Who Loves Their Hair Journey? :)


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies :wavey: I joined after lurking off and on for years. My first hhj was back in 2010 I want to say...I was on hairlista all the time back when that was poppin lol (whatever happened to that place anyway??) But I went all out buying whatever I could get my hands on, trying all these techniques, reading about hair all the time lol I got so into that I just crashed and burned and got so bored so I just went back to washing whenever I felt like with any ole shampoo and conditioner, rip through the tangles, apply leave in and either flat iron it or through it up in a curly bun. That's it's.

But as of October 14, 2016 I'm on a new hair journey. No major damage from chemicals, I'm natural, and I haven't colored my hair in years. I'm just trying to strengthen and moisturize my hair from careless styling. I didn't abuse my hair but I stopped taking care of her, she got the bare minimum.

I see a lot of women complain about their wash days, get frustrated with styling and all the day to day things we have to do in order to maintain healthy. It can get tedious. But does anyone just love the process? I love mixing up my treatments, giving myself a good deep condition, watching hair tutorials, trying new styles, tracking progress, buying new stuff:look: my wash days are like my spa days lol
Sometimes I don't feel like doing it, but I'll be better off in the long-run if I do believe me :lol:
I've been loving mine. There have been more ups than downs as I pretty much found a good routine, used what worked, tweaked and developed it for me by experimenting, and tried to be consistent. Love a 'spa' wash day. I'm never in a rush when doing my hair.
I am enjoying my hair journey but there have been up days and down days throughout. For the most part it's a lot of fun for me. I've learned so much about hair since starting this journey and I'm able to pass on some of that knowledge to my loved ones and others around me and that right there is truly rewarding.
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I love my hair journey.

It took me a few years to really master things but seeing good results is very motivating. My hair is longer, stronger and much healthier. In addition, I get to pass these healthy habits down to my daughter. Her hair is thriving as a result. I wish I knew all these things when I was much younger but I am so glad that I can teach her.
On wash days I like to listen to the radio while I'm styling my hair. I can always find an interesting news/talk show or good music on a radio app if there's nothing good on a local station. Wash day is a good day to listen to long youtube videos too. That's one part I like.

I like watching hair tutorials too. When I first started my hair journey no one had youtube hair tutorials but a whole lot of people had fotki photo albums.

I used to like to check out hair products at brick-and-mortar stores. Now I like to see what's online. I love that I can get so many high-quality products from small companies that are owned by black women.

Yeah it can get tedious. Sometimes when it's wash day I don't feel like it. Applying conditioner in sections, detangling, and twisting my hair for twist outs can get tedious. I'm so thankful to have a head full of natural hair though.

And I'm so glad the transition part of my journey is over. It was over in 2009 but I'm still so glad that it's over.
I've been natural for almost 10 years but I started my hhj 4 years ago and I love it! My hair has grown tremendously and it is now my trademark lol.

I'm thinking of dyeing my hair blonde, I've never colored my hair before, so I'm nervous. I'm hi-po and prone to dryness (if I don't stay on my routine).
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Not me :(. I'm on my second transition. And I feel a bit hopeless because I've incurred so much heat damage that I feel as if when I do get there my hair will still be a stringy heat damaged mess :lol:.
I'm addicted to heat. My hair looks so rotten now if i don't use heat.
Deep down I want to shave my head :look:.

Do it.

:lachen: JK, you will regret it if you do! I did and my mom made me promise I would never cut my hair that short again.
I felt cleansed for maybe five minutes. After that I got mad at myself for being so impatient :cry3:

Maybe if you have a nice wig, it will be more bearable?
:lol: aaaaw.
i'd probably have to be committed :look: :lol:
i'm sure a wig would help because no way am i rocking a baldie lol. But i don't think i'd feel comfortable in a wig and i'd be afraid of traction alopecia. It would have to be a really good wig that doesn't look wiggy .
I've been having these head shaving urges for years now lol. What would be smarter is to stop using heat.
I loved my relaxed journey and now my natural journey. I've also met people (online) along the way that made my journey even more enjoyable. One of the best things about being on a journey is enjoying it, whether your having a good day or a bad one.

I've enjoyed learning, finding new products, finding the proper technique and finding what works. I also enjoy passing on that knowledge to people who need it. I try my best to learn a little bit of everything, because even if it doesn't apply to me, it will always help someone else.
Not me :(. I'm on my second transition. And I feel a bit hopeless because I've incurred so much heat damage that I feel as if when I do get there my hair will still be a stringy heat damaged mess :lol:.
I'm addicted to heat. My hair looks so rotten now if i don't use heat.
Deep down I want to shave my head :look:.

