Who has complemented you on your hair lately???


New Member
My sister, cousin and I was at the movies the other night, and these 2 girls and their friends sat in the row behind us. I heard one girl say "Mmmm, I smell syrup. " Her friend said " Yeah, smells like some ones been to the Waffle House." They couldn't tell where the smell was coming from. I told my cousin what they said. We both started laughing. :lachen:
It wasn't a face to face complement but it was nice to hear.

The next morning I was at the store, and the guy behind the counter, says "something smell like baking, kinda reminds me of my mom baking at Christmas time." I explained it was something I put in my hair. He says "Well keep it up cause it sure smell good." I tell you, that sure made my whole day!:reddancer:

You see, I had made some hair spritz and shea butter mix out of Fenugreek seeds. I had soaked the seeds in water over night. With the water I made a spritz. The mucilage from the seeds, I mixed in my shea butter. I smelled like maple syrup all day! :lick:

So, who has complemented you on your hair lately and why?
My SO...
My best friend...
My mom...
But my cuz was hating big time on my puff! lol
ETA because I wore it out finally
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My daddy, he said "letting that hair grow out I see, it sure is pretty!" Big compliment seeing as though men rarely recognize these things....
I was rushing to class one day when another natural stopped and told me that my hair was gorgeous...:blush:. I was like :giggle: thaaaaanks.
:ohwell: I haven't gotten any compliments lately - most likely cuz it's so BORING. *sigh*

Though, I did have a dude at the cafe almost jump over the counter to smell me - it was the Survivor Detangler in my hair. :lol:
Someone on the board complimented my hair today :bighug:

Yesterday my bf saw my loose, messy, 1 hour twist out (my profile pic) and said he liked the bigger curls, but he likes my little curls even more.
Funny compliments!

A guy friend of mine complimented my fro the other day. Everybody reaches for my fro' (I've gotten over ducking because its near impossible to keep hands away if I know them). The other day he was playing in my fro' and he was like "It's so soft! And it's not greasy. You must take really good care of your hair." I was like :grin: finally someone realizes! LOL.
The other day this week I wore my puff (see avatar) to class...

This little white guy I've been studying with walked into class and the first thing out of his mouth was "I like your hair." And he was really sincere, too so I was flattered. Couldn't keep his eyes off it. I dont blame him, it was all fluffy and soft too... He never says anything about it when its straight. And he never said anything the first time I wore a puff, so I'm guessing I got it right this time around.

I'm making my puff with conditioner instead of gel from now on :yep:.
no one:sad:.
all the people i work with are so used to me having pretty curls every week they hate my wash and go plait/pin up i've been wearing everyday.
all i hear is "when you going to do your hair" or "aww sis (thats what they call me at work) i liked your hair down. wear it down".
I had a family photo taken about a month ago and a friend said my hair looked nice in it.

She may have just been being nice.:lachen:
The other day this week I wore my puff (see avatar) to class...

This little white guy I've been studying with walked into class and the first thing out of his mouth was "I like your hair." And he was really sincere, too so I was flattered. Couldn't keep his eyes off it. I dont blame him, it was all fluffy and soft too... He never says anything about it when its straight. And he never said anything the first time I wore a puff, so I'm guessing I got it right this time around.

I'm making my puff with conditioner instead of gel from now on :yep:.
I quit using gel too, and just use conditioner and shea butter. My afros and puffs come out so fluffy and soft. I have a friend at work that likes to pat it.
I get a lot of strangers asking me if I do hair. :blush3:

This is especially so when I use my Curlformers.
My bestfriend, my mom, my god mother, and alot of people...My "guy friend" :rolleyes: told me that if he didn't have to go to work he'd sit and brush my beautiful hair all day. lol. THEN of course he pissed me off.
The lady in the post office today told me "I see you're wearing my favorite hair style today". That's my regular post office and she likes my defined twist out.

For the same style a couple days ago I was going to the hospital cafeteria and a guy told me he liked my hair.

Last Saturday I was in a men's clothing story with a fluffier twist out and one of the guys told me my hair was beautiful and asked what that style was called. He was cute, too!

Aloof, your puff is looking pretty.

Sareca, your hair is always pretty, people probably have become so accustomed to it looking fire that they don't say it anymore.
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My SO "It's so damn soft, looks like it's growing back too" :rolleyes:
My co workers "It looks good/cute on you"
My cousin "It's sooooo soft, omg, like soo soft" She says this ALL the time:lachen:
A few of my regular customers.
My sister, cousin and I was at the movies the other night, and these 2 girls and their friends sat in the row behind us. I heard one girl say "Mmmm, I smell syrup. " Her friend said " Yeah, smells like some ones been to the Waffle House." They couldn't tell where the smell was coming from. I told my cousin what they said. We both started laughing. :lachen:
It wasn't a face to face complement but it was nice to hear.

The next morning I was at the store, and the guy behind the counter, says "something smell like baking, kinda reminds me of my mom baking at Christmas time." I explained it was something I put in my hair. He says "Well keep it up cause it sure smell good." I tell you, that sure made my whole day!:reddancer:

You see, I had made some hair spritz and shea butter mix out of Fenugreek seeds. I had soaked the seeds in water over night. With the water I made a spritz. The mucilage from the seeds, I mixed in my shea butter. I smelled like maple syrup all day! :lick:

So, who has complemented you on your hair lately and why?

What are those? I've never heard of those before. I want o smell like maple syrup too!!:lick: What does your mix do for your hair?
Nobody. My twin sister's hair is now longer than mine. She gets all the oohhs and aaahhhs. I tuned her into hair care. The student has become the master.
What are those? I've never heard of those before. I want o smell like maple syrup too!!:lick: What does your mix do for your hair?
Here's a link about it. If you do a search you can find alot of info about it.
http://www.fenugreekseed.net/. Here's another good dite.
http://www.nappturality.com/ They have ALOT of helpful info about this also. Just do a search on it.

Their good for hair growth and makes the hair soft. I got them at my local natural foods store. I did alot of research before I used them. Also, I think the scent gets stronger the longer they soak.
I went to a friends' mother's house 2 weeks ago and had 2 pokohontas braids (I was airdrying and it was hot out). I hadn't seen her mom in a few and she was like "you put pieces in your hair and then braided it" and I was like "no I just braided it". She was like "that's not all your hair" and I was like "yes it is". She repeated the statement and again I was like, "yes it is".... like why would I lie considering I used to be a proud weavequeen for years. Anyway, she finally mumbled something and kept staring all up in my scalp. I guess that was a compliment :rolleyes:.
The Dominican stylist I went to told me I had "good" hair. lol I considered it a compliment, but she probably enjoyed doing my hair b/c it was short and relaxed, unlike the long-haired, curly-haired usual customers.

Oh, and one of my guy friends loved my blowout style. He was like, "Did you get a fresh perm?"
oooh, the other day after talking out my braids, washing, dc-ing, and blowing it out, and flat-ironing it to trim my ends, everyone in my family couldn't stop staring at my huge, puffy hair! They were like mesmerized! I guess its cuz they haven't seen it out like that in so long and its now longer than its ever been! I loved the attention lol!
Yesterday, I was at the dentist's office. He (the dentist who is middle eastern) sits down to get to work and before he does he says, "your hair is beautiful" I said "Thank you" He repeats while looking at it, "It's just so healthy and beautiful..."

I had it in a curly wash and go and I was like :grin: at that compliment.