your hair reaches your shoulders and longer, it will stain your shirts, especially when you are sweating.