Who is Sporting a Wig and what reactions have you gotten?

Country gal

Well-Known Member
I bought a wig this weekend. I love it. It is a bobbed wig with copper brown streaks. I have gotten a lot of compliments however at first I was nervous. My son said I looked like a vampire with it. /images/graemlins/perplexed.gif Is anyone else sporting a wig? How do you maintain your hair underneath.
I braided my hair into Cecilly from the color purple plaits. I look like Ms. Jane Pittman with the tiny plaits.
I wear one from time to time, and my reactions have always been pleasent with the people that I've encountered while wearing them.
I wear one, and get positive reactions. My family says it looks nice, and that it looks real. I cut & styled it myself. It's shoulder-length, frizzy/wavy hair that's not too shiny. I wear my own hairline in the front. Some people on the street sometimes stare a little bit, trying to see if it's real. I've had both a woman and a man ask me if it was my real hair. The man (a family friend who I hadn't seen in a while) actually grabbed my head. So rude!

I wear my hair in about 5 cornrows underneath. Since relaxing my hair, I just wash & condition it, apply Surge 14, comb through it, and cornrow it up. I use the mesh cap now, which keeps my head much cooler than the stocking-cap type of wig cap.
I have one and have only worn it twice. I'm scared to wear it to work because they know my hair and have talked about it. I'm not sure of what the reaction would be. Plus I sweat a good bit at work and it's a dusty environment. I guess I'd sweat more with a wig on and I'd have to wash the wig more often with the sweat and dust. /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif I'm also scared to wear it around my bf because he seems so dead set against fake hair. He does want to see what I look like in it though.

Anyway, the couple of times I wore it I believe I just twisted the ends and put it in a small bun at the nape of my neck. Then I put on a stocking cap and put the wig on top of that. I also leave a little hair out in the front. My mom wears wigs all the time and she keeps her hair in maybe 4-6 plaits and uses a stocking cap.

BTW, my wig is maybe a little above chin length with spiral curls all over. People that have seen me in it say it looks nice and cute.
A coworker fell over laughing. She said she was plesantly surprised becasue last week my hair was nappy now it is straight. She said it looked good and was not over the top. She also said it took boldness to wear a wig. I'm like what is so bold about wearing a wig.