Who Loves Their Hair Journey? :)

I've been enjoying mine. I've been fortunate not to have had any setbacks (knock on wood). I would say that the first 3 years were the most exciting, since that's when I saw the most progress. This last year it seems like I've had the slowest growth, but probably because I have taken the fewest pictures of my hair this year. My growth this year has been consistent, though. I'm looking forward to claiming WL.
I used to love trying new things but now I've gone into a idgaf relationship with my hair. I don't like my hair. it's fine and thin and I hate trying a new technique and having to waste more time doing my hair.

now I just wash n go once a week and that helps me to still look cute while spending minimal time on my hair. maybe one day I will come to appreciate my natural texture but now is not the time.
Yeah girl, root to tip, always always extra strength and I'd leave it on for the maximum time and sometimes even longer because I don't burn easily. Come to think of it, I don't remember a time where I got burned. I honestly don't know how I wasn't bald....
I did my hair the same way because that's what I was taught. My hair never grew past shoulder length, but I don't know how I had any hair to begin with :look:
So enjoying the journey...love seeing results. I'm so happy with my progress. My hair doesn't always look the way I would like but it always feels great! I love hair videos but I don't try the new as much as I used to. I'm natural which is something I thought I'd never be and APL is my next length. I love conditioners and my hair does too. I love what I've learned on my journey. I'm a hair freak and it is fun for me because the things I've done have worked.
Before I went natural for the third and last time I was getting bored with my journey. I just washed it and put it in a bun most times. If not that I would straighten it. I will say it was the longest it had ever been in my life. I got to almost waist length with that regimen but wasn't excited about my hair.

Once I bc'd I got the zest back. Now I can't wait for wash day to try different styling methods etc... It's so much fun to see the things my hair can do that I never realized. It's a breeze to work with and now that I don't use heat anymore it is truly thriving.

It's growing in so fast and full. I love the fact that even though I have thin fine hair the curls make it look fuller than it is. I've loved my journey from beg to end but this is truly the most fun I've had with my hair ever. I can't wait to see what this yr will bring.
I loved my relaxed journey and now my natural journey. I've also met people (online) along the way that made my journey even more enjoyable. One of the best things about being on a journey is enjoying it, whether your having a good day or a bad one.

I've enjoyed learning, finding new products, finding the proper technique and finding what works. I also enjoy passing on that knowledge to people who need it. I try my best to learn a little bit of everything, because even if it doesn't apply to me, it will always help someone else.

All of this. I swear that I was going to write something similar so Imma just quote your answer!

Loving my natural hair journey. I didn't think I would as much as I do.
I've been natural for 5 years and 8 months. I have a love/hate relationship with my hair. Some days I like it, some days it gets on my nerves. It grows slow as hell so I do not do length challenges but it is very healthy. When I go through those dark days I just put it away. I do love trying new things but even that urge has slowed down tremendously.
Overall I have enjoyed my hair journey. When I first started there were no hair boards or videos at least none I knew of. I remember discovering Carols Daughter in Brooklyn, and then discovering Etsy and Darcy's botanicals. I loved it then never thought about growing my hair and I was completely satisfied with my short curly afro which was uniquely me.

Then came the natural hair movement and it was great to see all these naturals and find all of these boards but I lost myself. I started wanting longer hair. I wanted to do what others did and get their results. So I began experimenting and at first it was fun. Then it became frustrating and damaging. It was too many videos and too many recipes. I would make these hair goals it felt more like shackle with minimal results.

Then two years ago I discovered MHM and I got a diva cut. Figured out less is best in all things. Last year it hit me I had become a slave to my hair and I hated that. I became a minimalist and now I do only what is necessary. I think reducing my products and manipulation has forced me to listen to my hair. Funny because now it is fun. Now I look at it and think oh you feel dry lets prepoo with coconut milk and honey or ugg it is tangled I will do a baking soda wash and smooth out the knots with clay.

So yeah overall it has been a great journey.