Who is battling breakage/damage?? and what are you doing about it?


Well-Known Member
My issue:

YEARS of stress on crown and nape areas from ponytails.. ive finally pinpointed this as the reason why the back of my hair seemed to "grow" in a W pattern as opposed to a V, U or ___ shape.

Not relaxing my nape (a random 3b superfine texture amongst true 4a hair) for fear that it would break.

What im doing about it:

For the past month i have not worn ponytails, and i plan on doing this for 6 months to truly see if this is the culprit.

For my nape, i'll relax every other relaxer and see how that works out.

Continue to deep condition and trim as usual.
girl , i had to run in here cause i remember you were saying how you just recently relaxed and i thought you was about to give us a horror story *wipes sweat from forehead* :grin: i have/had the same nape problem you had. i just recently noticed how much longer its gotten as opposed to how it used to look just a couple of years ago. the only time i wear ponytails is if my hair looks a ham and i have to go to work. otherwise i clip it up or wear it down or tucked under a hat lol. one thing is good when relaxing too if you are gonna do that section, it to relax it last. and keeping that area moisturized. moisturizing *thank god i found lhcf* has helped me so much as far as keeping my hair from breaking. and i think im gonnd try this "dusting" procedure for my relaxer coming up. also making sure to condition with the RIGHT conditioner as your hair needs it. cause lawd knows i can go on about that lol
thanks so much mizhotniz!!! im happy to hear that youve recovered/ are in the process of recovering from the nape breakage. I have 5 inches to go until it catches up with the rest of my hair.
I am not battling breakage as we speak because of what I have done about it. :yep: But, when I was, it was my nape area. Here in Boston it gets really cold and I would wear wool and cashmere (yea cashmere will tear up y our edges to) and it rubbing against my nape, tore me up. It was horrible. I basiically had to start all over. So here is what I did:

1. Every winter thereafter the breakage mishap I would wear my scarves around my neck instead of all up under my ear (me being dramatic)
2. If it's that cold out..I would wear a silk scarf under the wool or cashmere one.
3. Constantly would condition that section. Atleast 3 to 5 times a day. I realized without good edges great styles are hard to come by. In fact any style is hard to do.
ME TOO!!! I have been struggling for what seems like a decade with the "pony tail breakage"!!!! I am just now realizing that i just shouldnt wear a tight, stretched and pulled back pony tail. I have just started my hair care journey and I have been wearing it either down on good hair days or in a clip. Good Luck ladies. :grin:
I had a battle with breakage recently. It has stopped consistently!!

I had braids in for the month of July. I forgot how much braids with synthetic hair dries my hair out.

I removed those braids and tried to proceed with my hair routine as I normally do and I was getting SO MUCH breakage.

After a few weeks of concentrating in moisture I am back in order.

I have not done any major protein treatments. I was pretty sure that my breakage from dryness.

I did bi weekly deep conditions with Lustrasilk Shea butter conditioner topped with the Lustrasilk olive oil conditioner. I have not been using any water based moisturizers either. Just oil. Breakage is done! :grin:
when my hair was breaking really bad, a dominican stylists gave me Alter Ego CREN drops to put on my scalp everyday. they really helped. you can do a google search on them they are for anti hairl loss/breakage.
I'm so glad you started this thread, Beana! :) I'd like to offer some advice and encouragement.

I had balding spots at one point after a botched relaxer at the hand of a stylist. :mad: My hair recovered slowly, but I'm hyperaware that my crown area--where I had a quarter-size bald spot--and the front section of my hair is still very fragile. So, for me, consistency is key to keep the weaker structures of my hair and scalp healthy:

--I give myself an intensive pore cleaning one to two weeks after every retouch. The chemicals can stay lodged in the hair follicle where ordinary shampoo cannot always reach. Pore cleaning regularly helps to keep my follicles unclogged. I learned this tip from the excellent stylist that helped my hair recover.

