Who steams in their henna?


Well-Known Member
Does anyone steam their henna into their hair?

If so, how do you like the results?

How long do you stay under the steamer with the henna in your hair?

I was thinking about this! I never did it though. I normally just put a shower cap on and do chores or something for a good half an hour. I tend to do henna as a pre-poo.
Hrrm. I think I've considered doing it, but never actually did it. Or, I might have, and didn't see much difference. I usually leave my henna on overnight, anyhow, and the longest I would be willing to be under the steamer is two hours, or so.
Does anyone steam their henna into their hair?

If so, how do you like the results?

How long do you stay under the steamer with the henna in your hair?


good question, i'm interested in any responses.
i thought about it once...but was afraid, it might make it harder to get out. :perplexed

hopefully someone has results to share...:)
This is the 1st time I've seen this thread. I'm been steaming with henna since June '10 when I got my steamer.

Here is a PM I sent to a fellow member who asked me about steaming. Sorry it's so long, but I wanted to be thorough with my answer. So here goes.....

Yes, I do use my steamer for my henna treatments. I have very few drips when I steam and I don’t cover my hair; use to use a Terry Cloth Scrunched Elastic Headband to catch any drips. But don’t anymore. I use a paper towel to dab the few drips I might get.

Also, my recipe includes coconut milk which makes my mix very creamy. The consistency is like pudding or yogurt. I think that’s why it doesn’t drip while I’m steaming.

On average I steam for 1 – 1 ½ hrs w/the henna in my hair. My steamer has a one hour timer. One other thing I found out is that the henna rinses out so easily. In the past I would have to use lots and lots of conditioner to rinse and rinse it from my hair over and over again.

Also, I used to DC overnight to get the softness and moisture back in my hair. I steam with my DC concoction for no more than ½ - ¾ hours after rinsing the henna out. Hair is moisturized and like butter.

The steps I take to henna:

Wash my hair w/a moisturizing shampoo.
Detangle it using coconut oil only. I apply coconut oil to my hair and scalp.
Place a few cornrows in my hair and let it dry. (I get a smooth henna-application doing it this way because when I unbraid my dry hair, it is stretched and in a comb-thru state w/no tangles or knots). I’m natural and the shrinkage is maddening!

I might add that once a month I add Katam to my henna mix. It’s like indigo, but gives my hair a medium brown color; I don’t like the red of henna. And that is another wonderful thing I discovered about steaming. I mix my henna and immediately apply it so that the red dye does not release. In the past, this wouldn’t matter because for the amount of time I left the henna on my hair (4-6 hrs), the dye would release.

It’s so wonderful not to be tied down to taking care of my hair anymore. Steaming has revolutionized my haircare.

Other steam uses:

Pre-poo treatments including hot-oil or DC on dry hair….I love, love, this!!

I apply bentonite or rhassoul clay every other week. I mix it with rose water, apply to hair and steam for 15 – 20 minutes. I also apply it to my face for a facial treatment at the same time. Bentonite and Rhassoul clays exfoliate and detoxify your scalp and help makes your hair strong. They also pull toxins from the skin.

I found Kalpi-tone rinses just as easily from my hair as does henna. It’s an ayurvedic conditioning treatment like henna. I steam for 10 – 15 minutes and my hair is so soft after I rinse it out.

I’m an engineer and have to visit clients on construction sites most days. In Florida in this blistering heat with the flying dirt and debris, my hair gets dirty fast. So most weeks in the summer, I shampoo 2 – 3 times a week. After I get home, it usually takes me hours to wash, DC and twist or braid my hair. Now it takes no more than 1 ½ hours to do my hair from start to finish including a 20 min DC and a pre-poo sometimes.

I noticed the one time I steamed my henna it washed out really easily too. I steamed for 2hrs with a PIBBS on 10. Normally I am too lazy and apply right before bed:)
I steam for 45 mins to an hour. It washes out very easily (in the shower) and my hair is in great shape!
So, you ladies who steam the henna in, you only leave the henna in for a shorter about of time, as opposed to 4 hours plus!
Wow, I saw the title and was excited to post a reply then I realized that I had posted this well over a year ago.

I have steamed in my henna since this post. I used to do it every two weeks. Now, due to laziness, I stream in henna every 1-2 months. I usually steam it in for 1 1/2 hours then let it sit for another hour and rinse. This method gives beautiful results!
OH!!! A biggie I forgot.....

I do not have to de-clog my drain as often since using steam to do my henna treatments. I think the steam breaks up the henna or something and lets it flow freely through the pipes.

Once a week I would pour baking soda and vinegar down the drain to keep it clog free. I only have to do this twice a month now! I believe in the future I'll only have to do it once a month. What another great benefit of steaming.

Anyone else?
I always get much better results when I leave my henna in overnight. I use henna to cover my grey roots. I steamed my henna in on 3 occasions for three hours and then left it on for an additional hour (so four hours totals). My roots would look brassy rather than red/orange and would fade within two weeks. Now I leave my henna in overnight, wash out in the morning, and then condition and steam for two hours.
I always get much better results when I leave my henna in overnight. I use henna to cover my grey roots. I steamed my henna in on 3 occasions for three hours and then left it on for an additional hour (so four hours totals). My roots would look brassy rather than red/orange and would fade within two weeks. Now I leave my henna in overnight, wash out in the morning, and then condition and steam for two hours.

Me too. There's just no reason to steam it. I don't add things to it either...just orange juice and water. I mix it, leave it on 3+ hrs and rinse. All of the conditioning treatments etc...can be done after the henna is rinsed out. I do mine specifically for color though. If someone is doing theirs as a conditioning treatment, I guess there's some benefit to it.
I love Henna, did a treatment recently and just love the results. I never thought of steaming it in thou.
I dont have a steamer but do use a heat cap from time to time esp if I dont have all day to henna. 15 min of heat twice in 3 hrs. Then I rinse.

The color results are the same as a 6 hr henna. I use it to cover grey and fir added density (im low densiry) and mix it only with water.
Wow, I saw the title and was excited to post a reply then I realized that I had posted this well over a year ago.

I have steamed in my henna since this post. I used to do it every two weeks. Now, due to laziness, I stream in henna every 1-2 months. I usually steam it in for 1 1/2 hours then let it sit for another hour and rinse. This method gives beautiful results!

do you think steaming 30 minutes to 1 hour is as efficient as leave it overnight on hair ? taz007