Who is 'Nikkos Cousin' to you?


Well-Known Member
What makes you want to ask someone are they Nikkos Cousin? Is it always the length of their hair? This question came into my mind yesterday when I saw a lady with LONG hair but not HEALTHY hair. :perplexed

To me, you could have relatively "short" hair, but if it looks healthy and cared for, it will make me wonder if youre a member. What about you?
thats funny, because I had the same exact thought yesterday. I saw a girl with hair up to about the nape of her neck, but it looked sooo thick and healthy. I wondered.... is she nikko's cousin.
Healthy or trying to get that way.

Some signature hairstyles from here would do it to.
Good weaves, beautiful fros, swaying braids or dreads, I do think that a LHCF "carrys" her hair in a certain manner but what do I know, there only seems to be one more person on this board from my city and I have yet to see Flowerhair flowing by me in town.
I think I would recognize some of you right away, just from pictures in your siggys and albums.

But other than actually recognizing someone here I'd say shiny, healthy, long hair, would make me ask.
kels823 said:
What makes you want to ask someone are they Nikkos Cousin? Is it always the length of their hair? This question came into my mind yesterday when I saw a lady with LONG hair but not HEALTHY hair. :perplexed

To me, you could have relatively "short" hair, but if it looks healthy and cared for, it will make me wonder if youre a member. What about you?

To me Nikko's cousin is someone with long, healthy hair and their ends look very good or their ends are perfect also someone who have their hair baggied and you can see that they are stretching their relaxers because the waves are blinging make me wonder if they're Nikko's cousin:)

ETA: I meant to say bun instead of baggied:D
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I'm actually different I don't look for beautiful hair that is out because I believe most members wear protected styles so I look for signature looks like a bun that isn't slick back with to much gel I sometimes feel they could be nikkos cousin or some healthy hair thats in a roll or something I never think to ask someone if they are nikkos cousin if there hair is out rubbing on there clothes, most lhcf sisters know better, unless its a special time for day for them but I still wouldn't ask I'll quicker ask the bun wearing sisters if they are nikkos cousin.
If I spotted an AA lady in the Indian store looking at the henna, amla, neem powders...I may be tempted to ask...

Certain styles like twist-outs/braidouts (which I don't think I've ever seen up here) and certain bunned styles or phony-pony styles...especially if I suspected a concealed baggie....I may be tempted to ask...

An AA lady at the Aveda salon asking about either getting samples or purchasing gallon size jugs of the DRC...I may be tempted to ask...

An AA lady in Sally's NOT just looking at that one half an aisle of AA products...like if she was looking at the Fermodyl 619 or the Porosity Control (don't you hate when you go in and they want to take straight to that one little section? or is it just me?)...I may be tempted to ask...

If she complimented me on the health of my hair...I would definitely ask. I find that I am more likely to compliment the health of someone's hair now as opposed to just the length. Healthy hair is gorgeous to me no matter what the length is and I am fascinated by those that achieve it and maintain it...that may sound crazy...I see I'm rambling again today. Sorry.
Kimberly said:
If I spotted an AA lady in the Indian store looking at the henna, amla, neem powders...I may be tempted to ask...

Certain styles like twist-outs/braidouts (which I don't think I've ever seen up here) and certain bunned styles or phony-pony styles...especially if I suspected a concealed baggie....I may be tempted to ask...

An AA lady at the Aveda salon asking about either getting samples or purchasing gallon size jugs of the DRC...I may be tempted to ask...

An AA lady in Sally's NOT just looking at that one half an aisle of AA products...like if she was looking at the Fermodyl 619 or the Porosity Control (don't you hate when you go in and they want to take straight to that one little section? or is it just me?)...I may be tempted to ask...

If she complimented me on the health of my hair...I would definitely ask. I find that I am more likely to compliment the health of someone's hair now as opposed to just the length. Healthy hair is gorgeous to me no matter what the length is and I am fascinated by those that achieve it and maintain it...that may sound crazy...I see I'm rambling again today. Sorry.

This is SO me! Anybody buying "unusal" products or a lot of products make me think they might be Nikko's cousin. Anybody wearing a bun or that has healthy hair make me wonder too. It doesn't even have to be long, just healthy.
Yep, signature styles would def. tip me off (I actually saw a lovely bun this morning that made me wonder... but I cant go around askin EVERYONE if theyre Nikkos cousin.. :lol: ). Not just staying in the 'AA' section of hair stores too. Wavy as opposed to bone straight hair.
Healthy looking hair, twistouts, braidouts the classic sock bun. Those fit the Nikkos cousin bill. I was once tempted to ask a doctor I met if she was a member of a hair forum. Her hair was pulled back in a pretty bun. It looked very healthy and shiny.
Kimberly said:
If I spotted an AA lady in the Indian store looking at the henna, amla, neem powders...I may be tempted to ask...