--A weekly infusion of protein. My hair craves the stuff!

--Moisturize like crazy. :spinning:

--Protect hair from the elements. I'm wearing a quick-weave now to keep my hair protected and moisturized from the weather (I'm a Bostonian, too!) This style also reduces manipulation so I have less damage.

--The final thing? I stopped Wrapping my hair. Wrapping my hair almost every night for about 10 years caused my hair's growth pattern to change, exacerbated excessive thinning in the front and crown areas, and damaged my ends. Of course, it took me a while to identify the culprit—I didn’t want to acknowledge that my favorite style was ruining my hair :o—but after I noticed the same thinning and damage pattern in my sister's hair, I could only come to the conclusion that it was the Wrap.

Even after all that time and damage, after just 8 months of not Wrapping my hair in 2005, my hair completely turned around. :) Now, I only Wrap my hair after a wet set if I want a straighter style. Otherwise I just pull it back or braid it at night. Unfortunately, my sister still Wraps her hair every night (she refuses to stop), and I've watched her hair get thinner, and thinner in the front as her scalp shows through, and her crown area is broken off and very weak. She blames every thing else but the Wrap. :sad:

HTH! :)
when my hair was breaking really bad, a dominican stylists gave me Alter Ego CREN drops to put on my scalp everyday. they really helped. you can do a google search on them they are for anti hairl loss/breakage.

This stuff does work wonders during my seasonal shedding. :yep:
Hey beana! I'm glad you started this thread too. Recently I did suffer from some breakage but I was already aware of the reason why. I strayed from my regimen and my hair lacked moisture = more consistent work to be done.

What I'm going to do:

My breakage mainly happens in my crown area of my head. It has been that way since I was little. I don't know how to keep from breaking indefinantly but at least i can take proper care.

- moisturizers for my hair to be applied 2x daily
- co washes 2 or three times a week
-deep condish treatments w/ heating cap 2x monthly
- moderate protein treatment 1x a month (maintain strength)
- protective styles ( I wear mainly french rolls to work...)
- New vitamin regimen ( I just recieved vitamins from puritans pride)
Faxseed oil/biotin 5000mg/msm 500mg/B-100s/MTG concoction

I'm pretty sure that my vitamin regimen should give me results with growth and maintaining good care will balance and stop with the breakage. HTH
Recently I cut off a few inches because I was having a lot of breakage and those ends were really an issue...my hair wasn't growing as quickly or as healthy as it did in the past so the changes that I've made recently are:

1. Less heat!! Not applying the curling iron to my hair/edges every other day just because its not looking as smooth as I want it (no perm - I blow dry/ smooth out/straighten with a curling iron)
This has helped tremendously just in the past few weeks - my breakage has been decreasing every day!
I've also decreased my hair generally in the straightening process - put the blow dryer on lower heat as well as the curling iron - my hair is coming out great and thicker with more body!

2. Focusing on protein a little more - I've been prepooing with an egg in my hair for about an hour and my hair feels soo much stronger

3. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize - I've focused on moisturizing - every day I use a dab of cantu shea butter anti breakage cream, some vatika oil, some castor oil, and sometimes some NTM. It is much lighter on my hair than using heavy grease but it's keeping my hair so soft with great moisture. I also give a little more tlc to the parts of my hair that were more damaged - for me, the right side of my head was breaking more, so I make sure to focus here. A couple nights of the week, I'll also just section my hair (in about 4 sections) to make sure the moisture is going all throughout
Protein & Moisture. Sealing those ends and babying your new growth. Finger comb if at all possible. Not sure how long you are stretching but I am snapsville after 9 or 10 weeks. Neat manicures and watch the jewlery...everything is a culprit.
I've been dealing with breakage for the past month or so and it has increasingly gotten better. I think my breakage came from lack of protein and too much moisture. I think I was also applying too much product with the baggy method, and needed to clarify.

