Who is battling breakage/damage?? and what are you doing about it?

I am definately battling breakage. Don't know if it is the medicines for my hyperthyroidism or the hyperthyroidism itself but my hair broke terribly over the last month. For someone who's hair is short to begin with this was a heck of a blow. To combat it all I started moisturizing a lot more and I got back into having a regimen. The biggest step I took was to have my hair cut today. No at least it is all even or very close to it. Hope it grows lovely from here.
I am, I am! I wish I wasn't though...:nono: Here are my breakage issues:

I have had some mechanical breakage issues on my crown's left side. This is the area of my scalp where the hair texture is wavey and coarse and the rest of my hair is very fine and thin.
It appeared about 4 months ago. My stylist thinks it has something to do with my henna and indigo treatments and recommends I stop, but I LOVE henna. I have changed my mixes and am adding more oils and moisturizing conditioners to them; making glosses instead of regular treatments. I hope this will help. I have too much grey and I don't want to use chemical dyes. I also take extra, extra care in detangling this area and do NOT stretch my touch-ups beyond 7 weeks anymore. Stretching is not for my fragile hair. :nono:

The breakage in my crown has led to less hair overall and aggravates my thinning.
This will only improve when my hair grows back in hopefully. I have had several trims and any length I gained since I joined LHCF has been cut.
I am not too sad though. Shorter hair makes my hail look fuller and thicker. I want length, but I also want my hair to look as full as possible.

My left side is much shorter than my right.
I have started babying that side more with moisture and castor oil. I have also limited the use of ponytail holders and started re-positioning my updos and pony's while using "Good Hair Day's" pins. At night before retiring I section my hair so that no one side is "stressed" while sleeping. Yes, I use a satin night cap (turned inside out so the elastic does not rub my edges) and silk pillowcase.

The sides of my nape are breaking.
See above

Airdrying was contributing to my breakage.
I still airdry mostly, but every other week I blowdry or flat iron with heat protector or rollerset. I have also cut back on product; I was very heavy-handed. I have started using conditioners on dry hair versus wet or damp and then pooing or rinsing. I detangle my hair when damp and not soaking wet.

These are just a few things I have started doing and I have already seen less breakage and shedding. I am doing many other things and hopefully will report back with a happy ending!:yep:
My hair had been breaking and my cousin convinced me the relaxers my stylist was using were too strong for my hair. So, I let her talk me into putting a PCJ no-lye relaxer in my hair. Plus, I started a vitamin regimen following bargello's regimen. I also take Vitamin C, B-12, and B-complex in addition to the laundry list of vitamin's Bargello recommended. I am now almost three weeks post PCJ-Relaxer. My hair has completely stopped shedding and is growing like it has never grown before. If my hair keeps up at it's current rate, I will easily get an inch in a month.

After reading the LCHF lye vs. no-lye relaxer thread, I am convinced that switching to no-lye was the right thing to do. I noticed that whenever I ha breakage, my hair ALWAYS broke from the root. No-lye relaxers, according to the experts on that thread :yep:, are supposed to be easier on your scalp and harder on your hair; while lye relaxers are supposed to be harder on your scalp but easier on your hair. So, I think I really needed something that would be easier on the scalp.

Other than that, I followed my typical regimen:

(1) I wash and condition (moisturizing conditioner + plastic cap + hooded dryer for one hour) my hair twice a week.

(2) I roller set my hair on magnetic rollers and sit under a hooded dryer to dry. This is the only heat I put on my hair (except for when I get my hair wet in the shower--but I will deal with that later).

(3) I roller set my hair every night. If I get my hair wet while taking a shower, I do use a blow dryer to get my hair dry; BUT, I do not take the rollers out until after I blow dry so, once again, the heat is never directly on my hair.

(4) At the midway point between my every eight week relaxers, I do a protein conditioner (protein conditioner + plastic cap + hooded dryer for one hour) on my hair with one of the regularly scheduled wash and conditioner.

I am waiting until the end of the month to add boundless tresses to my regimen. I am trying to see how much my hair gorws without it so I can have a comparison.