Certain styles like twist-outs/braidouts (which I don't think I've ever seen up here) and certain bunned styles or phony-pony styles...especially if I suspected a concealed baggie....I may be tempted to ask...

An AA lady at the Aveda salon asking about either getting samples or purchasing gallon size jugs of the DRC...I may be tempted to ask...

An AA lady in Sally's NOT just looking at that one half an aisle of AA products...like if she was looking at the Fermodyl 619 or the Porosity Control (don't you hate when you go in and they want to take straight to that one little section? or is it just me?)...I may be tempted to ask...

If she complimented me on the health of my hair...I would definitely ask. I find that I am more likely to compliment the health of someone's hair now as opposed to just the length. Healthy hair is gorgeous to me no matter what the length is and I am fascinated by those that achieve it and maintain it...that may sound crazy...I see I'm rambling again today. Sorry.

These are good ones!! I feel the same about all of these.

I also think about it when I see someone reading all the ingredients on products.
A couple of weeks ago, I saw a woman with a BEAUTIFUL short natural...just a healthy cute riot of curls all over her head, and it was a really attractive auburn color.
She was Niko's cousin to me. (and yeah, I asked her...she isn't a member, but she should be!)

To me, Niko's cousin's hair can be short long or in-between, natural or relaxed...as long as it looks healthy and well taken care of.
Kimberly said:
If I spotted an AA lady in the Indian store looking at the henna, amla, neem powders...I may be tempted to ask...

Certain styles like twist-outs/braidouts (which I don't think I've ever seen up here) and certain bunned styles or phony-pony styles...especially if I suspected a concealed baggie....I may be tempted to ask...

An AA lady at the Aveda salon asking about either getting samples or purchasing gallon size jugs of the DRC...I may be tempted to ask...

An AA lady in Sally's NOT just looking at that one half an aisle of AA products...like if she was looking at the Fermodyl 619 or the Porosity Control (don't you hate when you go in and they want to take straight to that one little section? or is it just me?)...I may be tempted to ask...

If she complimented me on the health of my hair...I would definitely ask. I find that I am more likely to compliment the health of someone's hair now as opposed to just the length. Healthy hair is gorgeous to me no matter what the length is and I am fascinated by those that achieve it and maintain it...that may sound crazy...I see I'm rambling again today. Sorry.

That's me!
this is a really good thread. But i have to say on the contrary when someone start a Nikko's cousin thread it is almost always of someone with long healthy hair. It just makes me wonder,"could i be approached to be asked if i'm Nikkos cousin? Probably not, unless they distinctly recognized my hair from my siggy.:look:
Long healthy hair or the signature bun makes me wonder if that person is Nikkos cousin. I haven't had the heart to ask anyone yet. :look:
lucy said:
thats funny, because I had the same exact thought yesterday. I saw a girl with hair up to about the nape of her neck, but it looked sooo thick and healthy. I wondered.... is she nikko's cousin.

This same thing happened to me the other day.. it looked recently cut/trimed like as though she was cutting out damage that made me wonder if she could have been Nikko's cousin
The Indian store thingy
The reading all the ingredients thingy
The bun
The half wigs but not super straight edges
Really tidy hair like its not done but you know she didnt just run out of the house lookng any kind of way
What would make me ask if I see someone with healthy, shiny,or sheeny shoulder length or longer hair, good ends......or someone that I see stretching relaxers
I've wondered if people who have short, healthy hair are Niko's cousin. I've only asked one lady, she had BSL hair, but she wasn't niko's cousin! :eek: She said she used all motions products and did her hair herself.

I would ask someone with healthy hair - not necessarily based on length.
alundra said:
I've wondered if people who have short, healthy hair are Niko's cousin. I've only asked one lady, she had BSL hair, but she wasn't niko's cousin! :eek: She said she used all motions products and did her hair herself.

I would ask someone with healthy hair - not necessarily based on length.

Same here. Ive seen people with lots of length, but their ends look all scraggly and ate up. I just wanna scream, "cut that mess off!":( So yeah, their hair has to look healthy, and not just long.
Ive seen people with TWAs or natural hair regardless ofthe length that i was tempted to ask. But other than i that i guess it would be the typical long healthy shiny hair that would catch my eye.