So I clarified and proceeded to deep condition with a mild to moderate protein 1x per week.

I then follow the protein conditioner with a deep moisturizing conditioner.

Then I apply my leave-in, seal with olive or palm oil and put my hair in plats or large cornrows.

So far, I've noticed a nice improvement. For the fall/winter months, my plan is to keep my hair in small/medium cornrows and take them down every 4 to 6 weeks. I'll be deep conditioning with protein and moisture in between each braid up.
I'm so glad you started this thread, Beana! :) I'd like to offer some advice and encouragement.

I had balding spots at one point after a botched relaxer at the hand of a stylist. :mad: My hair recovered slowly, but I'm hyperaware that my crown area--where I had a quarter-size bald spot--and the front section of my hair is still very fragile. So, for me, consistency is key to keep the weaker structures of my hair and scalp healthy:

--I give myself an intensive pore cleaning one to two weeks after every retouch. The chemicals can stay lodged in the hair follicle where ordinary shampoo cannot always reach. Pore cleaning regularly helps to keep my follicles unclogged. I learned this tip from the excellent stylist that helped my hair recover.

--A weekly infusion of protein. My hair craves the stuff!

--Moisturize like crazy. :spinning:

--Protect hair from the elements. I'm wearing a quick-weave now to keep my hair protected and moisturized from the weather (I'm a Bostonian, too!) This style also reduces manipulation so I have less damage.

--The final thing? I stopped Wrapping my hair. Wrapping my hair almost every night for about 10 years caused my hair's growth pattern to change, exacerbated excessive thinning in the front and crown areas, and damaged my ends. Of course, it took me a while to identify the culprit—I didn’t want to acknowledge that my favorite style was ruining my hair :o—but after I noticed the same thinning and damage pattern in my sister's hair, I could only come to the conclusion that it was the Wrap.

Even after all that time and damage, after just 8 months of not Wrapping my hair in 2005, my hair completely turned around. :) Now, I only Wrap my hair after a wet set if I want a straighter style. Otherwise I just pull it back or braid it at night. Unfortunately, my sister still Wraps her hair every night (she refuses to stop), and I've watched her hair get thinner, and thinner in the front as her scalp shows through, and her crown area is broken off and very weak. She blames every thing else but the Wrap. :sad:

HTH! :)

Hey Legend!

Thanks for all the tips and words of encouragement. My hair definitely needs protein over moisture, i have the fragile combination of fine, dense, 4a hair. People think its thicker than what it is and in the past ive had stylists try to butcher my hair.

What are you using to do the scalp cleanings? sounds like something im definitely interested in and open to doing!

Well thankfully my hair is doing good now, but once not too long ago the hair on the top of my head dropped off from being relaxed and coloured (with bleach) on the same day:ohwell: I put on a full head weave in fact I used the top of an old expensive wig for my closure and just left it alone, I would put Virgin hair fertilizer on it (my scalp)and it grew back pretty full...for my dry(hair) issues a steady regimen including frequent co-washes worked wonders:yep:
I also got a lot of breakage after I tried stretching after an underprocessed touchup. I texlax, so being underprocessed was just not good.

I tried stretching and it just was not working. I got so much breakage.

It stopped as soon as I got a touchup and also corrected the underprocessed sections.
It's not a battle as much as an occasional scrimmage. :) Typically if my hair is breaking it's because I've overdosed on protein and need moisture. When that happens I put conditioner on dry hair, cover with a cap and sit under the dryer for 10-30 minutes. After that I'm usually as right as rain. :yep:
It's not a battle as much as an occasional scrimmage. :) Typically if my hair is breaking it's because I've overdosed on protein and need moisture. When that happens I put conditioner on dry hair, cover with a cap and sit under the dryer for 10-30 minutes. After that I'm usually as right as rain. :yep:

ok, this is completely and totally off subject, but why do people say this " right as rain"? my grandmother and so many other various relatives say this. im like how can rain ever be right? its never right to me, especially when i have on a new outfit, or white shirt or new shoes, or just washed my car, or just got my hair done. :ohwell: :look: ...sorry, i just had to ask :)
ok, this is completely and totally off subject, but why do people say this " right as rain"? my grandmother and so many other various relatives say this. im like how can rain ever be right? its never right to me, especially when i have on a new outfit, or white shirt or new shoes, or just washed my car, or just got my hair done. :ohwell: :look: ...sorry, i just had to ask :)

