Who heats up their Deep conditioner first?


Well-Known Member
Do any of you ladies heat up your deep conditioner (like a hot oil treatment) before you apply it to your head? If so what kind of deep conditioner do you use? How do you heat it up (microwave, in a pot, sit container in hot water, etc)? And have you seen any benefits of using it that way vs. applying it then getting under a dryer? :grin: I wanted to try it this way but thought to ask first.

I never have but it sounds like a good idea. Most people go under the dryer with their deep conditoner. I don't see what the hurt would be to heat it up before you apply it
That sounds like it will burn when applying. If you are going to do it and go under the dryer. I dont see why would you want to heat it up first..................There might be benefits from it idk
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Hmmm...I think that if it is a protein based conditioner that there might be a problem with denaturing the proteins. I am sure someone more expert on the topic will pop in soon though.
I used to do this all the time and loved it, especially for DCs on dry hair. I don't know why I stopped doing it. Of course you don't want it HOT, just warm. It feel really good going on too.

OT: Boingboing, your siggy is just :drool: I swear I'm seasick now :grin:. Beautiful!!!
i'm not sure how beneficial it would be to microwave it. some of the nutrients in the products might be destroyed. but i always deep condition under the heating cap. my hair comes out softer.
I used to do this all the time and loved it, especially for DCs on dry hair. I don't know why I stopped doing it. Of course you don't want it HOT, just warm. It feel really good going on too.

OT: Boingboing, your siggy is just :drool: I swear I'm seasick now :grin:. Beautiful!!!

Thank you lol....

I think i will try it. I love using Elasta QP DPR. I will warm it up and see what happens.
Hmmm...I think that if it is a protein based conditioner that there might be a problem with denaturing the proteins. I am sure someone more expert on the topic will pop in soon though.

I was going to come in and say that. :) This is true. The only heat you want denaturing the protein is the heat from your head or heating cap, dryer, etc.--then the broken down protein can penetrate your hair. But if you heat it before it gets on your head, chances are you've already ruined the protein before it has had a chance to work on your hair.

Even if it is a moisturizing conditioner containing protein, this still isn't a good idea. Protein helps the hair to receive and retain moisture, so a moisturizing condish w/ protein probably has it in order to help the hair to take up the moisture.
I just started microwaving when I added ghee to a dc. My hair felt soooooo good. It is a keeper. Especially now that it is getting cold!
I have this concoction that I make with moisturizing conditioner, aloe vera gel, honey and oil whenever my hair is extra extra dry. I heat it in the microwave, then apply it to my hair and put on my heating cap for awhile. It feels so good going on and seems to work better too! Maybe I'll try heating other moisturizing conditioners too.

This is not about heating conditioner per se, but I would never ever use a protein conditioner with any kind of heating cap....I did once, sort of by accident, and some of my hair fused together!
I have this concoction that I make with moisturizing conditioner, aloe vera gel, honey and oil whenever my hair is extra extra dry. I heat it in the microwave, then apply it to my hair and put on my heating cap for awhile. It feels so good going on and seems to work better too! Maybe I'll try heating other moisturizing conditioners too.

This is not about heating conditioner per se, but I would never ever use a protein conditioner with any kind of heating cap....I did once, sort of by accident, and some of my hair fused together!

Slighty OT - I have heard honey is great for the hair but I am nervous. Is it easy to rinse out?
I do with every wash and my hair loves it! I mix my conditioners and oils in a microwave safe bowl, then warm it up for about 10-15 seconds, just enough to get it warm (if you overheat it, it will turn "soupy").
Then I apply it to freshly washed hair, put on a plastic cap and a hot towel over my head and deep condition for about an hour or more. The heat really helps penetrate the hair shaft, and as a result my hair feels softer and looks shinier.

I prefer this method to the standard heating cap, as a matter of fact my gold n hot heating cap is collecting dust somewhere in my house, lol.
I do with every wash and my hair loves it! I mix my conditioners and oils in a microwave safe bowl, then warm it up for about 10-15 seconds, just enough to get it warm (if you overheat it, it will turn "soupy").
Then I apply it to freshly washed hair, put on a plastic cap and a hot towel over my head and deep condition for about an hour or more. The heat really helps penetrate the hair shaft, and as a result my hair feels softer and looks shinier.

I prefer this method to the standard heating cap, as a matter of fact my gold n hot heating cap is collecting dust somewhere in my house, lol.

I don't undertand how this could be better than a heating cap. How long does the mixture or towel stay warm?
I add honey to all my conditioners :yep:, it's especially good in the ones you heat up a bit. Always leaves my hair super soft and shiny.
I add honey to all my conditioners :yep:, it's especially good in the ones you heat up a bit. Always leaves my hair super soft and shiny.

Word? ok, I have been adding ghee for a while and although i love the results...when I hear people saying, "Mmmm I have a taste for some popcorn..." I know they smell my hair. :drunk: Will do a honey and condish this weekend. :yep: