Who has ever BC'ed and HATED IT!?!?


New Member
Im just curious to know because it seems like everyone who BC's is literally in love with their hair and so happy with the freedom.

Is there anyone who has BC'ed and wasn't mentally ready and hated it?

I ask this because I am starting to understand what people mean when they are dealing with two textures...and I got it bad. My one year mark will be in August and I do plan on chopping then. The only reason I don't do it now is because I am afraid of having short short hair. I just want alittle more length.

I am afraid in August (or whenever the time comes) to chop, I'm going to hate it.

I know exactly how you feel. I thought I would hate the BC, but now, I love it! I was telling my husband the other day that I might keep it short. It is sooooo convenient. I use Noodle Head and gel to make it curl up and I throw a headband on it, and keep going on about my business. Oh the big loop earrings are a lifesaver too.

BTW...This is a goood question and I can't wait for the responses.
Checking in!! Yes, I did a BC last year, though my hair wasn't very short (it was 4 inches long).

I hated it. I like my hair to be a certain way and for ME, I found that my natural texture wouldn't allow it. I was limited to styles that I didn't care for and I felt very unkempt.

The good side though is that I did learn a lot about my hair and I'm much kinder to it now that I'm relaxed again.
I shaved mine off March 7th, then shaved it off again march 21st. I done it for the best, i kind of enjoyed it. Now i HATE it. I miss my hair, i feel so unfeminine. And walking around ocean drive today didn't help that feeling.
I did the BC in Feb 2006...and I hate it..b/c all my hair is completely natural! All undergrowth baby! So disguise my nappy jungle of hair--i wig it. But I know the chop was for the best b/c my hair desperately needed it and want to grow a healthy, natural full set of hair before I relax again in the fall! Can't wait to return to normal.
i won't say i hated the bc but i wished my hair was longer when i did the big chop. Only because i love to style my hair and with only an inch of hair, my options were very limited! and i was dealing with scab hair and that made dealing with my hair frustrating! my advice would be to big chop when you are comfortable with the length and styling options you will have at that length!
Hello all, I did the big chop in Aug.04', I hated it. By Dec.04 I was relaxing again. My texture was nice I just wanted more length.
I had to transition, my head is enormous and shaped funny, lol, so I knew I could not bc. I am so envious of all the women with the pretty twa's, I would have loved to rock one!
I BCed the end of June 05 and the only thing I hated about it was how short it was. It was easy but I missed being able to do different things with my hair. Funnily enough, now its longer and I kinda miss the old days
virgo_chinwe said:
I did the BC in Feb 2006...and I hate it..b/c all my hair is completely natural! All undergrowth baby! So disguise my nappy jungle of hair--i wig it. But I know the chop was for the best b/c my hair desperately needed it and want to grow a healthy, natural full set of hair before I relax again in the fall! Can't wait to return to normal.
I'm sorry but this post really disturbed me and I had to say something... You hated your hair because it was completely natural? WTH?! And you can't wait to return to normal? What's normal? You were born with natural hair, so the hair you have now is normal. Relaxing doesn't make your hair normal... It's just an option for women who want to wear their hair straight.

Anyway, to answer the question of this thread, I didn't hate my BC. I loved my hair the way it was and was surprised how cute I was with short hair. I didn't like how short the length of my hair was because I was so used to longer hair, but I kept in mind that it will eventually grow back out. ;) But more importantly, I was happy with my decision. Transitioning was a pain. I didn't see the worth in hanging on to the relaxed ends anymore just to have length and especially since my ultimate goal was to be completely natural.
alwayzblessed said:
Hello all, I did the big chop in Aug.04', I hated it. By Dec.04 I was relaxing again. My texture was nice I just wanted more length.
When you said you 'wanted more length', do you mean you wanted to actually see your length straightened out instead of your length shrunken up???... I ask because 'more length' would have eventually came after big chopping to short natural hair...it doesn't stay short forever.
Poohbear said:
I'm sorry but this post really disturbed me and I had to say something... You hated your hair because it was completely natural? WTH?! And you can't wait to return to normal? What's normal? You were born with natural hair, so the hair you have now is normal. Relaxing doesn't make your hair normal... It's just an option for women who want to wear their hair straight.

:eek: :lachen: Whoa calm down now! :lachen:
Poohbear said:
I'm sorry but this post really disturbed me and I had to say something... You hated your hair because it was completely natural? WTH?! And you can't wait to return to normal? What's normal? You were born with natural hair, so the hair you have now is normal. Relaxing doesn't make your hair normal... It's just an option for women who want to wear their hair straight.