That's too funny! I heard my grandma's voice as I wrote that. I've been thinking about her a lot lately. :( Anywho, I think it's right if you're a farmer. They grew potatoes. I also feel like the whole world comes alive after a good rain. The air's cleaner, the grass starts growing, flowers bloom, it takes the edge off the heat and if there's a rainbow... I'm in hog heaven *channeling grandma again with that one too* :lachen:
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I'm so glad you started this thread, Beana! :) I'd like to offer some advice and encouragement.

I had balding spots at one point after a botched relaxer at the hand of a stylist. :mad: My hair recovered slowly, but I'm hyperaware that my crown area--where I had a quarter-size bald spot--and the front section of my hair is still very fragile. So, for me, consistency is key to keep the weaker structures of my hair and scalp healthy:

--I give myself an intensive pore cleaning one to two weeks after every retouch. The chemicals can stay lodged in the hair follicle where ordinary shampoo cannot always reach. Pore cleaning regularly helps to keep my follicles unclogged. I learned this tip from the excellent stylist that helped my hair recover.

--A weekly infusion of protein. My hair craves the stuff!

--Moisturize like crazy. :spinning:

--Protect hair from the elements. I'm wearing a quick-weave now to keep my hair protected and moisturized from the weather (I'm a Bostonian, too!) This style also reduces manipulation so I have less damage.

--The final thing? I stopped Wrapping my hair. Wrapping my hair almost every night for about 10 years caused my hair's growth pattern to change, exacerbated excessive thinning in the front and crown areas, and damaged my ends. Of course, it took me a while to identify the culprit—I didn’t want to acknowledge that my favorite style was ruining my hair :o—but after I noticed the same thinning and damage pattern in my sister's hair, I could only come to the conclusion that it was the Wrap.

Even after all that time and damage, after just 8 months of not Wrapping my hair in 2005, my hair completely turned around. :) Now, I only Wrap my hair after a wet set if I want a straighter style. Otherwise I just pull it back or braid it at night. Unfortunately, my sister still Wraps her hair every night (she refuses to stop), and I've watched her hair get thinner, and thinner in the front as her scalp shows through, and her crown area is broken off and very weak. She blames every thing else but the Wrap. :sad:

HTH! :)

How do u do the intensive pore cleaning???
:nicethread: I also have battled with a crappy nape area. Thanks to the board, it is growing and it is healthy. I started babying it, with a lot of moisture and tender care. I relax it last and I think that has been a great help. I always keep it well moisturized. I actually had a little almost-bald spot back there after a bad bout of the flu. That was in the winter and it's gone. I have about 1.5 inches to SL for my nape.

I also used to have bad shedding, which is one of the reasons I found this board. I increased my moisture dramatically, began sealing with oils, deep conditioning weekly, and started using Alter Ego Hot Garlic. No more shedding.
Me. I’m transitioning, and it’s not going so well. I think I’m going to put some braids in because I cannot look at my hair anymore! I’m screaming inside!
what does alter ego cren drops look like and where can I get this? also how do I do the scalp cleaning, because i relaxed my hair a few weeks ago and I am having shredding. Thank you for starting this topic.
Hey Legend!

Thanks for all the tips and words of encouragement. My hair definitely needs protein over moisture, i have the fragile combination of fine, dense, 4a hair. People think its thicker than what it is and in the past ive had stylists try to butcher my hair.

What are you using to do the scalp cleanings? sounds like something im definitely interested in and open to doing!


