This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and as mentioned, an all expenses paid trip. If you think you’re the one, let me know and we can have a great time together. My name is Gordon and I am 56 years old from West Covina.
I got here to the bolded and immediately thought of Underworld...Vampires and Lychens. I dont know. I'm going to have to rewatch the first one. I think something to do with the family last names. Lol
As for his request....i hope he doesn't get his wish. It sounds like all the things that happen before youre thrown in the pit and hosed for not lotioning.
Chile, I posted this article on FB and my coworker asked me if I was going to Coachella in passing and to remember the "free peanut butter sandwiches!"
He sounds like the type to add increasingly more ridiculous demands as the trip progresses. Soon you'll have to let him spoon you at night with his micropeen massaging your tailbone or he'll ration out your beef jerky and spit in your sandwich