Now, I read YOUR post and had to say something. First and foremost: It's not fair for you to question anothers choice on what they decide to with or how they feel about (or view) their hair. I too HATED the texture of my NATURAL hair so I changed it. Whether anyone else approves is of NO concern to me. My hair, my choice.

Obviously having her hair relaxed is NORMAL to her (because that is what she has grown comfortable with) and natural is not. There's a difference between NORMAL and NATURAL.

It is an option, just as being natural is an OPTION.
firecracker said:
:eek: :lachen: Whoa calm down now! :lachen:
LOL, I'm not mad or anything... her post concerned/shocked me, and I'm just trying to understand. I don't get it... did I miss something? Was she just playing when she said that? :confused:
Poohbear said:
I'm sorry but this post really disturbed me and I had to say something... You hated your hair because it was completely natural? WTH?! And you can't wait to return to normal? What's normal? You were born with natural hair, so the hair you have now is normal. Relaxing doesn't make your hair normal... It's just an option for women who want to wear their hair straight.
Poohbear said:
I agree with everything you posted. I was wondering if she was trying to say that being natural is abnormal and the normal thing to do was to relax. I just thought maybe she used the wrong choice of words. But hey it's her head.

Overall this is a great thread because i am transitioning and debating the the BC but I don't think I will like it. I think I am going to wait until I am at a length where I will be able to put my hair in a bun or pony tail since this is what I do with my hair most of the time.
I thought she meant normal as in being able to put the wig away and start styling and wearing her hair out again, I don't know. Anyway, I was BC on twice in my life and I didn't like it, only because in 5min tops you go from hair on your back to barely having any, atleast for me 3in of hair was short compared to what I had. I think that's the hardest part, you get so use to length and certain styling options to what do I do now :eek: . I say think of some styles you'll love to rock if you do BC or just wait it out like your initial intentions were. BTW I was BC on already natural hair.
VWVixxen said:
Now, I read YOUR post and had to say something. First and foremost: It's not fair for you to question anothers choice on what they decide to with or how they feel about (or view) their hair. I too HATED the texture of my NATURAL hair so I changed it. Whether anyone else approves is of NO concern to me. My hair, my choice.

Obviously having her hair relaxed is NORMAL to her (because that is what she has grown comfortable with) and natural is not. There's a difference between NORMAL and NATURAL.

It is an option, just as being natural is an OPTION.
I didn't question her CHOICE now, I only questioned her VIEW of her hair.

And you shouldn't be concerned about whether anyone approves of your choices. I don't care what people think about my hair choices either. I don't see why you even said that because I didn't say anything about being disapproving of her choice.

And I did not say nor imply that NORMAL = NATURAL, so please get that right. I said having natural hair is normal.

But that's fine. Thanks for pointing that out to me about peoples' view of their hair (i.e. hating your hair texture and having relaxed hair is normal). Some hate their natural hair, and some learn to love & accept it... :cool:
BeautifulWideEyes said:
I thought she meant normal as in being able to put the wig away and start styling and wearing her hair out again, I don't know. Anyway, I was BC on twice in my life and I didn't like it, only because in 5min tops you go from hair on your back to barely having any, atleast for me 3in of hair was short compared to what I had. I think that's the hardest part, you get so use to length and certain styling options to what do I do now :eek: . I say think of some styles you'll love to rock if you do BC or just wait it out like your initial intentions were. BTW I was BC on already natural hair.

I think she meant "how she normally wears her hair". We were kinda thinking along the same line.

I just BC'd March 28 of this year. I had about 5-6 inches. I ain't gonna lie, I hated it. It mos def was mental. The texture is nice. It is not all kinky as I thought it would be. I am just not ready to wear it out yet. I am currenlty in a sew-in. I was thinking about relaxing again. My beautician was like "No! We are gonna have so much fun with your hair." I I have been thinking about a straw-set though. I know it will be too cute! I'll be ready at about 10 inches.
I never had a twa because I transitioned for 14 months. After I cut it, I was surprised by the texture of my hair, but really liked it. What I didn't like was the length. I don't like short hair on me. My hair has grown a nice amount since the b/c, but I still consider it short and lately I've been feeling impatient for it to be longer.
VWVixxen said:
Now, I read YOUR post and had to say something. First and foremost: It's not fair for you to question anothers choice on what they decide to with or how they feel about (or view) their hair. I too HATED the texture of my NATURAL hair so I changed it. Whether anyone else approves is of NO concern to me. My hair, my choice.