Sure thing!! It's easy to do, but took me a little practice because you must work fairly quickly. :)

I use Dudley Q’s Scalp and Skin Antiseptic: http://www.dudleyq.com/Products/Haircare/shampoos.html

Honestly, I’m convinced it’s just glorified SeaBreeze, so I would not hesitate to use the mild version as it’s easier to get your hands on. Now, it is mostly alcohol, but had added oils. Still, plan to follow up with a deep moisturizing conditioner. You may be concerned about the alcohol, but trust me, you hair will not be dried out. I’ve done this regularly for 6 years with no problem.

Here’s what I do:

Needed: the antiseptic, cotton balls, cotton strips or headband, rattail comb, plastic cap, hood dryer (or hot towel), clips (to clip hair out of your way while working on sections)

1.) I wrap cotton strips (or a cotton headband) around my head (just to catch any drips from going into my eyes)

2.) I part my hair in 4 sections, clipping those I'm not working on out of my hair.

3.) I squeeze the antiseptic on to cotton balls, and—parting my hair with the rattail—rub the antiseptic into my scalp.

4.) I then pull the plastic cap over my head and sit under a warm dryer for 20 minutes.

5.) Follow-up with a clarifying shampoo and deep moisturizing conditioner.


Now, I looked for other pore cleaning products a while back and I’ve also used the ORS Scalp Scrub http://www.organicrootstimulator.com/products/scalp_scrub.htm a few times, but the jury is still out on it for me as far as use as a pore cleaner. I believe it does exfoliate the scalp, and possibly hepls free trapped hair in follicles, but I don’t think I's use it solely for pore cleaning, so this is something to do separately, if at all.

Needed: ORS Scalp Scrub (comes with measuring scoop, “tooth” brush, mixing cups), baking soda, plastic cap, ORS Uplifting Shampoo, soft tooth brush (the one that comes with the scrub is too rough and unyielding), rattail wide tooth comb, clips

1.) Prepare the ORS Scalp Scrub per package directions (combining the product with baking soda and mixing with the provided cup)

2.) Section and clip hair out of the way

3.) Working fairly quickly, part you hair with the comb and, using a tooth brush, apply the scrub mixture to your scalp. Try to complete within 8-10 minutes.

4.) Cover with the plastic cap for about 15 minutes.

5.) Wash your hair with ORS Uplifting Shampoo. It is a very strong shampoo so, I usually run a little instant conditioner through my hair to loosen up tangles a bit before DCing.

6.) Follow up with a deep moisturizing conditioner, with heat.

HTH!!! :D
Thanks Legend!!!

I'm going to go pick up the seabreeze in mild.. i have a few oils laying around the house i can add to it. I relaxed two weeks ago, and hope i can still get the benefits of the scalp cleaining... I'm VERY excited and (if im not too sloppy with it) can easily see this becoming part of my regulare regimen.

btw, ladies... I am SOOO encouraged, as we all should be! I'm looking forward to these next 6 months of hair growth and will post progress pics.
Thanks Legend!!!

I'm going to go pick up the seabreeze in mild.. i have a few oils laying around the house i can add to it. I relaxed two weeks ago, and hope i can still get the benefits of the scalp cleaining... I'm VERY excited and (if im not too sloppy with it) can easily see this becoming part of my regulare regimen.

btw, ladies... I am SOOO encouraged, as we all should be! I'm looking forward to these next 6 months of hair growth and will post progress pics.

No problem!!! :D I really hope it works for you. I certainly have noticed a huge difference, and I feel good about cleaning chemical residues from my pores.

But, you really don't have to add oil to the mild Sea Breeze because they have oils in it already. That's why the mild doesn't dry out sensitive skin. So, I'm sure you can use it straight out the bottle!

However, if you are concerned about drying, apply the oil to your hair to protect it, but not your scalp or to the product, would be a great solution and a good prepoo. ;)