Who is 'Nikkos Cousin' to you?

tsmith said:
To me Nikko's cousin is someone with long, healthy hair and their ends look very good or their ends are perfect also someone who have their hair baggied and you can see that they are stretching their relaxers because the waves are blinging make me wonder if they're Nikko's cousin:)

ETA: I meant to say bun instead of baggied:D

Well,I guess I'm not his cousin!:perplexed
Mine is this Cashier at the MET food on Flatlands Ave in Brooklyn, She was ringing up the groceries and I was staring at her hair. She had it losely swept up to keep it out her face with a clip..
I had to hold back from asking her "are you NIKKO's Cousin?". I was so into her hair when she was done and asked for the money I said "HUH?" forgeting what I was there for.
BillyJay said:
Yall gonna think I'm really slow!!!

I just realized what "Are you Nikko's Cousin?" means LOL!:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

You are not alone! LOL! I had no clue until reading these posts a few minutes ago....:lachen:
Kimberly said:
An AA lady at the Aveda salon asking about either getting samples or purchasing gallon size jugs of the DRC...I may be tempted to ask...

An AA lady in Sally's NOT just looking at that one half an aisle of AA products...like if she was looking at the Fermodyl 619 or the Porosity Control (don't you hate when you go in and they want to take straight to that one little section? or is it just me?)...I may be tempted to ask...

Same here. In fact, the one time I did ask was in Sally's. I started talking to someone after we were looking at the same products. The terms she used and the things she picked up made me ask her if she was Nikko's cousin. She said no, but that someone had asked her that before.

I don't know, it was something about the way she responded. I felt like she had to be lurking on somebody's forum. :ohwell: Maybe she just didn't want to admit it.