Oh no :( well how bad is it and how long is your hair now? When I was on my first hair journey I started out with APL hair but it was so over processed from years of relaxing from root to tip every 8 weeks and totally abusing heat usage. My ends looked like an old broom... I probably could have used my hair to sweep my kitchen :lol:. I had weak end that had weak spots that I literally could just pluck off. So I cut my hair to a cute chin length bob. It wasn't too painful because I wasn't actively trying to grow my hair, I was just learning about it and trying to get it healthy. I still flat ironed it but I experimented with some heatless styles too.

Now 6 years later I'm on my second hair journey as a natural head and I'm taking it very seriously. Last time it was just a hobby, but hair care has become a lifestyle for me. I LOVE taking care of these strands!:kiss3: and I'm learning so much more!
On wash days I like to listen to the radio while I'm styling my hair. I can always find an interesting news/talk show or good music on a radio app if there's nothing good on a local station. Wash day is a good day to listen to long youtube videos too. That's one part I like.

I like watching hair tutorials too. When I first started my hair journey no one had youtube hair tutorials but a whole lot of people had fotki photo albums.

I used to like to check out hair products at brick-and-mortar stores. Now I like to see what's online. I love that I can get so many high-quality products from small companies that are owned by black women.

Yeah it can get tedious. Sometimes when it's wash day I don't feel like it. Applying conditioner in sections, detangling, and twisting my hair for twist outs can get tedious. I'm so thankful to have a head full of natural hair though.

And I'm so glad the transition part of my journey is over. It was over in 2009 but I'm still so glad that it's over.
I cosign everything you said. And those hair videos are the devil when I need to be asleep. I'll lay in bed, start watching hair videos on my phone and the next thing I know it's 1:00 in the morning:look:
I cosign everything you said. And those hair videos are the devil when I need to be asleep. I'll lay in bed, start watching hair videos on my phone and the next thing I know it's 1:00 in the morning:look:
I know what you mean. When I stopped going to the salon and I started doing my own hair I used to be up waaay past midnight - and I had to be at work at 8:30 am - reading threads, checking out others's hair routines, and looking at pictures here and on fotki.
Oh no :( well how bad is it and how long is your hair now? When I was on my first hair journey I started out with APL hair but it was so over processed from years of relaxing from root to tip every 8 weeks and totally abusing heat usage. My ends looked like an old broom... I probably could have used my hair to sweep my kitchen :lol:. I had weak end that had weak spots that I literally could just pluck off. So I cut my hair to a cute chin length bob. It wasn't too painful because I wasn't actively trying to grow my hair, I was just learning about it and trying to get it healthy. I still flat ironed it but I experimented with some heatless styles too.

Now 6 years later I'm on my second hair journey as a natural head and I'm taking it very seriously. Last time it was just a hobby, but hair care has become a lifestyle for me. I LOVE taking care of these strands!:kiss3: and I'm learning so much more!
root to tip every 8 weeks :pullhair: ????!!!
my hair is around mbl but with apl and shorter layers. It grows unevenly and breaks unevenly and my ends are THIN!
I have those splits too, the hair bends at that point and youu can just snap it off lol. It's called trichorrhexis nodosa.
What I've been doing is ironing my hair at a higher temp from the roots to about 3/4 of the way down then using lower heat for the rest. It allows them to look thicker and also helps with damage.
I've been natural since 12/2014 starting with a one inch TWA. My hair has made me cry, sad, mad, laugh, happy, excited, curious, confused, etc. and I'm loving every minute of it. I have learned what it doesn't like and what it absolutely adores. My hair wants to be spoiled with quality products but doesn't like too much attention, she wants to be left alone mostly ...just like me!

I'm looking forward to discovering new things and watching her be happy and grow long or big. It's mine just the way God intended and I take great pleasure in being blessed to have a beautiful head of hair to care for!
Honestly, I’m enjoying my natural hair journey way more than my relaxed hair journey. If I was answering this question when I was still relaxed I would have probably said “It’s a love/hate relationship”! Now, I can truly say that I’m loving my healthy long hair journey!

Having fine 4b hair with medium low density is a beast to keep healthy natural or relaxed. I just find that I have less setbacks as a natural which makes the journey to longer lengths more enjoyable.
root to tip every 8 weeks :pullhair: ????!!!
my hair is around mbl but with apl and shorter layers. It grows unevenly and breaks unevenly and my ends are THIN!
I have those splits too, the hair bends at that point and youu can just snap it off lol. It's called trichorrhexis nodosa.
What I've been doing is ironing my hair at a higher temp from the roots to about 3/4 of the way down then using lower heat for the rest. It allows them to look thicker and also helps with damage.

Yeah girl, root to tip, always always extra strength and I'd leave it on for the maximum time and sometimes even longer because I don't burn easily. Come to think of it, I don't remember a time where I got burned. I honestly don't know how I wasn't bald....