I guess I so to speak started fresh from an unwanted 2 in cut in Dec. I must say that my hair is doing great thanks to you ladies. I'm sticking with my regimen of washing and deep cond on Wed and Sat. I'm continuing to rollerset. Sat I rollerset on yellow and beige magnetic rollers and it gave me the affect of a rod set. So flexi and rod rollers are out. Why torture myself trying to get these things in when I can get the same affect from magnetic rollers. I'll keep using the purple ones when I want straight hair and then doobie wrap. For the next few weeks, I'm going to lay off pulling my hair back in a bun because of the tension I feel back there even when loose. I should be near APL by the end of the year or early 2008.
I am starting over too. This time I just want a healthy head of hair and I don't care how long it gets as long as I can keep it healthy and on my head.
Meee! I got my hair cut from APL to a little below collarbone length and I'm going to keep it this length until I get rid of all of my overprocessed ends. It's getting much thicker since texlaxing and I can't wait for my hair to be thicker from root to tip!

I'm also sticking with my Giovanni products unless I go to my stylist. I want to texlax at 12 weeks, but I may only make it until 10 since I'll be graduating at exactly 10 weeks post. We'll see.
I am doing the C&G method this year. I took my hair out after having braids for 4 weeks and see a drastic difference already!:eek: :yep:
I definitely adopted a new attitude toward my hair early in 2007. I've just gotten tired of only TRYING to GROW my hair, so I'm learning to enjoy it again. I hadn't worn my hair down without being paranoid since I joined the forum, so I've been having a little fun, wearing it down on the weekends. I'm definitely going to continue healthy hair care practices, mostly balancing protein and moisture. But my goal is to enjoy the hair that I have. It may not be BSL yet, but it's healthy and thick :grin: . Honeydew and Gymfreak...I can totally see where you're coming from. Additionally, healthy hair means thick ends for me, so I'll dust as necessary to maintain them.

LOL one more thing, I won't count my hair as BSL until it's there unstretched. Now, I may be a 1/2 an inch from BSL stretched. It's gotta reach BSL in it's thickest state :grin: which will probably take a few extra months.
I am just simplying things my cowashing everyother day, shampooing and deep conditioning on sunday. I use conditioner or my homeade spritz and seal with wgo or olive oil and grease on my ends. Im trying not to use alot of prodcuts. Im wearing my hair twisted up in a claw clip. I have been taking care of my ends since my last cut in July 06 so they are in good shape. I am also trying to quit the brush and not worry about my edges being slicked straight back so they could fill in a little.
I’ve decided to take MSM and vitamins for my entire health but also to help with my hair growth. Also Deep Conditioning more often (weekly or more) and trimming regularly (every 8-12 weeks).