Obviously having her hair relaxed is NORMAL to her (because that is what she has grown comfortable with) and natural is not. There's a difference between NORMAL and NATURAL.

It is an option, just as being natural is an OPTION.

Can I chime in and say that I hate the natural texture of my hair? I used to feel bad, but now I think about it like this. Just because you were born with a certain feature doesn't mean you love yourself less for changing it. For example, I get my naturally bushy eyebrows waxed and I love it. I shave the hair from my legs and I love having smooth legs. I use special skin products for my natually oily skin and I couldn't be without them. If I am buying in to cultural ideals, then so be it.
caligirl said:
Can I chime in and say that I hate the natural texture of my hair? I used to feel bad, but now I think about it like this. Just because you were born with a certain feature doesn't mean you love yourself less for changing it. For example, I get my naturally bushy eyebrows waxed and I love it. I shave the hair from my legs and I love having smooth legs. I use special skin products for my natually oily skin and I couldn't be without them. If I am buying in to cultural ideals, then so be it.

So are you still transitioning?
ITA with everything that PoohBear posted :clap: BTW OT, but your hair is looking good girl :) And I do not think that anyone is coming down on anyone for their own personal choices for the love of God its just hair, but "I disguise my nappy jungle of hair" is a really disturbing statement :nono:
I was happy with my BC. I was shocked with the length though but when I really think about it, I guess it's not that short. What made/makes me the happiest is the health now...For the first time in a long time I can touch my hair and not have broken bits all over my fingers. It's thick and soft to the touch. Now if I don't moisturize, then we have a problem!
angellazette said:
...For the first time in a long time I can touch my hair and not have broken bits all over my fingers. It's thick and soft to the touch.

Oh I can't wait until I don't have broken pieces and colored pieces of hair all over the place! Well thanks ya'll for responding.

I'm trying to get myself ready for August 25th, mentally. I don't know what I'm so afraid of, I've had short hair (like Fantasia's hair) when I was relaxed and I got soo many compliments. But now I will be natural and quite honestly, I don't see much difference. Short hair is short hair, relaxed or natural. I believe I have some scab hair in the back. It's taking soo long to recover from years of relaxing, breakage etc. It's SO TIGHTLY coiled and stays hard. I constantly moisturize that area, baby it, spray s-curl it and everything. It looks totally different from the rest of my newgrowth. Could it be?
aquarian1252004 said:
ITA with everything that PoohBear posted :clap: BTW OT, but your hair is looking good girl :) And I do not think that anyone is coming down on anyone for their own personal choices for the love of God its just hair, but "I disguise my nappy jungle of hair" is a really disturbing statement :nono:
Thanks aquarian1252004 for your comment and your understanding. Btw, you and your significant other look great in your avatar! Y'all look so happy... and hey, I'm an Aquarius too! :D
Poohbear said:
I'm sorry but this post really disturbed me and I had to say something... You hated your hair because it was completely natural? WTH?! And you can't wait to return to normal? What's normal? You were born with natural hair, so the hair you have now is normal. Relaxing doesn't make your hair normal... It's just an option for women who want to wear their hair straight.

Anyway, to answer the question of this thread, I didn't hate my BC. I loved my hair the way it was and was surprised how cute I was with short hair. I didn't like how short the length of my hair was because I was so used to longer hair, but I kept in mind that it will eventually grow back out. ;) But more importantly, I was happy with my decision. Transitioning was a pain. I didn't see the worth in hanging on to the relaxed ends anymore just to have length and especially since my ultimate goal was to be completely natural.

Wow...I really didn't think my comment would cause such a stir. I really don't like the texture of my natural hair...its so unmanageable and new growth seems to embedded under several layers of even more tightly coiled hair and as it grows it tangles. I can't really expect you to completely understand because its my hair and not yours. I guess in a way..you can think of your comment as someone saying..."ooOOo...that girl really needs a perm/relaxer". And as VWVixen stated...what one chooses to do with their hair...is their option. Regardless...my comment was not meant to offend anyone or reflect self-loathing.
caligirl said:
Can I chime in and say that I hate the natural texture of my hair? I used to feel bad, but now I think about it like this. Just because you were born with a certain feature doesn't mean you love yourself less for changing it. For example, I get my naturally bushy eyebrows waxed and I love it. I shave the hair from my legs and I love having smooth legs. I use special skin products for my natually oily skin and I couldn't be without them. If I am buying in to cultural ideals, then so be it.

Oh ya thanks ladies for your support/comments!

xoxo me!