Who Remembers The Mtg & Megatek Back Then? Xd


Well-Known Member
Haha !:lachen:I still have a bottle of megatek under my bed ... :busted:...havent used it in like YEARS:ohsnap:

Ohhhh Lord the MTG was a nightmare ...:hair:

Come on! Share your memories :D
Hey! Yea I used mega tech in my hair every day or every other day back then (2009-2010) my hair was really long Mbl. That's when this forum was so active,....memories. It smelled great.

My hair was super moisturised in order to handle all that protein. I had a moisture/ protein balance going on. Good times. I would love to do that now except I heard Mega Tek changed formulas or something like that.
Sort of OT: Every time I see posts like this thread I wish I was on this board back "in the good ol' days." It sounds like things were really poppin back then! Maybe if I had found LCHF in those days I wouldn't have broke off all my MBL relaxed hair with the flat iron.
Sort of OT: Every time I see posts like this thread I wish I was on this board back "in the good ol' days." It sounds like things were really poppin back then! Maybe if I had found LCHF in those days I wouldn't have broke off all my MBL relaxed hair with the flat iron.
I don't think things were popping anymore back then. I think it's just that older members don't get into some topics because been there, done that.
Hey! Yea I used mega tech in my hair every day or every other day back then (2009-2010) my hair was really long Mbl. That's when this forum was so active,....memories. It smelled great.

My hair was super moisturised in order to handle all that protein. I had a moisture/ protein balance going on. Good times. I would love to do that now except I heard Mega Tek changed formulas or something like that.

Really?! didnt know they changed the formula !! Yeah it was active truth be told!
Sort of OT: Every time I see posts like this thread I wish I was on this board back "in the good ol' days." It sounds like things were really poppin back then! Maybe if I had found LCHF in those days I wouldn't have broke off all my MBL relaxed hair with the flat iron.
How often did you flat ironed ?? for it to break your MBL hair ... It must have been often
Yup. They both worked for me. A friend gave me that stinky MTG I used under my weave and would put on a shower cap for a couple hours a day for a few months and that was my longest hair (up to that point evaaa) actually what brought me to LHCF.

I loved Megatek. The smell and all. So they changed the formula? Is that the horse one though?
The sulfer in the MTG was amazing on my acne though! Just an overnight scalp treatment and the skin on my face (I guess from dripping) would be clear!

It also brought my bangs/fringe from above the line of my glasses to below the line of my glasses in about 14 days. But I think bangs grow quickly anyway. They're so short to absorb a lot of oil, and you can visualize it against your facial features.
I just drove to some remote part of the city a month ago, and passed the horse farm that I went to, to purchase my megatek, every time lolol, it was so far away, but nothing stopped me from making the trek to purchase it.

I really did smell like bacon, and the backs of some of my favorite sweaters are permanently stained from the MTG....feeling like slick Jerry curl juice
How often did you flat ironed ?? for it to break your MBL hair ... It must have been often

Oh girrrrrrl I was trippin' with the heat.
The reason my hair got long when I was in high school is because I used to wear it in a braid or ponytail 90% of the time. I also used to stretch my relaxers unintentionally out of laziness.

When I went away to college I discovered how fly my pressed and curled hair looked so I became addicted to it. I would wash my hair and blow dry on the highest setting. Then flat iron on the highest setting. THEN I would curl it with the curling iron (you guessed it- on the highest setting). I did this once a week. I never used any leave-ins or moisturizers and I wore my hair out 24/7.

In a year I went from MBL to about APL. -_-

EDIT: attaching pics so you can see the before and after.


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Girl, I did the same thing!

I went to a tack and feed store to buy my Megatek. The lady was looking at me like, you know this is for horses, right? :lachen:

I bought it and made some concoction I got on here. It worked but I think the protein may have taken a toll on my hair. I remember my hair being BSL/MBL and thick on one side but thinner on the other. I think it would've helped to deep condition with a very good moisturising conditioner a couple times a week to balance the protein from Megatek.

Megatek and the vaginal hair growth concoctions were all the rage in 2009-2010.

I just drove to some remote part of the city a month ago, and passed the horse farm that I went to, to purchase my megatek, every time lolol, it was so far away, but nothing stopped me from making the trek to purchase it.

I really did smell like bacon, and the backs of some of my favorite sweaters are permanently stained from the MTG....feeling like slick Jerry curl juice
Wowwww....i remember these....even though mtg gave me headaches i had some great growth when i was using it...i had to stop because of my sensitivity to the sulfer...i got great results with megatek mixed with s-curl no drip and olive oil....the good ol days
Those threads were on and poppin' when I joined the board!

I never tried it because of the fear of headaches. :dazed:
I remember ordering MTG way back in the day (2005-2006). I think I got good results but I wasn't taking it for very long and my hair was still breaking off as fast as it was growing (I was still relaxed and applying massive heat to already damaged hair), and the smell prevented me from wanting to take it all of the time. I think I used it for about a month before throwing it out, and my favorite hair scarves carried the bacon-like smell for years.

I remember the Monistat buzz (Miconzale Nitrate) around that time too and vaguely remember trying that out in lieu of MTG. Viviscal and Nioxin were also a big thing back then too. I think I tried one month of Viviscal but since I was a poor college student at the time, I couldn't keep up.

I almost wish that I could try the MTG again on my natural hair but I can't go around smelling like bacon and sulphur all the time.
Currently have Original M-T and Original MTG in my Stash. I haven't revisited Mega-Tek yet as a Natural. I've actually been holding on to my last Original Bottle of Mega-Tek since it has been reformulated.

But I have been using MTG.

They now sell one that supposedly has a more pleasant scent (for humans). I think it's a dollar or two more.

I have the Original Funk. I think the funky scent tends to dissipates a little after a while.