Who Rinses Often?


Well-Known Member
I'd like to know your results? did your hair appreciate the extra rinsing? since water is the ultimate form of moisture do you think your hair was better off with frequent rinsing. By rinsing i mean rinsing it daily (or often) and then applying conditioner to it again. A friend of mine rinses daily then applies condish when she gets out the shower and leaves that conditioner in all day until she showers again the next morning when she starts her routine all over again. Another friend rinses, applies conditioner, lets it sit in her hair while she's in the shower then rinses it out, applies a small amount of leave in, styles her hair and goes about her day. They both said that their hair stayed moisturized and seemed to grow faster. If you rinse often, I'd like to hear your experiences, since I'm considering it.
I rinse and condition my hair almost daily. Doing so keeps my natural hair really soft and easy to detangle. Afterwards I apply a good leave-in or creamy moisturizer, put it in a few ponytails, and let it airdry. Once it's dry I style it and go about my business. Styling is usually something simple like a partial updo or a low puff.
I've been doing this consistently for almost a year now and it has really made a difference. My hair stays nice and moisturized and is growing way faster than when I used to just poo & con once per week.
I rinse, apply conditioner, bathe, then rinse out the conditioner last so it has a least a few minutes to work.
After I did the big chop in May 2005, I would rinse almost daily. When it started getting colder and my hair started growing more, daily rinsing didn't work so well for me. It would sometimes be dry and I would have this funky-shaped shrunken teenie-weenie afro. My hair is uneven in length right now. I think I will definitely try this again this summer when my hair gets longer where I could put my rinsed hair into a ponytail or ponypuff. While my hair is in its in-between stage (it's about 5 +/- inches), the rinse and go just isn't working for me.
I rinse daily, sometimes twice a day depending on the time of year. My hair seems to really like water quite a bit. Its very seldom dry (but I can't do the baggie method which is odd?)

I do it because when I work out I sweat A LOT and I hate my hair and scalp feeling sticky afterwards.

i'm glad to hear so many of you having such great success with daily rinsing. are you rinsing and leaving conditioner in your hair until your next rinse or are you rinsing the conditioner out after you apply it and styling as usual?

i've been doing it off and on this fall - spring. its not bad, i just get lazy, but my hair does feel moisturized and i'm happy about that! its hard doing the "rinse method" in the winter. wet hair + cold water = :eek:
wyldcurlz said:
i'm glad to hear so many of you having such great success with daily rinsing. are you rinsing and leaving conditioner in your hair until your next rinse or are you rinsing the conditioner out after you apply it and styling as usual?

I rinse out the conditioner and style as usual (a boring bun :lol:)
I do it twice a day, before work and before bed. My hair responds well to it and my hair usually stay in a curly fro. I think that water is my hair's best friend. If I didn't find out this info here, I doubt my hair would be doing as well as it is.
In the spring and summer I do daily or every other day rinses or co-washes. I really think they help tremendously with growth, I just can't do them in the winter but I wish I could cause it makes my hair so soft.
i do it daily... i've done it daily since last may when i first started transitioning... since my bc, it's grown back past where it was when i started my transition last may and i'm sure that the daily dose of water is at least 75% responsible... now that i'm bunning, i'm finding that my hair stays moisturized all day.. actually, my hair is still sorta damp when i take my bun down at night... and i use conditioner while rinsing and then wash it out... then i add additional conditioner + moisturizer before i put it in the bun... moisture city!!!
I rinse and condition everyday.

I love the feeling, it just makes me feel clean and the conditioner does wonders for my hair. Makes it softer and easy to detangle.

I have hand in hair disease that is limiting my growth, cause I pick and find knots and snapp them..I am going crazy. lol need help
wyldcurlz said:
i'm glad to hear so many of you having such great success with daily rinsing. are you rinsing and leaving conditioner in your hair until your next rinse or are you rinsing the conditioner out after you apply it and styling as usual?

i've been doing it off and on this fall - spring. its not bad, i just get lazy, but my hair does feel moisturized and i'm happy about that! its hard doing the "rinse method" in the winter. wet hair + cold water = :eek:

If I'm just rinsing I use will use Nexxus Ensure or porosity control (which is now gone..yea!!!)

These have certainly helped in keeping my hair pretty happy. Though I don't like the smell of porosity control, if I had no other choice I'd definitly would go back to using it (And I may when I run out of Ensure)

i remember once i rinsed with water and then just added leave in conditioner when i got out.

i must say thats the best hair experience i ever had with minimal effort. i will do this in the summer as my own version of conditioner wash as my hair has a tendency to get over conditioned and start looking less defined.