Who Has That Jesus Glow? Special Glow of His Inside No Matter How Bad Things Are?


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
Sometimes I can be at my very lowest. Feeling that it's only me and no one else in this world could possibly be going through the trials I have. And yet in the midst of all my cares and sometimes saddness, I still have this joy inside of me.

It's a glow that fills me inside, when in my flesh I want to hide from the world and all that's in it. It's a glow that won't go away. It's a peace that stands still and never waivers...it's Jesus.

It's Jesus doing just what He promised; that He would never leave me nor forsake me. That He would be with me in trouble. That surely He has sent me the Comforter...The Holy Spirit of God...That's the glow. The Glow that we all know...Jesus.

Who else has "The Glow"? Please come and share for all the world to know. God bless you. ;)
I've never heard of it referred to as a "glow" which is a beautiful way of putting it by the way, but I admit that when I am at my lowest and dealing with stuff that would normally wear a person down and make them want to lose their mind, I still find a way to maintain a smile on my face and crack jokes and be happy as if nothing is going on. I feel that this joy is definitely Jesus in my soul because sometimes I dont understand myself how I can be so at peace when I have XYZ going on in my life.

About two weeks ago I opened up to a friend about something that I have been going through for years and he was just so amazed at how strong I am and how I am always a bubbly person so he would never expect that I was going through what I revealed to him. I feel that the more trials and tribulations that the Lord delivers you from, the stronger and more faithful you become and you are able to emotionally and spiritually handle future situations better by maintaining a sense of joy, peace, and patience as God brings you through. Ever since my friend has witnessed my strength, it seems as if he is more patient and able to maintain a sound mind as he waits on the Lord to help him through his current situation. So I believe that this "glow" can also be contagious in that some people may look at you and wonder how you can hold up so well in the midst of your trials and they may seek the Lord and ask for the same inner peace and strength that you have been blessed with, and with prayer and faith He will provide them with the same glow. I am already blessed by this thread, thanks Shimmie & God bless you as well!
Peace that passes all understanding....

Yesterday, I found out that someone very near and dear to me had tried to commit suicide....but the news didnt really phase me. I know that I had discerned that in my Spirit and I had prayed against that spirit a few months back....thank God for intercession. Even as she told me about her situation, I knew that if I went to my Heavenly Father in prayer, that He would do something to change it. Dont get me wrong, my heart was burdened but once I prayed about it...I gave it to Him and the burden lifted. There is nothing I can do about the situation anyways and prayer and giving it to Him is the most effective thing that I could do.

I know that means I am on my way to that "glow"...in times past I would have cried profusely, not slept, wept before God and pleaded for him to change things. Well, I just had a peace this time...I said Lord thank you for yielding my heart to intercession and thank you for being a God that answers prayers. Being able to be even in all situations help us to maintain that joy....I thank God that He is helping me to trust Him completely so that I can have that "glow"....I am in training and on my way :)
I do I do.
I'm in the mist of some unsettling things as I type but I still feel the love glow from Jesus. His grace and mercy will prevail and carry me through.

By the way Shimmer I needed this and love you. :)
firecracker said:
I do I do.
I'm in the mist of some unsettling things as I type but I still feel the love glow from Jesus. His grace and mercy will prevail and carry me through.

By the way Shimmer I needed this and love you. :)

We all need this. There's no other way to get through life and all of its 'hits' without that 'Glow.'

Sometimes in the cold winter weather, I have to commute and take the train to work. And even in the coldest of days, I still have that 'Glow' inside, keeping me warm and protected from the harsh cold air.

Then I remember God's loving promise in Psalm 91...

"He covers me with His feathers and under His wings do we trust."

His 'feathers' are 'warm'..."The Glow."

Love you too, "Fire" (you are another 'Glow') :kiss:
I have been told that I have it. May not be as bright all the time but I am working on that.

There's this co-worker of mine that has it. I just sent her an e-card the other day thanking her for reminding me of who I serve. She has a beautiful smile and countenance! It's funny you should post this Shimmie, because I needed to be reminded!
Now, even more, I want to show the 'Special Glow'... that Jesus lives inside of me in the fullness of His love... ;)

I choose to love...in spite of. ;)